Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • Babiya, Nepal – Believers from the Behelwa Brethren in Christ (BIC) Church were eagerly waiting for the day to worship the Lord in a newly constructed concrete church building. Hundreds, including leaders from neighbouring churches and the BIC Executive Board, gathered 30 November, 2012 for a dedication service.

    Cynthia Peacock of India, chair of the Mennonite World Conference Deacons Commission, was the chief guest. After a reading from Psalm 100:1-5 and a dedication prayer, she unveiled the stone plate fixed on a wall outside of the church and then opened the door for everyone to enter into the building.

    Ramesh Soren, the pastor, welcomed all the participants and gave a special welcome to Cynthia Peacock and her sister Georgiana. He also expressed his gratitude to God and to the Deacons Commission for prayer and financial assistance to construct the church building through the Global Church Sharing Fund.

    The dedication service began by singing, praising and worshipping the Lord, led by the youth group of Salakhpur BIC Church. Cynthia Peacock conveyed greetings from César García, MWC General Secretary and the Deacons Commission. She then shared the Word of God from scripture portions such as 1Peter 2:4-5; Ephesians 2:19-22 and Ephesians 2:1-5. She encouraged the congregation to continue to bring glory to God through worship, witness, fellowship and service. As a church community and living stone built on the solid rock of Jesus Christ, she emphasized, we need to build up the kingdom of God by sharing and caring for each other’s spiritual, emotional and physical needs and also becoming a relationship building community inside and outside of the church.

    The Babiya BIC Church is one of the village churches among the Santal community close to the city of Biratnagar in eastern Nepal. The church was started in a house of Mongal Soren two decades ago during the monarchy when preaching the Gospel and conversion was illegal. Mongal Soren was a well-known witchdoctor in the area before he became a believer in Jesus Christ.

    After a few months, 15 people from his village accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and were baptized. In spite of persecution and restriction from the government, the number of believers continued to increase. Now there are over hundred participants, including children, in the church worship service. Later, after two years of theological training later, Mongal’s nephew, Ramesh Soren, became the pastor of the church.

    Initially, the congregation met in the open in the yard of the pastor’s house. Later they built a mud house but it collapsed in a strong storm. They repaired the church and again after one year it collapsed. It was very difficult for them to meet especially during rainy season. So they decided to purchase the land and construct a concrete church building.

    They collected some of the money and also received some funds from the BIC Church Nepal Conference. Even then it was not enough to purchase the land and construct the church building. When they received funds from the MWC Global Church Sharing Fund through the BIC Nepal Conference, they were excited to begin the work. They purchased the land beside the village and started the construction work.

    Unfortunately before the work was completed, Mongal Soren and two other elderly people of the church who were so zealous to have the concrete building went to be with the Lord in everlasting home. Howewver, under the leadership of Ramesh and other local church committee members, the construction work was successfully completed. Please continue to uphold the congregation to carry out God’s mission through various activities of the church.

    From a report by Shemlal Hembrom, chair of the Nepal Brethren in Christ Church and a member of the Mennonite World Conference Deacons Commission

  • Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, Mexico – Josefina (Chepina) Rempening Diaz, her sister and two nieces were found dead on December 14 as victims of violence. They were on their way to the funeral of a relative in Guauchochi, a village in the mountains southern of Chihuahua.

    She pastored Ebenezer Mennonite Church with her husband, Walter Rempening, president of the Evangelical Missionary Conference of Mexico (CEMM) of Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua. Chepina was also a music teacher in the Mennonite elementary school Alvaro Obregon.

    On Sunday December 16 a memorial service was held in Blumenau Mennonite Church, honouring the four women, although only Chepina was from the Mennonite church. Despite the large size of the church building, space was insufficient for the number of people present. The brother who led in prayer asked God to remove all feelings of anger from the hearts of those present.

    Walter shared a memorial tribute of Chepina’s life, emphasizing her strong commitment to God, her efforts against the sin in her own life, and her ability to forgive and ask for forgiveness. He said: “She put herself in service; her joy was serving others, serving God, and being a blessing to others. This is how she overcame sin and took it out of her life.”

    He talked a lot of about his wife’s love, noting, “Her love didn’t stay at home, she loved God above all else. I was always aware that I was in second place, and I loved it, because only the love of God flowing through Chepina was what enabled her to love so much.”

    Walter’s tribute ended with a message for men, encouraging them to love their wives deeply, saying, “we are wrong when we stop striving to love them, when do not honor them, when we do not serve them.”

    Colleagues and friends, Victor Pedroza and Ofelia García commented, “She was a woman who served, a committed, strong Christian, her love for the Lord and his work was undeniable.

    “Now we ask that love, faith and hope deepen within us and towards those who have no hope. From pain and deep indignation at such an atrocious and violent event, as Anabaptist Mennonites we declare ourselves for peace and nonviolence in the way Jesus taught us. We hope that in addition to expressing our condolences to the bereaved, we peacemakers reflect and are challenged to continue to build networks of support and action in this regard.”

    Representatives of CEMM participated in the assembly of IAMUM (United Anabaptist Mennonite Church of Mexico) in August with the theme, “Being and doing as churches working for justice and peace.” For more information: and

    From reports by Ofelia García of Mexico, a member of the Mission Commission of Mennonite World Conference.



  • Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam – Four years after completing official registration with the government, leaders of the Vietnam Mennonite Church met November 21-22, 2012 to review their work and to project ministries for the next four years.

    The conference was held at the Cong Doan Hotel in the city’s Binh Thnh district, the area where the Mennonite church was established in the early sixties. Around 300 persons attended this invitation-only conference. These included ordained and licensed pastors, worship groups from several congregations, representatives of government agencies, and international visitors.

    The first hour of the opening session was an inspirational worship of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Choirs and dancing groups came from Stieng and Bahnar ethnic minority groups as well as the Vinh Long and the local Binh Thanh congregations. The churches’ pastors sang the song “How Great Thou Art.”

    After Pastor Nguyen Quang Trung, the church’s president, declared the formal opening of the conference, he introduced Nguyen Thanh Xuan, the vice-chairman of the government’s Committee of Religious Affairs. In his ten-minute address, Dr. Xuan noted that the government has granted legal status to 40 religious groups, including 10 Protestant or Evangelical groups. Calling Vietnam Mennonite Church “a peace church,” he said it “has influence” beyond its numbers.

    In his address, Pastor Trung gave thanks to God that the government has created conditions for the church to develop these past four years. He cited the five-year pastoral training program involving 20 students, with a teaching staff of four local and six international teachers. He also noted the ordination of 29 pastors in March 2010, and the beginning of a second term of a three-year theological training program for 35 lay leaders. The training programs are also offered in several regional areas.

    Trung reported on social programs of the church: assisting poor children to go to school, arranging for medical assistance, and emergency assistance in times of floods and other natural disasters.

    Trung said that there are 8,000 persons affiliated with the Vietnam Mennonite Church, of whom more than 6,000 are baptized. The church has 90 congregations with 138 credentialed leaders in three cities and in fifteen of the countries fifty-eight provinces. He noted that the church became the 99th member of Mennonite World Conference at the Paraguay gathering July 2009.

    At the end of his presentation, the president invited the assembled persons to stand and together read Romans 14:8, the theme of the conference: “If we live, we live to the Lord; if we die, we die to the Lord. So whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s!”

    Special guests were introduced. Besides the vice chair of the government’s religious committee, there was representation from the city’s People’s Committee, security police, and Vietnam Fatherland Front. The Adventist Church and Southern Baptist Church were represented.

    Gerry Keener and Ryan Umble represented Eastern Mennonite Missions. William and Joann Sommers Love, representing Mennonite Central Committee, brought greetings. Former missionary Luke Martin and Wilmer Martin, leaders of a TourMagination group visiting Vietnam, brought greetings. The tour group had worshipped with the Hoi An Mennonite Church the previous Sunday.

    Most of the church’s congregations meet in homes. Only five of the congregations have been able to buy property and build meeting places. The church continues to ask the Committee of Religious Affairs and the Ho Chi Minh People’s Committee to provide land so the church can build a church center in Ho Chi Minh City to replace the property confiscated in 1976.

    Nguyen Quang Trung was re-elected president of the church for the next quadrennium, and Huynh Minh Dang chosen general secretary.

    There is a second Mennonite group in Vietnam with a similar number of church members. Although not yet registered nationally, many of these congregations are registered locally.

    Release by Luke Martin

  • St. Jacobs, Ontario – After four and a half years in various Mennonite World Conference staff roles, Bert Lobe will complete his service at the end of 2012.

    Lobe was first appointed in May 2008 as the MWC Global Church Advocate in North America. He provided leadership in the restructuring and administration of the Global Church Sharing Fund within the Deacons Commission and was also involved with fundraising activities leading up to the 2009 MWC Assembly in Paraguay.

    In the fall of 2009, Lobe was appointed as the North American Representative, which involved nurturing relationships with MWC members in North America. He had a continuing role in fundraising, related to the MWC Asia Caucus and served as liaison with Mennonite Central Committee along with other responsibilities.

    “I believe the church is the best movement and institution we have!” commented Lobe. “I believe that the church is a primary vehicle for the redemption of the human community, an authentic demonstration of community which provides both hope and immense joy, along with moments of utter despair. I believe that the mystery and comprehensive wisdom of Christ is best made known through the church and this is our treasure.”

    Lobe added: “Think about it – we are one people who speak in hundreds of voices but we are united as a people around one message, shaped by hundreds of contexts and experiences which animate our ever growing understanding of God.”

    “It is hard to express in a couple of sentences our gratitude for what Bert has done,” commented César García, MWC General Secretary. “His energy and initiative, along with his emphasis on the church as central to the God’s salvation project, made of him a respected leader in many circles.”

    García added: “Bert’s commitment to the global church went beyond his required responsibilities. Only a person who understands his work as God’s calling is able to do so. It is our prayer that the new stage in Bert’s life allows him to be a vehicle of God’s grace for many people. May joy and peace be a constant on his years ahead!”

    Lobe expressed appreciation for the opportunity to work within MWC. “Be assured of my strong support into the future,” he added.

    MWC release

  • Bogota, Colombia – Lynn Roth of Harrisonburg, Virginia, has been appointed as the North American Representative for Mennonite World Conference beginning part time in January 2013.

    The appointment was announced by César García, MWC General Secretary. “Lynn’s international experience plus his years of service in Mennonite institutions and churches in North America make him an excellent representative,” said García.

    “His knowledge of and love for our churches, as well as his academic and management background will enrich our global community and facilitate our vision of building a global and and interdependent community that bears witness to Christ.”

    Roth is currently Executive Director of the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University, a position he has held since 2007. He will continue in that position until June 2013 as he begins his assignment with MWC.

    Prior to his work at EMU, Roth served with Mennonite Central Committee in a variety of positions: 18 years as Executive Director of MCC East Coast, four years as co-country representative for Mennonite Ministries in Botswana, and other assignments.

    Roth is originally from California. His undergraduate degree from Fresno Pacific University was in Political Science. He has a Masters in Social Work from Fresno State University.

    Roth and his wife, Kathleen, are members at Community Mennonite Church in Harrisonburg, VA. They have four adult children.

    “I have always felt a strong call to the ministry of the worldwide church,” commented Roth. “It is exciting to have the opportunity to work with the North American church as it engages with the worldwide community of believers.”

    With his appointment, Roth succeeds Bert Lobe, who has served as MWC North American representative since 2008.

    MWC release

  • German translation pending

  • Awassa, Ethiopia – The Meserete Kristos Church (MKC) hosted the 16th annual meeting of the International Missions Association (IMA) in Awassa, Ethiopia, September 18-26, 2012, on the beautiful shores of Lake Awassa.

    The IMA consists of 22 Anabaptist groups dedicated to fellowship, prayer and fasting, information sharing, resourcing, and partnership for global mission, especially in places where the church is weak or nonexistent. Eighty percent of the IMA members also belong to Mennonite World Conference (MWC).

    MKC chose Awassa for the 2012 meetings because it is a large regional center on its growing southern edge. The largest Anabaptist communion in the world, MKC has more than 230,000 baptized members in 726 local churches and 846 new church plants.

    IMA President Yesaya Abdi from PIPKA, the mission arm of the Muria Synod of Indonesia (GKMI), opened the meetings with a meditation on Ezekiel 47:1-5, “Moving by the Spirit.”

    “Entering into Jesus’ ministry is not about what we do for him but allowing him to do what he wants through us,” said Abdi as he spoke about being ankle deep in the river of God. Moments later, he spoke of being knee deep in the river and simultaneously distributed a prayer booklet containing significant facts about each of the 54 countries of Africa. He challenged the 48 international participants to pray for Africa throughout the meetings.

    But he didn’t stop there. In describing what it means to be waist deep in the river, Abdi told the story of someone who was being discouraged from giving too sacrificially. In response the person pleaded, “Please give me the chance to feel the hurt of giving!”

    Moved by the sacrificial giving of others, the Indonesians brought a computer to donate to the Tanzanian Mennonite Church whose offices had recently been burglarized – even though PIPKA also needed a new computer.

    Yemiru Tilahun, director of missions for MKC, challenged the group to be compelled by the Holy Spirit rather than by their cultures, past experiences, busy schedules, the people around them, finances, or the contexts in which they find themselves.

    “Culture is often more powerful than Jesus,” he said. “That’s why many of you are hesitating to eat injera [Ethiopian flat bread]! But the Holy Spirit is always compelling us to be free from our culture.”

    The next day there was a noticeable rise in the consumption of injera!

    Special features of the IMA annual meetings are the Holy Spirit in Mission Conference (HSIM) short-term ministry trips to mission locations in the hosting country, and strategic conversations for partnership and best practice in mission.

    Local MKC leaders had planned a series of seven public evangelistic rallies as part of the HSIM Conference. The mayor of Awassa gave permission to hold the rallies in the large central sports arena, and at the final meeting it was estimated that more than 4,000 people were in attendance. One hundred forty people came to faith in Jesus during the rallies.

    Henry Mulandi, director of African Christian Mission International (ACMI) of Kenya, spoke in the first evening rally. Mulandi noted that the Ethiopian word injera sounds like “the way” in his Kenyan Swahili. “Let’s feast on ‘the way!’” he said, using John 14:6 – Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life.

    In the final rally, hundreds of people danced with abandon in praise to God. The meeting could hardly be stopped as the fervent praise went on and on. Choir B, an MKC choir from Addis Ababa which has served the church since 1973, led the worship.

    “These meetings are not a flash in the pan,” said Tilahun Beyene, coordinator of the IMA and former MKC church leader. “IMA energizes the church for mission wherever we meet, and Awassa is no exception. Local leaders are already making plans for future public rallies.

    Outside the large rallies, the Awassa meetings also gave birth to stimulating reflection. Nelson Okanya, EMM president with roots in Kenya, called the group to reflect on the relationship between mission and church. “As a mission entity, how do you relate with the local church? The North American church is trying to re-discover its missional soul. Is there a way for a mission agency to help with that rediscovery?”

    Relation of church and mission

    Okanya’s questions led to vigorous discussion about the mission structures of the IMA member groups. In some, there is almost no difference between church and mission. Javier Soler, mission leader in Amor Viviente (AV) Honduras noted, “From the beginning, mission was part of the DNA of Amor Viviente. For us, mission and church are the same. We don’t distinguish them organizationally. But now we need to insure that we don’t lose that initial missionary DNA.”

    In another pattern, some churches have developed departments of missions. MKC is one such. “Our department gets a lot of our funds from donors,” said Yemiru Tilahun, director. “To be frank, it’s not perfect. Administration is not always smooth. The budgeting and activity have to go parallel with other activities of the denomination. Should we create a more separate agency for greater effectiveness and efficiency?”

    MKC has recently begun promoting church-wide giving for missions at the rate of one birr [unit of Ethiopian currency] per member per month, and he finds this encouraging.

    A third major pattern for some IMA members is that of a mission agency which functions under the authority of a board established by the church. This tends to create greater separation between “mission” and “church” than do the other two. EMM North America, PIPKA Indonesia, and ACMI Kenya fall into this category. This mission agency/church distinction not infrequently creates tension between mission structures and other church structures.

    Okanya noted, “In the west, the evangelical church has seen the mission task as primarily a sending activity. We have set up specialist structures to guide our sending activities. Local churches have had very little to do with the mission task beyond releasing workers and finances so the specialist structures could do their specialized work. But now the local church is re-claiming its mission.”

    Is one pattern better than the others? In discussion, members returned frequently to IMA’s historic stance. “We affirm diversity in mission structures,” said Richard Showalter, IMA president emeritus and chair of MWC’s mission commission. “Mission is an integral expression of every faithful church just as church is an integral expression of every faithful mission. But God is infinitely creative in the choices of structures for mission.”

    David Shenk, IMA resource person and global consultant for EMM, led a series of mentoring sessions for younger mission leaders on the subject of Christian witness among persons of other major world religions. “I’m going back home with a new understanding of how to reach out to my neighbors,” said a Kenyan mission leader. “My ministry has been transformed, and I have a new life goal.”

    James Krabill, Mennonite Mission Network leader and MWC Global Mission Fellowship planner, enjoyed his first visit to Ethiopia and the IMA. He joined Nelson Okanya in leading a workshop and led the group in rousing West African worship.

    SIDEBAR: South-to-south support grows

    In the IMA members’ assembly, coordinator Tilahun Beyene highlighted the support which comes regularly from IMA members such as PIPKA Indonesia and Amor Viviente Honduras. Referring to PIPKA, he noted that this year they gifted MKC in Ethiopia with seven brand new laptops.

    A few minutes later President Abdi clarified that the seven computers were not from PIPKA as an organization, but came was a gift from his congregation, Anugerah Mennonite Church of Jakarta.

    Abdi added, “I also told the church about a need God had placed on my heart for a vehicle for the mission work of MKC. So before coming to Ethiopia we also raised money to buy a van for them. God provided the van through the local church and its mission agency PIPKA!”

    It was a holy moment. Yemiru Tiluhun, mission director for MKC, could hardly believe his years. Just weeks earlier he had written to a western friend in IMA to share the desperate need for a vehicle for MKC missions. “I administer 140 missionaries on behalf of the churches,” he said, “but I am reduced to being a pedestrian. Please pray with me. We need a car.”

    A group of six Indonesians had accompanied Abdi to the meetings, enjoying the international fellowship and experiencing the Ethiopian church.

    Witnessing this south-to-south interchange, Richard Showalter, chair of the mission commission of MWC and IMA coach, said, “From its beginning IMA was formed to be a group of peers in mission‚Äînorth, south, east, and west coming together. It’s thrilling to see that happen before our eyes. We might have expected funds for a vehicle to come from Europe or the United States, but God provided from the south!”

    Beyene also recognized EMM for its generous support of IMA. “Even during the hard times from 2008-2011, EMM did not restrict the support it gave to IMA. Every year EMM budgets $15,000. Not only that, but as our nesting agency EMM’s services are used freely. They also give quarter-time support for me as coordinator,” he said.

    SIDEBAR: Missional Stories

    As always at IMA gatherings, stories and testimony dominated both the formal and informal conversations. Pastor Tetty Sinulingga of Indonesia said, “I was a government worker, and I loved my job. It was a good one. But after 15 years God spoke to me to leave it. This meant giving up my future. God spoke to me through Numbers 20, “Speak to the rock, and water will come out.” That gave me courage to resign from my job and work for God full time.” Since then Sinulingga, a PIPKA missionary, has planted numerous churches in Sumatra.

    Bishop Henry Mulandi of Kenya described a Kenyan missionary, Benson, or “Desert Boy” who was trained in an ACMI school. “After leaving school he started planting churches among the Turkana, (a nomadic desert tribe). Now he has 550 churches that meet under trees. My recent trip to visit Benson was unforgettable‚ÄîI’ve never seen such churches, such joy.” Mulandi said these young Turkana churches are now also sending their own missionaries to neighboring tribes.

    At the end of the IMA meetings, Paul Kimani, an ACMI missionary from Kenya to South Sudan, shared a story from his IMA ministry team just that week. When they ministered in a village about 50 miles outside of Awassa they met a man who followed them from the town center to the church. He sat in the back, but at the altar call came forward to give his life to Jesus.

    The man shared his story with the IMA team: “My village is six kilometers away. Just now I’m coming from prison in Awassa. I was in prison because I killed two people and two horses. I was returning from prison for revenge.

    “I was going to kill all the members of my family because they didn’t visit me in prison. But now, something has changed in my heart. I have never before knelt for anyone, this was the first time. I’m going back home now. I’m going to tell my family, ‘If you kill me, okay, but I am a changed person.’”

    MWC distribution of news release by International Missions Association

    Photo: International guests and participants at the recent IMA meetings in Awassa, Ethiopia, pose with hand woven stoles from their Ethiopian hosts. Photo by Javier Soler

    Word count: 1,976

  • Cuttack, IndiaIndian and Asian women theologians officially formed two networks on October 26, 2012, at the All India Mennonite Women Conference (AIMWC) in Cuttack, India.

    Twenty women theologians participated from India, Indonesia, Japan and Nepal. Following the declaration of formation, Rev. Yukari Kaga of Hokkaido, Japan, preached about hope and self-confidence in the midst of suffering and loss.

    Rev. Rachel Bagh, assistant professor at Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, India, initiated the formation of an India Mennonite Women Theologians network, while Cynthia Peacock, with the approval of the MWC Asia Caucus, initiated the Asia Anabaptist Women Theologians network. Both Bagh and Peacock took the opportunity to form these networks at the time of the All India Mennonite Women Conference, where women theologians from India, Nepal, Japan and Indonesia would be present.

    Peacock explained, “While the program was conducted in a manner where all were present together, in reality they are now two networks that will begin working separately, though Indian women will be part of the Asian network.”

    Bagh noted, “It is high time that theologically trained women get organized in India. Africa and Latin America have women theologian networks, but we have not had one. We want to learn from other women in the world.”

    “Our dream needed a channel to be fulfilled,” Bagh said. While studying in the peacebuilding program at Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, Va., Bagh received support through Mennonite Women USA’s International Women’s Fund for church leadership training for women. When MW USA co-director Rhoda Keener visited with her in Virginia in 2008, Bagh shared with Keener her dream of establishing a network for Indian women theologians.

    In 2010, Mennonite World Conference commissioned Cynthia Peacock, chair of the MWC Deacons Commission, to promote a network for Asian women theologians. Peacock and Keener both contacted Bagh in 2008, encouraging her to begin the formation of a network.

    A steering committee then developed the mission, vision, criteria and activities of the proposed networks. Elisabeth Kunjam, youth leader and former student at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, Ind., said, “The birth of these networks is a dream come true for me in working toward empowerment of women.

    Rev. Wara Adiati of Indonesia said, “If women theologians can connect with each other, we can support each other and be better equipped to serve.”

    Peacock stated, “I believe and hope that this is opening doors for women to become more involved in the church and to use their gifts for the extension of God’s kingdom and to help people experience spiritual growth.”

    The mission of the Indian and Asian women theologians: to empower, enable and utilize gifts and skills of theologically trained women; and to equip, edify and build the body of Christ in God’s reconciliation and healing ministry in and through the church, to the society.

    To be part of the networks, women must have had theological training or studied for a minimum of six months through any recognized college or seminary either by residential study or extension. The organization will seek recognition as a group from Mennonite World Conference in the near future.

    News release by Mennonite Women USA

    Additional photo available:
  • Nairobi, Kenya – Mennonite bishops from Kenya and Tanzania formed a mission board during their annual meeting, held in August at the Mennonite Guest House. “We are no longer churches which just receive missionaries, but churches which send missionaries,” the church leaders stated.

    EMM has a 78-year history of working with churches in East Africa. “It is immensely satisfying to see this expression of the churches’ maturity and passion for missions,” said Aram DiGennaro, EMM’s regional representative for East Africa.

    The new mission board, named International Mennonite Mission of East Africa, or IMMEA, reflects the bishops’ conviction that East Africans have what it takes to do missions on their continent.

    Leaders agreed that their churches must become more overtly missional. Their first step will be to create a missions training program.

    To stimulate passion for missions, the leaders are introducing the concept of a “Year of Service for Christ” into their churches, with a goal to train 100 people as disciple-makers by the end of 2013.

    A committee of three – Bishop Philip Okeyo and Pastor Rebecca Osiro of Kenya Mennonite Church, and Bishop Christopher Ndege of Tanazania Mennonite Church – will take responsibility for the ongoing development of IMMEA. Both churches are members of Mennonite World Conference.

    From EMM release by Debbi DiGennaro

  • “A story of inspiration, courage and grace of God that gives life and growth to the seed that really wants to do God’s will.” These are the words that Peter Stucky used to describe a Venezuelan Mennonite group which recently invited him to teach a course in its seminary program.

    Stucky, a Mennonite pastor and church leader from Bogota, Colombia, taught a course in “Radical Anabaptist Theology and Latin American Theology” in September to 38 students at a seminary on Margarita Island, Venezuela. The seminary carries the name of John Driver, a former pastor and mission worker in Latin America.

    According to Stucky, a Venezuelan leader, Erwin Mirabel, persevered with the Anabaptist vision which he had begun to learn in 1987 at a teaching session with John Driver. “The seed was planted and the Anabaptist plant continued to grow and establish roots in different ways.”

    Over the years, Mirabel provided leadership to the establishment of theological formation programs for leaders and four congregations have adopted that vision. In 2009, this group of congregations, known as Iglesias Evangélicas Menonitas del Oriente (Eastern Evangelical Mennonite Churches), obtained legal status.

    Stucky recalled hearing about struggles within Venezuelan Mennonite churches when he attended a 2004 meeting of Andean Anabaptists. He attributed the signs of new life to the power of the resurrection of Christ. “Resurrection power is manifested when it seems that all is lost…God raises the dead to vindicate them in ways that are unexpected and incomprehensible from a human perspective.”

    Mirabel is now setting sights on Caracas to search for former members of the Mennonite churches that functioned in the area – churches originally founded by Eastern Mennonite Missions. He is enlisting the help of the Colombian church to realize these plans. Further, Iglesias Evangélicas Menonitas del Oriente is exploring associate membership with Mennonite World Conference.

    MWC release

  • Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico—Delegates from the six national church conferences that form Iglesia Anabautista Menonita Unida de México (IAMUM, United Anabaptist Mennonite Church of Mexico) gathered here August 2–5 for their third assembly. The meeting drew nearly 120 participants from around Mexico as well as from Colombia, the U.S. and Canada.

    Ricardo Esquivia, a Mennonite peace leader from Colombia, provided biblical teaching and reflection on the theme ”Be and Act as a Church that Works for Justice and Peace.”

    Much of the teaching was focused on the church’s call within contexts of violence. “If we do nothing against violence, we are responsible for the violence that exists,” said Esquivia, whose work has put his own life in danger.

    Delegates committed themselves to two goals: working together toward having an official, united voice both inside the church and in relation to the broader Mexican government and society; and developing ways to support victims of violence and help prevent violence.

    The IAMUM delegates also recognized a need for a deeper understanding of their own history and Anabaptist theology as essential for the living of one’s faith.

    From IAMUM reports

  • Kitchener, Ontario—Arli Klassen of Kitchener, Ontario began serving as Development Manager for Mennonite World Conference (MWC) beginning October 1, 2012.

    Until May or June of 2013, she will work half time with responsibilities for MWC fundraising and donor relations in North America. Then her role could become full time with fundraising responsibilities not only in North America but also in other parts of the world.

    “I am passionate about the global church,” commented Klassen. “We don’t understand God fully,” she added, “until we get to know people from other cultures and hear about their understanding of God.”

    “It’s not enough to relate to other cultures within your own city,” said Klassen. “We need to learn from other cultures in their own distinct and different settings.”

    Her leadership positions with Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) for the past 12 years have given Klassen many opportunities to be in contact with parts of the global church. From 2008 through March of 2012, she served as MCC Executive Director, based in Akron, Pennsylvania. While in this position, she represented MCC at the annual meeting of the MWC Executive Committee.

    When announcing Klassen’s appointment, César García, MWC General Secretary, said he was pleased and excited to have her join the staff team. “When I met Arli several years ago, her interest in walking with those who suffer in the global church impacted me. I remember her arriving at an MWC meeting with a clear position about a decision to be made there. However, during the discussion she was sensitive to the diversity of global voices. She was able to build new ways and possibilities as a result of such intercultural exchange. Her availability to listen to the global church and her interest in it is something I appreciate and welcome in our global family.”

    Klassen’s earlier experience includes eight years (1999-2007) as Executive Director of MCC Ontario, Assistant Director of the MCC Africa Program, Connecting Peoples Resource Person with MCC and a time of service in Lesotho, Africa.

    “I had dabbled in fundraising in my Executive Director work,” commented Klassen. She said that since leaving her position with MCC, she had been looking for a fundraising role with some organization that matched her interests and commitments.

    Klassen said she is looking forward to talking with people about the value and importance of global relations which are made possible through MWC—not only through the large assemblies every six years but through many other points of contact. “We need each other,” she emphasized.

    MWC release