
Joy in the Spirit

Songs, testimonies and biblical reflection celebrate the Holy Spirit at Renewal 2027 As a local band played “You are the most high God,” international guests from the global Anabaptist family swayed and sang at this year’s Renewal 2027 “The Holy... 더 보기

Sitshokuphi Sibanda: a pioneering church planter

One of the earliest Brethren in Christ (BIC) women in Zimbabwe who was involved in church planting work and in preaching the gospel in the early years was Sitshokuphi Sibanda.더 보기

닐리 모트슈아: 하던 일을 멈추고 들으십시오 – 명령하는 선생님

Renewal 2027 testimony: Anabaptists today Renewal 2027 is a 10-year series of events organized by Mennonite World Conference’s Faith and Life Commission to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the beginnings of the Anabaptist movement. This series... 더 보기

Eun Hunki: Choosing to follow the way of Jesus

His life was not easy, but he never failed to carry the spirit of Jesus that the Mennonites taught him through his vocational school years in 1950–60s. After graduation, he studied dairy farming and finally moved to Hokkaido, Japan, to live with his... 더 보기

Elsbeth and Balthasar Hubmaier

What was it like for a Christian who defends the state’s use of force to have the force used against him? Or for a wife, after her husband’s imprisonment and torture, to watch as he is burned at the stake? Or, three days later, for her to be tied to... 더 보기

The Bible still speaks, say Renewal 2027 speakers

Augsburg, Germany – Regional Anabaptists and leaders from around the world gathered 12 February 2017 for “Transformed by the Word: Reading Scripture in Anabaptist Perspectives,” the first in a 10-year series of events called “ Renewal 2027 ”... 더 보기

The next 500 years of Anabaptism

Bogotá, Colombia – Tremendous change rocked the Western church 500 years ago as successive groups discovered new things about God through Scripture and separated from the Roman Catholic church. Renewal 2027 is a framework for a 10-year series of... 더 보기

Renewal decade commemorates 500th anniversary

Bogotá, Colombia – On 12–19 February 2017, Anabaptist-Mennonites from around the world will gather in Augsburg, Germany, to celebrate the opening event of Renewal 2027 in conjunction with meetings of the Mennonite World Conference Executive... 더 보기