
500th anniversary website revealed

“Anniversaries are a time to stop and reflect: we remember where we have come from, consider who we are today and anticipate where God is calling us to be,” says César García, MWC general secretary. “The courage to love” is the theme for Mennonite... 続きを読む

Courageous choirs sing of love in Zurich

Anabaptist Christians in a predominantly Muslim neighbourhood of 137 000 residents in Nairobi practice “The Courage to Love” on a daily basis. “Our modest Anabaptist congregation faces acceptance, evangelism and cultural fusion difficulties,” says... 続きを読む

Renewal: Awakening to a global family of faith

“Transformation in the Bible is always communal, not individual,” said César García at Renewal 2024 * in Curitiba, Brazil. It requires dialogue in the community, where diversity of position enables us to correct mistakes of the past to deepen our... 続きを読む

Anabaptists on the streets of Zurich

On 29 May 2025, Mennonite World Conference invites guests from around the world to gather in Zurich to commemorate this beginning. “Courage to love,” the theme for the event, will mark this history and celebrate what the movement has become today... 続きを読む

Deep faith fills Bowls of Hope

When I think about hope, I am very thankful to have quite a long list to choose from where I see it. Here I will focus on how I see hope in my church through the community outreach and the youth – and how they intertwine.続きを読む

“If we do not give up…”

Acouple of years ago as we were swimming upstream against COVID-19, hope seemed to be hard to come by. I don’t know about your churches, but we were forced to dive into the deep end of the modern digital age – or rather bellyflop into it.続きを読む

Living everyday is a miracle

Ethiopia is a country located in the Horn of Africa. We’re unique in some ways but the same with the rest of African countries in some other ways. We’re a very poor country with a population of around 110 million.続きを読む

Hope was never lost

From the smallest to the biggest, they all wanted to help in different ways. All the conferences had a role to help what is going on in Ukraine. Some send funds, all pray, of course, and some even take initiative to bring relief supplies directly to... 続きを読む

We are peace-loving Mennonites

Dear MWC and Mennonite Church Canada, you are the angels sent by God to Myanmar. You fed us when we were hungry. When we are down, you comfort us. You help us when we are refugees. You bring us a ray of hope when we are hopeless.続きを読む

Hope takes action in despair

Yes, it’s been 77 years since Korea was divided into North and South Korea. The deep-rooted fear that comes from a history of war and the insecurity that comes from that fear have created a lot of different forms of despair続きを読む


In 2017, Mennonite World Conference began a series of events called Renewal . The original vision was organized with a view toward the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Anabaptist movement in Zurich, Switzerland, in 2025. It included several... 続きを読む

A spirit of repentance and Renewal

“That they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” (John 17:21) With these words from the Gospel of John 17:21, we warmly greet the sisters and brothers... 続きを読む

A visible global church

“My heart hasn’t stopped beating fast since hearing the testimonies last night,” said mission committee member Joanne Lang at Arnold Community Church, B.C., Canada. Her local congregation was one of 29 that hosted Mennonite World Conference guest(s... 続きを読む

Renewal 2023

“By sharing the story of the global church, we can expand the concept of community. In the process of finding a Jesus-centred neighbourhood, not an ‘I’-centred neighbourhood, we can break down walls,” says Kkhot-Ip Bae. The Mennonite Christian from... 続きを読む

Join MWC storytellers in Abbotsford

“The beauty of listening the stories of the global church is immense,” says José Arrais. “We are all so diverse, with so complex backgrounds, with such unique dynamics between the regions, that each story is an original inspiration that all of us... 続きを読む

Renewal 2021

As we look ahead to the 500th anniversary of the beginnings of the Anabaptist movement, the Faith and Life Commission will host webinars in June 2021 focused on baptism. The interactive webinars will provide teaching and offer opportunity for... 続きを読む

“I should wait for his will”

“God taught me that once I have committed my life to him, I should wait for his will,” says Esther S. Kunjam.続きを読む

Everything is under the authority of Christ

“Christ reconciled all creation to himself,” Harjo Suyitno says, pointing to the tiger, bull, fish, monkey, and birds in his artwork. “The cross reconciles the cosmos into the family of God who presents peace in the world. It’s a vision of the... 続きを読む

“God greatly sustained me”

In the structure of the Brethren in Christ Church of Zimbabwe, most leadership positions are filled by men. However, there are many women who have great leadership skills and have been pastors and effective leaders in the church.続きを読む

“Djagalah Anak Kambing Koe” (“Tend My Lambs”)

On his deathbed, Tee Siem Tat called his sons, Tee Yan Poen and Tee Yan Siang, and his son-in-law, Tan King Ien. To them, Tee Siem Tat spoke his last words: “Djagalah anak kambing koe” (“Tend my lambs,” John 21:15 in Old Bahasa). His grandson, Rev... 続きを読む

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