
Ministry partner update: ICOMB – November 2022

We want to thank everyone who participated in the ICOMB Summit and Despertar in Brazil in May 2022. God is creating a new awakening in Brazil and for sure your contribution, either with your presence or with your prayers, is leading COBIM (Mennonite... Xem thêm

Raúl O. García

Raúl O. García, Mennonite World Conference president 1990-1997 died 30 October 2022. A long-term pastor, teacher and professor, he was born in Argentina 26 August 1930.Xem thêm

We speak the same language

“I cannot be grateful enough that even though we are a large and diverse group, we speak the same language: the language of love for Christ and his people,” says Daniel Nugroho. He was part of the team that made it possible for all to understand. Up... Xem thêm

Sermon advances mission

With sermons from Honduras, Canada, Indonesia and more, “the competition was great this time,” says Fernando Enns, jury member for the Menno Simons Sermon Prize, an initiative of Hamburg-Altona Mennonite Church in Germany and the Centre for Peace... Xem thêm

A conversation about Scripture

“I was inspired by the radical faith of early Anabaptists, but I don’t want us to be stuck in the 16th century… Anabaptism now has a culturally diverse body,” says Hyejung Yum, co-founder of Sowing for Peace, an intercultural peace ministry based in... Xem thêm

Let us pray

“Thank you for carrying us in your hearts,” says Siaka Traore, MWC regional representative for Central and West Africa. Mennonite World Conference members are invited to gather together Online Prayer Hour, 18 November 2022. This event will briefly... Xem thêm

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – October 2022

We ask for your prayers dear brothers, that God may allow us to continue growing in the ministry in which we are currently working, that God may always provide what is necessary in terms of economic needs and also that in this month of October 2022... Xem thêm

“We felt the connection”

“I think this type of ‘hybrid’ connectedness has great potential for strengthening the communion of Mennonite-related churches around the world,” says Ray Brubacher.Xem thêm

Believers bring water for drought baptism

In the drought-prone Borena region of Ethiopia, believers saved water to hold a baptism for 120 new believers. The area in Southern Ethiopia currently has a severe water shortage. Believers excavated land and lined it with plastic to preserve... Xem thêm

Watch for it!

“It was nice to hear something from Indonesia and take part a little bit,” says Erwin Röthlisberger of Evangelische Mennoniten-Gemeinde Bern, Switzerland. He attended Assembly from his home in Europe. Videos from MWC’s Assembly Indonesia 2022 will... Xem thêm

An opportunity to cross barriers

“Jesus is our hope: even if we go through the valley of the shadow of death, he is by our side.” In the Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday materials for 2023, meet the Christian believer in Burkina Faso who declares this faith despite challenges –... Xem thêm

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – September 2022

IEU has 16 local churches. Serving the churches, due to the distance between them, is a bit difficult for the conference. For this reason, the conference in Panama works by region. They have five regions and each region has one or two coordinators... Xem thêm

Fostering relationships

“We want our regional representatives to develop deep relationships with each member church in their region,” says Arli Klassen, regional representatives coordinator. MWC’s regional representatives are part-time volunteers who develop and support... Xem thêm

MWC is people-centred 

People are at the heart of the worldwide community of faith that is Mennonite World Conference. “Our global community is itself the message,” declares MWC’s Reference Notebook in section 7.2. “As a church, our overall administrative approach is... Xem thêm

Executive servants take up the towel

“As a worldwide community of faith in the Anabaptist tradition, people in ministry are key to Mennonite World Conference,” says César García, MWC general secretary. After Assembly 17 and associated meetings, there are new people serving this global... Xem thêm

A new shepherd

“MWC – Continuing the work Jesus began through worship, service, mission, and evangalism” (sic). These words are inscribed upon a wooden shepherd’s staff that J. Nelson Kraybill gave to president-elect Henk Stenvers 8 July 2022 as a symbol of... Xem thêm

Gracious welcome on building site

The GKMI synod office is “our home together” and a “house of prayer” for GKMI congregations. The GKMI synod had a longing: to invite the MWC executive committee, Commission secretaries, regional representatives, General Council, and MWC staff to “... Xem thêm

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – August 2022

Introducing the Global Family: Conferencia Peruana Hermanos Menonitas – Peru ICOMB Member Conference The Peruvian Mennonite Brethren Conference has approximately 457 members and 631 attendees; it is made up of 9 established churches and a number of... Xem thêm

Assembly small but full of joy

With its national motto of “unity in diversity,” Indonesia proved a fitting host for the 17th Assembly of Mennonite World Conference – downsized by COVID-19 restrictions but full of joy, beauty and fellowship. In an outdoor venue at a Mennonite... Xem thêm

Shortened meetings study unity, affirm new members

General Council meeting As the Muslim call to prayer wafted on the air through open doors, the General Council worshipped, prayed, and considered the global fellowship of churches in Mennonite World Conference. The in-person triennial meetings of... Xem thêm