
Mennonites speak against nationalism

“Nationalism is on the rise in many parts of the world,” says Juerg Braeker, general secretary of Konferenz der Mennoniten der Schweiz/Conférence mennonite suisse (the Swiss Mennonite church). “Mennonites, because of their view of the relationship... Xem thêm

Sự phát triển lớn mạnh của Hội thánh Chúa tại Nepal

Vào năm 2000, hội thánh Anh em trong Chúa (BIC) ở Nepal cử giáo sĩ Bhagan Chaunde tới vùng Surunga, Jhapa để mở mang hội thánh. Vị giáo sĩ được xức dầu với ơn phước Chúa, tổ chức nhiều buổi truyền giảng phúc âm và thành lập được một hội thánh tại... Xem thêm

MWC responds in solidarity to disasters

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada – “Our hearts were left totally destroyed…but thanks to MWC, who have come to visit us and have given us this uplifting and encouraging word, a word of hope and love,” says Antonio García Dominguez, leader of Conferencia... Xem thêm

Representatives and resources

Bogotá, Colombia – Mennonite World Conference weaves a web of connections within the Anabaptist Mennonite family around the world through website, emails, social media, publishing and relations with other organizations. Here are some new connecting... Xem thêm

Canadian seniors give for sustainability

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada – Eighty-nine-year-old John Penner still goes to work three times a week in the business he co-owns with his sons in Calgary. Travelling days are over – he walks with cane and his wife Katie relies on a walker – but “we... Xem thêm

Catholic, Lutheran, Mennonite, Trilateral Dialogue Commission on Baptism

The Commission developed the general topic of the dialogue “Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church” through papers on “Baptism: Communicating Grace and Faith.” Professors John Rempel and Fernando Enns (Mennonite), Rev Prof... Xem thêm

A transformative year: YAMEN participants meet God and people

Bogotá, Colombia – “The gospel connects us all no matter where we are,” says Laurey Segura. She lived out this realization as a teacher and youth worker with the help of Young Anabaptist Mennonite Exchange Network (YAMEN), a joint Mennonite Central... Xem thêm

First Mennonite Brethren serves in DRC government

Hillsboro, Kan., USA – Maleghi Lumeya has recently been appointed Ministre des affaires foncières (minister of land [property]) of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Lumeya, who has served as a national congressman, is the first Mennonite Brethren to... Xem thêm

MWC – new pictures, people and publication

Mennonite World Conference weaves a web of connections within the Anabaptist Mennonite family around the world through website, emails, social media, publishing and relations with other organizations. Here are some new connecting points. MWC’s... Xem thêm

Global encyclopedia commits to global content

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada – John D. Roth, Mennonite World Conference Faith and Life Commission secretary, was appointed general editor of the Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online (GAMEO – ). The GAMEO board voted... Xem thêm

MWC facilitates interdependent response to Peru flooding

Bogotá, Colombia – Maria Justa Ipanaque (34) never imagined that she would ride in a helicopter. The small-scale farmer who lives with her husband Ezequiel Ramos Sánchez (40) and five children in Chato Chico, Piura, Peru, became trapped in her house... Xem thêm

Anabaptists respond to violence and displacement in DR Congo

Akron, Pennsylvania, USA – A collaborative Anabaptist response will soon reach some of the 1.4 million people displaced by armed conflict in the Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo) with food, household items and shelter... Xem thêm

Spanish speaking YAMENers face unique challenges in Latin American placements

Serving in an area of the world relatively close to your home country where the dominant language is the same as your own might seem relatively easy. But Young Anabaptist Mennonite Exchange Network (YAMEN) participants who hail from Latin American... Xem thêm

Angolan Mennonites welcome refugees

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada – “The situation is very serious,” says Francisca Ibanda, Mennonite World Conference regional representative for Central/West Africa. The UN expects more than 50,000 people from DR Congo to become refugees in Angola in... Xem thêm

MWC – new on the web: Building bridges with Peace Sunday

Mennonite World Conference weaves a web of connections within the Anabaptist Mennonite family around the world through website, emails, social media, publishing and relations with other organizations. Several new connecting points are emerging over... Xem thêm

MWC has beauty to be shared

Bogota, Colombia – “MWC is a global family through which we experience our participation in the body of Christ,” says general secretary César García. Social media is one place we participate with each other across geographical boundaries. “We are a... Xem thêm

New bishops in Tanzania plan for revival

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada – The church in Tanzania underwent revival in the 1940s–1980s and the leaders of Kanisa la Mennonite Tanzania (KMT) are ready to welcome it again. The newly elected bishops have cast a vision to expand the Mennonite church... Xem thêm

New name? MWC considers identity and brand

Bogota, Colombia – When someone mispronounces or misspells your name, does it seem as though they aren’t quite addressing you? We choose names carefully – perhaps to honour someone or express a hoped-for characteristic; they form part of our sense... Xem thêm

“God is with us”: Peruvian MBs help neighbours amid loss

Bogotá, Colombia – It seems a providential convergence that Mennonite World Conference’s Andean regional representative Pablo Stucky had planned to visit Peru in early April. His previously scheduled meetings with church leaders came shortly after... Xem thêm

Called to justice: Mennonite churches respond to migration crisis in Mexico

Bogota, Colombia – “The Bible invites us to remember that the people of Israel were also strangers; they were captives and were deported,” says Carlos Martínez, Conferencia de Iglesias Evangélicas Anabautistas Menonitas de México. “The [early]... Xem thêm