
Peace, history, mission and care: new developments in MWC

Mennonite World Conference weaves a web of connections within the Anabaptist Mennonite family around the world through website, emails, social media, publishing and relations with other organizations. Here are some new connecting points. The Mission... Xem thêm

A people transformed by the Spirit in migration and service

A brand-new Courier brings Kenya to you while World Fellowship Sunday tells migration stories from Latin America and Indonesia comes to the Bogota office. New ways Mennonite World Conference is connecting churches worldwide: A hopeless church... Xem thêm

“I need to go to school”: Mennonite relief in DRC

Ten-yea-old Kanku Ngalamulume fled from his home in the village of Senge after armed groups beheaded his mother and father and his siblings too. He was among 1.4 million people in the Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo who have... Xem thêm

YAMEN ambassador of peace amid violence

Damaris Guaza Sandoval says her year of service in La Ceiba, Honduras, was about equipping young people to be God’s ambassadors of peace where violence is common. The 26-year-old from Cali, Colombia, worked as a social worker with Proyecto Paz y... Xem thêm

Learning global Anabaptist faith through MWC’s Shared Convictions

A quiz on global Christianity and Anabaptism (including MWC statistics) prepared participants from Nihon Menonaito Kirisuto Kyokai Kyogikai (Japan Mennonite Christian Church Conference) for a discussion of the Shared Convictions of Global... Xem thêm

GAPN creates space for relationship

Coffee breaks at the triennial Mennonite World Conference (MWC) General Council, Commissions and networks meetings in Kenya April 2018, allowed Colombia peacebuilder and human rights lawyer Ricardo Esquivia to share with an old friend his desire for... Xem thêm

Joy in the Spirit

Songs, testimonies and biblical reflection celebrate the Holy Spirit at Renewal 2027 As a local band played “You are the most high God,” international guests from the global Anabaptist family swayed and sang at this year’s Renewal 2027 “The Holy... Xem thêm

A supportive space: General Council fosters relationships

“Stand up if you are weary, worn down by the cares of ministry.” From Portuguese-speaking countries on either side of the ocean, a Brazilian pastor crossed to embrace an Angolan pastor who stood in response to the Deacons Commission’s calls to... Xem thêm

How it works: Emergency food distribution

In many parts of the area near Kibwezi, Kenya, I see corn that has dried up. Driving around, it’s hard to find any corn that people will be able to harvest this season. In February 2018, MCC’s partner Utooni Development Organization (UDO), which I... Xem thêm

South Korea recognizes rights of conscientious objectors

The Constitutional Court of Korea brought an end to 70 years of imprisoning conscientious objectors (COs) when it ruled 28 June 2018 that it is unconstitutional for South Korea not to offer alternative service options for COs. An alternative does... Xem thêm

Sống hiệp một trong tình yêu của Chúa và tình bằng hữu của anh em

Lời chào từ hội thánh Mennonite Việt Nam gởi đến cộng đồng thế giới. Lịch sử của hội thánh Mennonite Việt Nam là một lịch sử vô cùng thú vị và đáng để nghiên cứu. Là một tín đồ của hội thánh, tất nhiên là tôi vô cùng hứng thú với đề tài này. Được... Xem thêm

Transmission of love and peace at European Mennonite gathering

“We can’t keep our story. We must share.” That’s the message Danang Kristiawan brought home after attending MERK, the European Mennonite Conference (EMC, CME 2018) 10–13 May, 2018. The gathering of European Mennonites that occurs every six years was... Xem thêm

MWC financial update

Bogotá, Colombia – We are grateful for the steady flow of contributions in support of Mennonite World Conference, whether from our national member churches, local congregations, or individuals. We are somewhat surprised that giving is slower this... Xem thêm

The Holy Spirit transforming us

Bogotá, Colombia – Throughout the history of the Christian church, followers of Jesus have been transformed and renewed by the living presence of the Holy Spirit. We persevere with hope in the face of overwhelming challenges. Today, the churches in... Xem thêm

Hội đồng Mennonite Thế giới cùng chia sẻ công tác cứu trợ với hội thánh

“Được phục vụ hội thánh Chúa là một trách nhiệm vô cùng to lớn nhưng cũng đầy ơn phước.” Một lãnh đạo của hội thánh phát biểu nhân chuyến thăm viếng. Hội thánh Tín Hữu Mennonite Peru (CPHM), phối hợp với Mennonite Central Committee, Hội truyền giáo... Xem thêm

Hội đồng Mennonite Thế giới cùng chia sẻ công tác cứu trợ với hội thánh

“Được phục vụ hội thánh Chúa là một trách nhiệm vô cùng to lớn nhưng cũng đầy ơn phước.” Một lãnh đạo của hội thánh phát biểu nhân chuyến thăm viếng. Hội thánh Tín Hữu Mennonite Peru (CPHM), phối hợp với Mennonite Central Committee, Hội truyền giáo... Xem thêm

Benni & Rianna: a GYS love story

Christian parents have long encouraged their sons and daughters to find a life partner at church activities. They have also encouraged their young adults to meet the global church through international experiences. Sometimes those situations overlap... Xem thêm

YABs Fellowship Week 2018

This year, we will celebrate our third annual YABs Fellowship Week June 17–24, 2018. The theme is “Called to be Free,” centred on Galatians 5:13–15. We encourage each everyone to choose and adapt these materials in a way that will be useful to your... Xem thêm

New MWC network to encourage, support and connect peacebuilders

Around the world, Mennonite World Conference (MWC) member churches act out the belief that the Spirit of Jesus empowers us to…become peacemakers who renounce violence, love our enemies, seek justice and share our possessions with those in need (MWC... Xem thêm

MWC resources churches: General Council, book

Mennonite World Conference weaves a web of connections within the Anabaptist Mennonite family around the world through website, emails, social media, publishing and relations with other organizations. Here are some new connecting points. Regional... Xem thêm