
MWC churches in action

Responses to climate change are growing in many MWC member congregations. Here are a few examples. In Ethiopia, congregations of Meserete Kristos Church (MKC) are taking part in the national government’s Green Legacy Challenge to plant 5 billion... Xem thêm

COVID-19 global response fund helps churches

“It will reflect our love of Christ to them; [that] we care and are concerned for them and it will also bring smile in their faces,” says Bishop Dr. Bijoy Kumar Roul, Chairman, Brethren In Christ Church, Cuttack, Odisha, India. Mennonite World... Xem thêm

YABs find purpose in God

“The Gospel of John says that our purpose is to know God and experience eternal life with God,” says young Anabaptist Lilia Aranguren from Bogota, Colombia. “As we walk with Jesus in relationship, his peace flows out of us into our relationships... Xem thêm

Alfred Neufeld

23 July 1955–24 June 2020 Mennonite World Conference (MWC) lost Alfred Neufeld Friesen, a prolific author, theologian, historian and teacher who shaped Anabaptist theology globally. He died 24 June 2020 in Muenster, Germany, after treatment for... Xem thêm

A bridge for connecting people

GYS provides one with the opportunity to really open our eyes to the fact that behind all those countries that appear on the map there are brothers and sisters in faith living in diverse social, economic and political contexts. These contexts are... Xem thêm

Task force tackles creation care challenge

As we follow Jesus, Mennonites value simplicity and responsible stewardship of the resources God gave us. At the Assembly in Pennsylvania in 2015, these convictions drove Mennonite World Conference organizers to give each participant a reusable... Xem thêm

Physically distanced but in prayer together

“There is lockdown and physical distancing, but even so, we can meet in prayer. From different countries, we can come together and pray together in this way. As we are united in prayer, we trust God will hear our prayers and intervene.” Hanna Soren... Xem thêm

12 considerations before you reopen your church doors

When stay-at-home guidelines are eased and church doors and sanctuaries reopen, worship and church ministries will, undoubtedly, look different than before the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak. And so it should – so that we continue to keep ourselves... Xem thêm

Mennonite community at centre of COVID-19 response in Kudus

As the world deals with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mennonite community in Kudus, Central Java, Indonesia, joins hands and works with the local government to mitigate the risk and manage the spread of COVID-19 cases in Kudus, a city of more than 800,... Xem thêm

Hội Thánh Mennonite Thế Giới lập quỹ cứu trợ trong cơn đại dịch

Dịch bệnh là vấn đề chung của cả cộng đồng, nhưng đại dịch COVID-19 đang phơi bày ra những bất công đã tồn tại từ trước trong xã hội, khi một nhóm người có thể trụ được trong khi những người khác rơi vào cảnh khó khăn. Hội thánh Anabaptist đã phản... Xem thêm

New MWC website is mobile friendly and multilingual

A fresh look will greet web visitors to after 14 May 2020. The website has been redesigned with greater functionality. Mobile viewers will find responsive design that displays well on a smaller screen. MWC teaching documents, worship... Xem thêm

Year-old West African church plants three others

“Yahweh, Yahweh!” Jubilant singing ricocheted off the stucco walls of the Bissau-Guinean Mennonite meetinghouse. Participants at the annual conference of Mennonite Church West Africa (MCWA) celebrated the growing interest of Christocentric theology... Xem thêm

Creation care and baptism report approved at Executive Committee meetings

Mennonite World Conference will appoint a creation care task force to raise awareness and propose actions for our global church family. The task force will work in closely with the four MWC commissions. “This [discussion] comes at the right time,”... Xem thêm

Spaghetti and chopsticks: Mutual transformation in YAMEN

This story was written in February 2020, before the COVID-19 pandemic became a worldwide threat. As of April 2020, Minear Mak is still serving in her YAMEN assignment, remaining in close contact with MCC and MWC administrators as health and... Xem thêm

Check your inbox: MWC publishes Courier by email only

“These is an extraordinary time we are living in, but we remain confident that Jesus Christ is our hope, no matter what life brings,” says MWC general secretary César García. Due to the global economic slowdown and the challenges of moving mail... Xem thêm

Church in times of Coronavirus

An Easter Letter Dear sisters and brothers in the Global Anabaptist family of the MWC, We greet you in the name of our Risen Lord! Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! We are an Easter people Easter has come, but not gone! Our celebrations may have... Xem thêm

Passion for service: meet Shirley Redekop

“Even with all our diversity of culture, language and practice, our Anabaptist theology draws us together as a family of faith through Christ’s love and sacrifice for us,” says Shirley Redekop. She begins a half-time role as MWC chief development... Xem thêm

Do not fear: prayers for COVID-19

With Coronavirus (COVID-19) unsettling the global human family, Mennonite World Conference leaders put confidence in the living God who says, “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you... Xem thêm

Call to prayer for the human family

During the plague that ravaged third-century Alexandria, Bishop Cyprian tirelessly served the suffering with calm assurance that Christians find hope in Jesus Christ whether they live or die. Today, in a time of pandemic, Christian communions around... Xem thêm

God’s call for our church and mission

“The church will slow down the work of Mennonite Central Committee,” someone told me at the 2008 MCC New Wine, New Wineskins consultative meeting in Winnipeg. “If we want to be a more effective NGO, we need to act independently from the church,” he... Xem thêm