“We have learned…”
The problems in Venezuela affect the economy, relationships, health services, crime, insecurity, public services, corruption, politics, malnutrition and inflation. We decided to come to Colombia to improve the living conditions of our families, look for new opportunities and have a change in our lives. On arrival, we suffered a heavy emotional blow when we saw…
The song remains: Hope in Honduran gang territory
For more than 20 years, gangs clashed in Chamelecón neighbourhood in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. The main street served as an invisible border, marking off the territory of the two dominant gangs. Even for people who weren’t in gangs, it was dangerous to cross the street. This neighbourhood is home to Vida en Abundancia, a…
Biennial Thai Anabaptist Gathering
Anabaptist groups and individuals gathered together 8–12 October 2018 at Sammuk Christian Academy, Chonburi, Thailand, for the fourth Thailand Anabaptist Gathering (TAG). The Thai Mennonite Brethren leaders and MB Mission missionaries planned and hosted the biennial gathering attended by almost 160 people. Representatives came from the Brethren in Christ, Eastern Mennonite Missions, Rosedale Mennonite Church…
Mennonite witness amid suffering and hope in Ukraine
In a region of Ukraine that thousands of Mennonites left generations ago, two dozen of today’s Mennonite leaders from across Europe gathered for three days of fellowship in October 2018. Hosted by Ukrainian leaders from Mennonite Brethren churches, meetings in the city of Zaporizhzhia included participants from Portugal, Spain, France, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Lithuania…
Première consécration pastorale chez les Samoghos
L’Eglise de Samoghohiri au Burkina Faso a vécu la joie de la consécration de Fabé Traoré et de Kari Traoré au ministère pastoral. Le 1er mai 2016, deux pasteurs ont été consacrés à Samoghohiri, dans la province du Kénédougou dont le chef-lieu est Orodara. Cela fait plus d’un quart de siècle que des missionnaires mennonites…
A growing church: a look at reported church members in 2018
“Uganda is ripe for evangelism and the church is growing,” says bishop Simon Okoth, national coordinator of Uganda Mennonite Church. The new Mennonite World Conference (MWC) member church (accepted by the Executive Committee in 2017) grew from 310 members in 7 congregations reported in 2015 to 553 members in 18 congregations in 2018. Every three…
Hope in suffering
Like the chambers of a heart, the four MWC commissions serve the global community of Anabaptist-related churches, in the areas of deacons, faith and life, peace, mission. Commissions prepare materials for consideration by the General Council, give guidance and propose resources to member churches, and facilitate MWC-related networks or fellowships working together on matters of…
Ministry partner update: ICOMB – November 2018
The International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) is made up of 21 national churches in 19 countries with approximately 450,000 members. ICOMB exists to facilitate relationships and ministries to enhance the witness and discipleship of its member national churches – connecting, strengthening and expanding. Victor Wiens, ICOMB Equipping Coordinator, travelled to Asia in October. Here…
A rush of violent wind
Three reasons the Holy Spirit is relevant to the church today Fifty days after Passover, the Jewish community gathered in Jerusalem for the Festival of Weeks. At the same time, the followers of Jesus gathered in a room awaiting the promise of the Holy Spirit. As they were waiting, “suddenly from heaven there came a…
The gift of the Holy Spirit in the 16th century and today
Many written testimonies of the early Anabaptist movement point toward the work of the Holy Spirit as the central driving force. The Holy Spirit goes to people who are awaiting. It was the case in Pentecost (Acts 2) while the disciples were praying; it was the case in Reformation times; and it is the case…
YABs in MWC’s General Council
Decision making in a large group can feel like a game of misunderstood messages, says Matthias Claassen, General Council delegate for Konferenz der Mennonitengemeinden in Uruguay. It’s important to have leaders in the room representing a variety of ages and experience in addition to the various national churches that make up MWC. Claassen was one…
“Djagalah Anak Kambing Koe” (“Tend My Lambs”)
On his deathbed, Tee Siem Tat called his sons, Tee Yan Poen and Tee Yan Siang, and his son-in-law, Tan King Ien. To them, Tee Siem Tat spoke his last words: “Djagalah anak kambing koe” (“Tend my lambs,” John 21:15 in Old Bahasa). His grandson, Rev. Herman Tan, believes his last words were to ask…