
  • Registration for MWC Assembly opens for online participation

    Starting 24 December 2021, Mennonite World Conference (MWC) is accepting registration for online participants for Indonesia 2022 through its registration site: “Assembly will focus on accepting online registration first, and starting from the end of February 2022, people will be able to register for on-site participation,” says MWC chief international events officer Liesa Unger.  …

    Registration for MWC Assembly opens for online participation

  • Ministry partner update: ICOMB – December 2021

    Introducing the ICOMB Global Family  Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Mennonitischen Brüdergemeinden Deutschland (AMBD) – Germany  ICOMB Member Conference  AMBD is one of the three Conferences in Germany, and it unites 13 congregations and 1568 members. Far from being affected by the pandemic, the Conference strengthened and grew during this time, reaching 1700 people today. AMBD also supports…

    Ministry partner update: ICOMB – December 2021

  • Are our churches and leaders engaged with creation care?

    “In Germany environmental care has been on the public agenda already for a very long time, making it a part of our church’s collective conscience for a while. We are trying different ways to make good on the belief that we are to be God’s stewards of creation.”  —Dora Schmidt, Mennonitengemeinde Enkenbach Germany What is the…

    Are our churches and leaders engaged with creation care?

  • Giving and Receiving within the Body of Christ

    Following a 5-year conversation with theologians from the Roman Catholic and Lutheran traditions, the Faith and Life Committee invited the members of Mennonite World Conference to consider our practices of Anabaptist together at Renewal 2027 in two webinars entitled “Believe and Be Baptized: A Global Conversation on Baptism.” The second webinar examined the report: Baptism…

    Giving and Receiving within the Body of Christ

  • “We don’t live by fear”

    Mennonites stand in the breach through prayer  “And I sought for anyone among them who would repair the wall and stand in the breach before me on behalf of the land,” writes the prophet Ezekiel (22:30). On 19 November 2021, more than 110 members of Mennonite World Conference from Argentina to Zimbabwe rose to pray for the world.  …

    “We don’t live by fear”

  • Baptism in a barrel

    It is very difficult to go to the northern part of Ethiopia after the war broke out. Despite the security concerns, when I heard that members of our church in western Tigray were in difficult conditions, I organized a team. We would go there to show our love for MKC members in the area. The…

    Baptism in a barrel

  • A pastoral letter for Anabaptist-Mennonites in British Columbia

    Beloved sisters and brothers:  Let us remember in prayer the people of British Columbia in western Canada. After a summer of heat waves and wildfires, a series of storms is battering the region, causing serious flooding and landslides. Thousands of homes and farms are affected in this region where many Mennonite and Mennonite Brethen church…

    A pastoral letter for Anabaptist-Mennonites in British Columbia

  • Assembly music: “A mountaintop experience”

    Mark Wenger, singer, bass  Franconia Mennonite Church, Telford, Pennsylvania, USA  Assembly 16: PA 2015  “I was the old guy in the worship team. My favorite memory is the exuberance and joy of making music together with songs from all around the world. It was hard work in preparation, but terrific fun in the performance and leading.”  “The global Mennonite…

    Assembly music: “A mountaintop experience”

  • When the wicked prosper

    Take refuge in the Lord This devotional is inspired by the question “What now?” as church leaders assess the changes that have come about due to COVID-19. Psalm 73 reflects the understandable frustration when the expectations of Psalm 1 do not pan out in lived experience. Here the psalmist sees the “prosperity (shalom) of the…

    When the wicked prosper

  • Life-changing indeed!

    Assembly team reflects on why they keep coming back for more Many people serving the Mennonite World Conference today started as participants or delegates to its six-yearly Assembly. Here, Assembly staff members share how Assembly transformed their view of the church: from local to global, from small to significant; from giver-recipient relationship to equal partners…

    Life-changing indeed!

  • “Believe and Be Baptized: A Global Conversation on Baptism”

    Following a 5-year conversation with theologians from the Roman Catholic and Lutheran traditions, the Faith and Life Committee invited the members of Mennonite World Conference to consider our practices of Anabaptist together at Renewal 2027 in two webinars entitled “Believe and Be Baptized: A Global Conversation on Baptism.” Biblical, theological, and historical context of believers…

    “Believe and Be Baptized: A Global Conversation on Baptism”

  • Mustard-seed faith that moves mountains

    “For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20)  In July 2009, leaders from the three Indonesian Mennonite conferences GITJ, GKMI and JKI found themselves in a conversation outside…

    Mustard-seed faith that moves mountains