
  • Unity with a purpose

    According to our MWC vision, worship is one of the purposes of being one, of enjoying a global community of faith, of being a worldwide communion. In that sense, it follows the emphasis the book of Revelation gives to worship in a multicultural setting. The sentence “from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and…

    Unity with a purpose

  • Life and faith within God’s community

    We never imagined that the pandemic and its scars would affect our lives and the lives of our institutions to the extent it has. The church could not divorce itself from the difficult realities we lived through, and that still affects the “new normal” we live with today. Like society at large, the church must…

    Life and faith within God’s community

  • More Courier in your inbox

    In 2023, we want to offer you more opportunities to relate with Anabaptist-related churches worldwide as a global family of faith together.  Courier will come to you four times in 2023:  Readers will receive April and October issues in print or via email, according to their subscription preferences.   However, new issues in February and July…

    More Courier in your inbox

  • Pray and act for peace

    “They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” (Isaiah 2:4)  Christians are called into prayer and advocacy for peace. In a global context where war and violence abound, the practice of peace has become even more…

    Pray and act for peace

  • “Deliver us from evil”

    Prayer on the occasion of the 1st anniversary of the Russian government’s war of aggression against the people of Ukraine. 24 February 2023 War causes endless suffering. Locally, where people experience gun violence, rape, death and displacement; regionally, where the use of mines, heavy equipment and attacks on heavy industry contaminates the habitats of future…

    “Deliver us from evil”

  • Meet MWC treasurer Sunoko Lin

    MWC is a gathering place for each member church to encourage and strengthen each other by sharing resources with one another.  

    Meet MWC treasurer Sunoko Lin

  • Walking the Talk: Climate Education and Conversation in the Church

    Wednesday, 1 March 2023 Webinar 08:00–10:00 CST (Winnipeg) 15:00–17:00 CET (Amsterdam) 22:00–00:00 PhST (Manila) What do we need to know and how can we engage in climate justice work? We invite you to join the Global Anabaptist Peace Network for another webinar. In this webinar Rebecca Froese will assist us in deepening our ways of…

    Walking the Talk: Climate Education and Conversation in the Church

  • Join MWC storytellers in Abbotsford

    “The beauty of listening the stories of the global church is immense,” says José Arrais. “We are all so diverse, with so complex backgrounds, with such unique dynamics between the regions, that each story is an original inspiration that all of us can learn from.”  Locals near the Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada – and…

    Join MWC storytellers in Abbotsford

  • Ministry partner update: ICOMB – February 2023

    The church is doing well. Enjoying a period of peacefulness and growth. Since the war in Ukraine started, many refugees have come to Germany. We have been able to take care of a number of them, and about 20-25 refugees join us at the church services. We are able to translate the service into their…

    Ministry partner update: ICOMB – February 2023

  • Returning home

    Ruth is the only book in the biblical canon named after a foreign woman. The book centres on Ruth, a Moabite, and her mother-in-law, Naomi, who return to the land of Judah. Calamity, displacement, barrenness, death and survival can be found in the first five verses of this book. It opens with a famine in…

    Returning home

  • It was as though they were celebrating with us

    “We know that we are part of a larger community, but sharing this Sunday leads us to live it concretely,” says Sylvain Lavoué, church board vice president at Église Protestante Mennonite, Villeneuve le Comte, France. The church celebrated Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday by using the testimonies and videos the worship resource provided by Mennonite World…

    It was as though they were celebrating with us

  • God’s love, forgiveness and reconciliation

    In Africa, when we talk about celebrating, we are unpacking robust and unfettered joy, loud and heartfelt singing, vibrant dancing to music and drums, ululating, whistling, stamping of feet and clapping of hands. Celebration denotes a merry heart! We celebrate when there is love, joy, peace and happiness.

    God’s love, forgiveness and reconciliation