Featured Stories

Our mission and Shared Convictions

How do our member churches express the MWC Shared Convictions in beautiful, local variety throughout our global body? The October 2016 issue of Courier/Correo/Courrier seeks to discern the variety of reasons why Anabaptist communities from around... more/más/suite

Brief historic journey, profile, tendencies and challenges of Mennonites in Latin America

These reflections are a brief summary linking the historical development, profile and tendencies of the multiethnic Anabaptist communities and Mennonite churches in Latin America that belong to MWC, and present the challenges faced by Mennonites in... more/más/suite

Newcomers to natives: Diversity and challenges for Mennonites in Brazil

The first Mennonites arrived in Brazil during the year 1930, coming as refugees from Russia/Ukraine, where their property, churches and schools were taken over by the state during the Stalin years. Thousands of Mennonites (15,000–25,000) and other... more/más/suite

A ministry of inclusive hospitality

Hospitality: Exploring what it means to offer hospitality as followers of Christ Shocking photographs published in the news media awoke the Western world to the refugee crisis on September 2015. With a heightened awareness of the issue, the... more/más/suite

The heart of a stranger

Hospitality: Exploring what it means to offer hospitality as followers of Christ Shocking photographs published in the news media awoke the Western world to the refugee crisis on September 2015. With a heightened awareness of the issue, the... more/más/suite

Hospitality transforms

Hospitality: Exploring what it means to offer hospitality as followers of Christ Shocking photographs published in the news media awoke the Western world to the refugee crisis on September 2015. With a heightened awareness of the issue, the... more/más/suite

Repairing the Breach

Economic Inequality: Exploring our shared commitment to pursuing shalom As a global communion of Anabaptist-related churches, we share a common commitment to pursuing shalom. In this pursuit, we believe in seeking justice and sharing our resources,... more/más/suite

Global Communion and why it matters

Exploring our shared commitment to being a worldwide family As Mennonite World Conference, we share a commitment to being a worldwide communion (koinonia) of faith and life. Together, we seek to be a fellowship that transcends boundaries of... more/más/suite

GYS sends a strong call to impact the world by sharing gifts

Anabaptist youth from around the world learn and fellowship together at summit The three-day Mennonite World Conference (MWC) Global Youth Summit (GYS) at Messiah College, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, USA, concluded Sunday, 19 July 2015, with a... more/más/suite

The United States: Diversity, dynamism and paradox

A context for Anabaptist witness The United States was formed, in 1776, as the first modern republic. Its founders believed they were engaging in a pioneering political experiment and granted relatively generous freedom of conscience to diverse... more/más/suite

What I found at PA 2015 and will take home with me:

Paulus Hartono, Indonesia Being a part of the throngs at PA 2015 made Paulus Hartono of Indonesia reflect on his early life and how unlikely it is that he found his way to this place. Now a Mennonite pastor and highly active in peace work in Solo (... more/más/suite

An Open Hand, Not a Handout

Economic Inequality: Exploring our shared commitment to pursuing shalom As a global communion of Anabaptist-related churches, we share a common commitment to pursuing shalom. In this pursuit, we believe in seeking justice and sharing our resources,... more/más/suite

Walking with God

I was 17 years old when an army captain asked me, “What would you do if our battalion was attacked tonight? What would you do if someone came and shot you?” “I would pray,” I responded. At that instant, I felt a sharp pain on my head. The captain... more/más/suite

Young Anabaptists: the present church

YABs take the stage at PA 2015 and set plans for their future They have a relatively short history, but their voices at PA 2015 were arresting and incisive. In fact, the Young Anabaptists’ presentations throughout the morning worship at the Assembly... more/más/suite

Economic Inequality

Economic Inequality: Exploring our shared commitment to pursuing shalom As a global communion of Anabaptist-related churches, we share a common commitment to pursuing shalom. In this pursuit, we believe in seeking justice and sharing our resources,... more/más/suite

Walking in Doubt and Conviction

The Holy Spirit’s mercy irons us in our trials “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!” (1 Peter 1:3). Peter begins this letter with praise to God. This praising to God is a celebration of worship. This expression of blessing to God... more/más/suite

Inspiration and reflection: Hospitality

Piring bukan beling: Hospitality not hostility Indonesians are famous for their hospitality. If you visit their home, they will serve you food and drink. In the villages, the housewife will cook the family’s only chicken to serve a guest. I learned... more/más/suite

Europe: Old stories and new hope

When Conrad Grebel baptized his friends in the evening of 25 January 1525 in Zurich, Switzerland, little did he know that this small act would mark the start of the worldwide family of faith that we now are as Mennonite World Conference. From... more/más/suite

Walking in Conflict and Reconciliation

Light and hope for those in darkness Today, world security is threatened by international, intertribal and even interreligious conflicts. Sometimes, security forces have conflicts with the very people they are supposed to protect. Terrorism has... more/más/suite

Larry Miller reflects on 22 years at the helm of Mennonite World Conference

“As long as the wind is in its sails. . .” Strasbourg, France--Larry Miller remembers one moment clearly when, as a 38-year-old, he was weighing whether or not to accept the nomination to lead Mennonite World Conference. The year was 1988, 23 years... more/más/suite