Highlights from each day of PA 2015 Mennonite World Conference Assembly
PA 2015 Highlights: Tuesday 21 July 2015 PA 2015 Highlights: Wednesday 22 July 2015 PA 2015 Highlights: Thursday 23 July 2015 PA 2015 Highlights: Friday 24 July 2015 -
Common associations of Islam with violence create barriers of fear that are hard to overcome. Anabaptists might believe they have an exclusive grasp on nonviolent theology and practice. The case study of the Muridiyya, a transnational Sufi Muslim religious order originally from Senegal presents an alternative perspective on nonviolence. Encountering another faith tradition committed to nonviolence, holds up a mirror for Anabaptists prompting new questions about following Jesus in peacemaking and calling for deeper engagement with the religious other.
Presenter: Jonathan Bornman leads Eastern Mennonite Missions’ Christian-Muslim Relations Team. Jonathan served with MCC in Brazil and Burkina Faso and with Mennonite Mission Network in Senegal as an evangelist and church planter. He is a PhD candidate at Middlesex University researching Sufi Muslim practices of nonviolence. He is a member of Mount Joy Mennonite Church in Mount Joy, Pennsylvania, USA.
This workshop will explore the way MWC gets involved in political advocacy and how MWC member churches can request such help. It will also explore how MWC can further support its member churches and some of their ongoing struggles.
Presenters: Andrew Suderman is MWC Peace Commission secretary and a member of St. Jacob’s Mennonite Church (Mennonite Church Canada) and of Shalom Mennonite Congregation (Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA). Joji Pantoja is MWC Peace Commission chair (2015-2022), a Mennonite Church Canada Witness worker in the Philippines and founding member of Peacebuilders Community Inc.
MWC and Political Advocacy -
Assembly 17 Indonesia 2022 highlight video Highlight reel 6 July 2022 Highlight reel 7 July 2022 Highlight reel 8 July 2022 -
MWC general secretary César García and MWC vice president Rebecca Osiro.
PA 2015 highlight video -
Kita Sami Tinimbalan / All of us are called
by Saptojoadi
Assembly 17 – Indonesia 2022 – Songs
Kwake Yesu Nasimama/Here on Christ the Rock I will stand,
adapted from Edward Mote/Kenyan traditional
© PD
Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570 -
Across many continents, Community Peacemaker Teams has supported accompaniment work in communities that suffer from environmentally and socially disruptive extractive industries. This workshop explores stories of individuals who have worked with CPT to oppose logging, extraction, fossil fuels, and land theft. We will draw lessons for Anabaptist peace and environmental work.
Presenter: David Lapp-Jost from the Mennonite Church of Heidelberg-Bammental will introduce CPT presenters from multiple continents.
Land and water protection: peace work and the environment -
– Introduction Max Wiedmer jusqu’à 2’42’’
– Jonathan jusqu’à 13’32’’
– Intervention Matthew Krabill jusqu’à 13’56’’
– Intervention Siaka Traore jusqu’à la fin 16’10”
Assembly 17, Indonesia 2022 Video Workshops
Mennonite World Conference Assembly
Asamblea del Congreso Mundial Menonita
Rassemblement de la Conference Mondiale MennoniteLearning Indonesian with MWC – Describing my family Learning Indonesian with MWC – Describing where you’re from Learning Indonesian with MWC – Greetings Indonesia Episode 1: Greetings -
The workshop aims- a) To create an interest in seeing the potential within an individual Mennonite youth. b) To acknowledge the significance and the impact their gift can bring to the community. c) Encourage the youth to use their skills to enhance the church.
Presenter: Pratik Bagh from India: I am an ordained Pastor under Bhartiya General Conference Mennonite Church India (BGCMC). Currently I am in the United States doing Master of Divinity at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. I am also a volunteer pastor at the Asian Indian church in Pittsburgh, where I live with my wife Shabnam and daughter Shanice.