Kita Sami Tinimbalan / All of us are called
by Saptojoadi
Kita Sami Tinimbalan / All of us are called
by Saptojoadi
El Senyor es la meva forca / In the Lord I’ll be ever thankful / El Senor es mi fortaleza / O ma joie et mon esperance / Meine Hoffnung und meine Freude,
Catalan; Taizé Community (France); English, Spanish, French, and German trans. Taizé Community/Jacques Berthier (France)
©1986, 1991, 2011 Les Presses de Taizé (admin. GIA Publications, Inc.) © One License
Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570
Tapaiko Cheuma / I am your child,
Adrian Dewan
© 2018 Adrian Dewan
Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570
Tapa’iko che’uma, tapa’iko che’uma, tapa’iko najik angalobhitra rakhnos mala’i buvale ja stai, mitrale jastai tapa’iko najik, angalobhitra rakhnos mala’i.
Aru katai pani mildaina viśeram yo atmale tapa’ima nai viśram paucha aru katai pani metdaina trisena yo meropran tapa’ima nai tripta huncha.
I am your child, I am your child; keep me close by you, held in your presence, held in your arms.
You are my parent and my companion. Keep me close by you, held in your presence, held in your arms.
Without your love, I’m lost. My soul finds rest in you. Nowhere else, just by your side, Jesus my God. Without your water of life, my thirst can never be quenched. Nowhere else just by your side, Jesus my God.
Holy God, we praise thy name / Grosser Gott / Grand Dieu, nou te benisson / Te alabamos Oh Gran Dios
Te Deum laudamus” (present-day Italy), late 4th c.; trans. Clarence A. Walworth, 1853; German trans. Ignace Franz (present-day Poland), ca. 1774, alt; French trans. Henri-Louis Empaytaz; Spanish trans. anon.
Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570
Here I am to worship / Ich will dich anbeten / Lumiere du monde / Ku Mau MemujiMu
Tim Hughes, German Andreas Wldman, Indonesian Deasy Sucipto
© 2000 Thankyou Music (admin. Capitol CMG Publishing)
Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570
Ehane he’ama / Father God, you are holy Cheyenne;
Harvey Whiteshield (Cheyenne, USA), Ehane He’ama Vovoaheto; trans. David Graber (USA) and others, Tsese-Ma’heone-Nemeototse (Cheyenne Spiritual Songs), 1982,
© 1982 Mennonite Indian Leaders’ Council/Plains Indian traditional © Willis Busenitz
Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570
Geta, Geta / You are the Lord / Kaulah Tuhan,
Dawit Getachew /Indonesian Daisy Sutjipto
Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570
Ewe Thina / We walk his way / Suivons ses voies
Traditional, trans Anders Nyberg & Sven-Bernhard Fast © 2003 Utryck, Walton Music Corporation, agent (for USA & Canada); English trans. and arr.
© 2008,WGRG, Iona Community, Scotland
Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570
Verse 1: Esuno Kokoro uchini (The heart of Jesus is reflected in my heart)
Verse 2: Esuno Heiwa uchini (I have the peace of Jesus in my heart).
Composer and performer:
Mitsuru Ishido is a church leader with Tokyo Chiku Menonaito Kyokai Rengo, an MWC member church in Japan.
Dhuh Pangeran / O Prince of Peace
Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570
Dhuh Pangeran ingkang Mahasuci
Kula sami marek tetunggilan
Salir bangsa salumahing bumi
Amemuji dhateng asma Tuwan.
O prince of peace, O holy God most high,
We gather here your message to proclaim.
Around the earth all nationals join the cry
To know again the glory of your name.
Dhuh Pangeran / Oh Prince of Peace
by Saptojoadi Sardjono
Dalam Yesus kita bersaudara / In Jesus Christ, we are one family
unknown, anon
Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570
Dalam Yesus kita bersaudara (3)
Sekarang dan selamanya
Dalam Yesus kita bersaudarra.
In Jesus Christ, we are one family (3)
Now and forevermore are we
In Jesus Christ, we are one family.
En Jesús somos una familia (3x)
ahora y siempre ya
En Jesús somos una familia.
En Jésus-Christ, nous sommes une seule famille (3x)
pour toujours et à jamais
En Jésus-Christ, nous sommes une seule famille.