
God was always there

Perspectives: Guatemala Mayas and Anabaptists: A spiritual encounter Guatemala is a beautiful country with pluricultural, multilingual, multi-ethnic and multi-religious peoples. God allowed my birth to happen here. What God had prepared for my life... more/más/suite

A form of peace, faith, testimony and mission

Perspective: Indonesia The most difficult situation is the best class of life. When the whole world is facing the pandemic, we learn about solidarity and compassion, not only thinking about ourselves but also other people who are weaker. Even amid... more/más/suite

Embracing the other

Living as Jesus did “Interreligious dialogue is not just a method of mission; it is mission itself. Witnessing to Jesus is not just talking about Jesus but also living as Jesus did and taught, embracing the other,” says Danang Kristiawan. What does... more/más/suite

Mission from the margins

President’s column While leading a study tour in his native Egypt for Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, professor Safwat Marzouk stood before the oldest surviving written mention of Israel. On a 1 200 BC stone inscription, Pharaoh Merneptah... more/más/suite

The messiness of actual life

Perspectives: Germany Interreligious work in Berlin, Germany Followers of other religious paths are often called “strangers,” but living in Berlin, Germany, that never feels right. Of course, “their” lives are in some sense strange to “us,”... more/más/suite

Called to witness

The Anabaptist world has changed immensely since the first assembly the Mennonite World Conference (MWC) organized in 1925. Our world family has witnessed a numerical transformation in ethnic, geographic and linguistic terms. Our current cultural... more/más/suite

Rely on God for everything

The story of Brethren In Christ Church Nepal First mission efforts Brethren In Christ Church (BIC) Nepal was pioneered by missionaries from the Brethren In Christ church in Bihar, India. In turn, the BIC mission station in Bihar, India, was started... more/más/suite

A fresh wind of the Spirit

A “great multitude...from all tribes and peoples and languages” worship around the throne of God (Revelation 7). That vision aptly describes Mennonite World Conference. But it stands against a backdrop of disaster that feels too familiar today... more/más/suite

Meet your YABs Committee

“As we walk with Jesus in relationship, his peace flows out of us into our relationships with others. It must be based in love,” says Young AnaBaptist Lilia Aranguren a member of Iglesia Menonita Venga tu Reino, Villas de Granada, Bogotá, Colombia... more/más/suite

Grieving in the time of COVID-19

A new solidarity, different ways Our Mennonite community of Pfastatt, France, is located five minutes from a megachurch that was one of the most significant centers of the COVID-19 epidemic at the time of a week of fasting and prayer in their... more/más/suite

New ways of learning for a new time

Nindyo Sasongko believes theology should be publicly available to a wider audience. His experiment in online discussions began in November 2018; when the pandemic hit, “Theovlogy” increased in frequency to meet the demand for online means of... more/más/suite

Ambitious dreams for a more just world

In both rural and urban Zimbabwe, the majority of households grow some of their own food. Changes in climate patterns are apparent to everyone. The droughts used to come every 10 years, then every five. And in a global pandemic, and the situation is... more/más/suite

Prayers for ecumenical dialogue

Open our arms and minds to embrace the broad shoulders of a church bigger than we can imagine. more/más/suite

COVID-19 in the Global South

We collected voices from around the world on the church in the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. See below for respondent bios. How are we learning new ways to do church due to pandemic restrictions? “Now more than ever, various forms of technology... more/más/suite

Where are we looking?

Times of uncertainty. In such times people look for guidance. Like in a storm, people need a lighthouse to help them navigate through dangerous waters. COVID-19 has been a time of enormous uncertainty, now deepened by a financial crisis,... more/más/suite

MWC financial update 2020

You make a difference in our Global Anabaptist community when you contribute to the ministry of MWC. We thank you: national member churches, local congregations and individuals. Designated funds are used to carry out specific ministries; this year,... more/más/suite

Receptive ecumenism

Becoming vulnerable to the other There is a moment when everything changes among the students who take the Mission and Ecumenism course at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The student composition of this compulsory course is quite... more/más/suite

Follow the fire: walking with Jesus in the Spirit’s presence

Side by side, the mighty river of Pentecostals today and the heirs of the Anabaptist stream of the Christian tradition may seem fairly remote from each other, but the underground reality is more closely connected than one would first detect. Photo:... more/más/suite

From teaching math to multiplying churches

School graduations, church conferences, crime awareness and prayer meetings. All these take place in our church building with participation from local churches across denominations. We have many opportunities to be peacemakers in our area, working... more/más/suite

Building paths with those who are different

The ecumenical imperative comes from Jesus’ prayer during the passion vigil in Gethsemane. There, by way of his prayer to God, he declared his irrevocable commitment and will that Christians love one another. Jesus pleaded that his disciples “may... more/más/suite