Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • Beloved sisters and brothers: 

    The raging fires in Los Angeles in southern California, USA, have impacted many communities. At publication time, the fires have destroyed more than 160 km2, claimed the lives of at least 24 with dozens missing or unaccounted for, and destroyed more than 10,000 structures, including homes and churches.

    MWC member churches affected:

    • From Pasadena Mennonite and Wholicare Community Missionary churches of Mennonite Church USA, dozens of households were displaced by evacuation orders and three lost their homes to fire.
    • From the Mennonite Brethren, there are 12 churches in the region. None were directly affected but Iglesia de Restauración La Senda Antingua in Pacoima remains at risk as fires continue and winds blow.
    • From JKI Anugerah – Grace International Christian Fellowship, a part of Mosaic Mennonite Conference, many members have evacuated and received reports of damaged homes and one family has lost their home to fire.
    • Several BIC churches in the region are deeply involved in relief and response to displaced people.
    • Full Circle Thrift, a store owned by Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference remains standing even while businesses and homes all around were burned to the ground.

    Pray for the families who are dealing with fear and displacement or grief at the loss of homes.

    Pray for the firefighters who are doing dangerous work over long hours.

    Pray for city, county, state and federal officials who direct the response to this catastrophe.

    Pray for Anabaptist church leaders and members as they respond to the great needs in congregations and throughout the region.

    Pray for all affected communities as they seek to find ways that will help hope and healing.

    In addition, pray that the United States will experience a peaceful transition in government leadership in the days ahead, and that partisanship will not hinder the delivery of aid.

    “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
    Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change…”
    Psalm 46:1-2

    Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
    In the name of Jesus, Prince of Peace, amen.

    Henk Stenvers

    Henk Stenvers,
    Mennonite World Conference

    Gerald Hildebrand

    Gerald Hildebrand,
    North America regional representative,
    Mennonite World Conference

  • “Their commitment to passing down the message of peace and the gospel inspires me to live a sacrificial life for peace.” Stories of the early Anabaptist martyrs have shaped and inspired Mennonites around the world for 500 years. They continue to do so for suffering pastors in Myanmar, like the one quoted above.  

    From 25-29 November 2024, five MWC leaders, one MC Canada staff member and 17 pastors from Bible Missionary Church, Mennonite in Myanmar met in Chiang Mai, Thailand for a solidarity visit.  

    Myanmar’s years-long civil war has meant fear, violence, displacement and lost loved ones.  

    “The purpose of the visit was to learn how the global church can support the church in Myanmar during this time of suffering and oppression,” says Deacons Commission secretary Tigist Tesfaye. “And to foster mutual learning about peace and Anabaptism.”

    The solidarity delegates wanted to learn about the situation that the church in Myanmar faces. The challenges of living under military dictatorship have intensified for the church with the recent increased enforcement of mandatory military service.  

    The pastors shared about the burden of possibly being conscripted or having their young adults sons compelled – even kidnapped – into military service. They spoke about fasting from their one meal a day. They said they are sometimes regarded with suspicion by government forces and local religious leaders (Buddhist) for following what is perceived as a Western religion.  

    4 men and 1 woman stand in front of a tropical house
    The MWC delegation: Andrew Suderman, Andres Pacheco Lozano, Agus Mayanto, César García, Tigist Tesfaye.

    The visit was also a response to an invitation for learning about the Anabaptist movement. The schedule included sessions on What We Believe Together (Shared Convictions) led by César García, MWC general secretary. Peace Commission secretary and chair Andrew Suderman and Andres Pacheco Lozano led sessions that explored what it means to be a church dedicated to the ways of Jesus Christ’s peace. 

    There were teaching sessions and pastoral sessions with prayer times, time for discussion and mutual learning. And the pastors from Myanmar shared their experiences and what was on their hearts.  

    Agus Mayanto, MWC’s regional representative for Southeastern Asia, and Norm Dyck of MC Canada Witness led evening prayers.  

    Many of the pastors commented that the lessons on Anabaptist history and being a peace church were entirely new and opened a way to personal change and social change. 

    “They encourage me to view life and faith through a fresh lens,” said one pastor.  

    “I was inspired to learn more about peace – especially active peace as a way of living and responding to challenges,” said another.  

    “Understanding the history of the Anabaptist movement was a significant highlight,” said another. “I am committed to sharing the story of Anabaptism and its history with others.” 

    “When faced with conflict, we often feel limited to two options: seeking revenge or remaining silent. However, studying the Beatitudes taught me a third way: responding with peaceful action,” said another pastor. “This revelation was transformative for me.” 

    The solidarity visit concluded with the pastors from Myanmar highlighting particular ways forward for them to respond to their context. The group identified several ways to grow in the knowledge and practice of building peace as Jesus followers. Discussions groups, task forces and conferences – especially for the youth – were some of the suggestions.  

    How can you pray for Myanmar? 

    The pastors requested prayer  

    • For courage and skill to preach the gospel of peace. 
    • For the pastors to be faithful servants despite the persecution. 
    • For the soldiers who are also suffering. 
  • The church’s strength and witness are deeply damaged by pastoral sexual misconduct Ð and yet it happens. We look at how to create clear standards about expectations and how to investigate complaints about sexual misconduct by church leaders. We look at healing in a church context where there has been sexual misconduct by the pastor.

    Presenter: Arli Klassen is the moderator of Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, which has recently managed a number of pastoral sexual misconduct complaints. She also serves as regional representatives coordinator for Mennonite World Conference.

    Indonesia 2022: workshop

  • Indonesia 2022: Workshop

    Join Dr. Blaise Kutala and Dr. Delphin Kapasa in their review of causes, consequences, clinical aspects, and low-cost solutions to prevent child malnutrition. The approach consists of mobilizing all the forces of the community (e.g., doctors, municipalities, churches) to utilize therapeutic foods at a low-cost to effectively address malnutrition.

    Presenters: Blaise Kutala, Delphin Kapasa, Jeremie Nteba, Rubin Mapinga, DRC

  • MWC general secretary César García and MWC vice president Rebecca Osiro.

  • Indonesia 2022: workshop

    Practical tools for promoting appropriate behavior in power and sexual relationships in leadership and pastoral work based on Healthy Boundaries material developed by Faith Trust Institute, with adaptations for Latin America, sections of the Colombian Mennonite Church’s ethics manual, and training experiences.

    Presenters: Alix Lozano served as president of the Mennonite Church of Colombia (IMCOL) and director of the Mennonite seminary. She is an advisor to the MTAL Ð Movement of Anabaptist Women Doing Theology from Latin America (Movimiento de Mujeres Anabautistas Haciendo Teolog’a desde AmŽrica Latina). Pablo Stucky has worked with Anabaptist programs in conflict transformation, peace and trauma transformation. They facilitate trainings on healthy boundaries.

    Buen manejo del poder y la sexualidad en iglesias
  • Criteria:

    • An MWC member/associate member or an organization associated with member churches is eligible for Jubilee funds if the request is related to and enhances the four pillars of church life: fellowship, worship, service and witness.
    • The Jubilee fund can support member churches in case of need after natural or human-made disasters.
    • The member church submitting the request must contribute at least 30% toward the endeavour. This requirement does not apply in cases of disasters.
    • The amount requested should not exceed US $10 000. In some cases (e.g., disasters), the maximum amount of US $10 000 can be exceeded at the discretion of the committee that decides on the applications.
    • An MWC member church will be eligible for only one grant in a three-year period.


    • An application package is available on the MWC website or upon request from any MWC office.
    • Requests must be officially approved by the national church officers and should include what the applicant church will contribute towards the project.
    • Forms A, B and C must be submitted.
    • Form D is for submission of the final narrative and financial report.
    • The MWC general secretary, and chair and secretary of the Deacons Commission form the committee that decides on the applications.
    • Following our MOU with Mennonite Central Committee, MWC will include an MCC advisor in the committee decisions about allocations from the Global Church Sharing Fund.
    • This committee may ask advice from MWC Regional Representatives and other organizations involved in the area.


    • The member church receiving the gift is required to keep a record of all disbursements.
    • A mid-term project update is required within one year of receiving the grant. The update should include a report on how the money has been spent to date and an updated budget for the completion of the project. A timeline of the project work should also be included.
    • The final financial and narrative reports are required within six months of the project completion. This report should include detail of project spending and explanations of any significant changes from the original proposal.

    Download PDF below:


  • Indonesia 2022: workshop

    The Global Church Sharing Fund is part of the Jubilee Fund of MWC. What is the goal of the GCSF? We will show some supported projects. What is the impact of the fund?

    Presenter: Henk Stenvers (Decons Commission Secretary) is a Dutch Mennonite, from 2002 until his retirement in 2020 he was general secretary of the Dutch Mennonite Conference (Algemene Doopsgezinde Soci‘teit). From 2012 until this Assembly he is Deacons Commission secretary. 

    Global Church Sharing Fund

    Deacons Commission

    Global Church Sharing Fund
  • Three Congolese doctors and the work they each are contributing to for the Congolese healthcare and health systems. 

    • Dr. Emery Bewa Gindaye Teto shares his research on strategic purchasing in the context of a low resilient health system. 
    • Dr Blaise Kutala presents his clinical research on liver disease and nutrition as well as access to primary care in peri-urban and rural areas together with Dr Delphin Kapasa Mulongo

    These three speakers bring their expertise as well as their life experiences of working in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

    Dr. Murray Nickel, GAHN steering committee member, moderates the session

  • Global Anabaptist perspectives in fighting a pandemic.
    Does faith make a difference?

    GAHN webinar 27 March 2021

    Presenter: Mark Shelly, MD, Infectious Disease physician, Healthcare Epidemiologist, Geisinger Medical Center; professor, Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine, Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA

    Dr. Mark Shelly presents about the unique contribution of Anabaptist perspectives in the battle against infectious diseases around the world including approaches used in different parts of the globe, guiding values, exemplary practices, and the role of faith.

    Our Anabaptist faith has brought light to many tumultuous times.

    • How does faith inform our response to science and uncertainty?
    • How does love shape our collective life in the midst of disruption and fear?
    • Dr. Shelly answers questions and comments on input from participants.

    Dr. Murray Nickel, GAHN steering committee member, moderates the session.

    GAHN webinar 27 March 2021
  • Global Anabaptist Health Network (GAHN) Virtual Health Summit: 12 March 2022
    “Can Faith, Health and Miracles Exist Together?
    The example of leprosy and the compassionate touch of Jesus”

  • Indonesia 2022: workshop

    This three-part series explores the document that the Mennonite World Conference General Council approved in Kenya 2018.


    Andrew Suderman is MWC Peace Commission secretary and a member of St. Jacob’s Mennonite Church (Mennonite Church Canada) and of Shalom Mennonite Congregation (Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA).

    Joji Pantoja is MWC Peace Commission chair, a Mennonite Church Canada Witness worker in the Philippines and founding member of Peacebuilders Community Inc.

    Tala Bautista is a member of Peacebuilders Community Inc. in the Philippines.

    Wendy Kroeker is a member of Fort Garry Mennonite Fellowship, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and chair of GAPN.

    Katerina Friesen is a staff person at Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery (USA), a member of a Mennonite Church USA congregation, and pastor of a Wild Church. (hybrid)

    The first workshop explores the MWC Declaration of Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples document. It offers a glimpse into the background of this document, including the struggle of the Wounaan People and the way in which they, through their request, served as impetus for the crafting of this document. It also highlights the development of the document and the way it has been used thus far. 

    Indonesia 2022: workshop

    The second workshop of this three-part series looks at current struggles of Indigenous Peoples and how MWC member churches and/or related organizations are walking with and standing in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples and their ongoing struggles.