
Prayer transcends barriers

Assembly prayer network connected Anabaptist body to each other and God Winnipeg, Canada – “When people came together in the prayer room, many times no words were needed,” says Joanne H. Dietzel, Lancaster Mennonite conference coordinator. “A prayer... more/más/suite

MWC Assembly balances books

Bogota, Colombia – Assembly PA 2015, the once-every-six-years gathering of Mennonite World Conference, closed financially at break-even, that is, without a deficit. The MWC operations team continuously made adjustments, maintaining priorities of... more/más/suite

European leaders release statement on refugees

Bogotá, Colombia - Leaders of Mennonite conferences in Europe and international guests met in Buhl, France, for their annual gathering of planning and fellowship 23-25 October 2015. The assembled leaders drafted a statement to express their concern... more/más/suite

Taiwan Mennonite Church celebrates 60 years

Taipei, Taiwan – On 25-26 October 2014, more than 1,100 Taiwanese Mennonites attended a gala celebration to mark the 60th anniversary of the Fellowship of Mennonite Churches in Taiwan (FOMCIT). FOMCIT is a Mennonite World Conference member church... more/más/suite

Churches of all stripes call for freedom of religion

Winnipeg, Canada - Representatives of every stream of global Christianity met in Tirana, Albania, 1–5 November, 2015 for a consultation on Discrimination, Persecution, Martyrdom: Following Christ Together, convened by the Global Christian Forum... more/más/suite

A deeper shade of green: Waste reduction measures at PA 2015

Winnipeg, Canada – Mass events can leave behind a mountain amount of trash. But at Mennonite World Conference’s 16th Assembly in Harrisburg, 21–26 July 2015, the management of garbage was an expression of worship to God the creator. Assembly... more/más/suite

Celebrating Peace Sunday: A call for people who sow peace in peace

Pietermaritzburg, South Africa – September 21 marked the International Day of Peace – an event observed around the world with the hope that global citizens may renew their desire to work for peace. Mennonite World Conference and its member churches... more/más/suite

Churches in Latin America call for prophetic peace witness

Pietermaritzburg, South Africa – As Mennonite World Conference (MWC) member churches celebrated Peace Sunday on 20 September 2015, they also recognized the ways in which peace continues to be wanting in their communities. In Colombia, Mennonite and... more/más/suite

World Fellowship Sunday materials available

Bogotá, Colombia - “Walking with God finds its total meaning in fellowship – in the breaking of bread, serving, and meeting the needs of others,” says César García, general secretary of Mennonite World Conference. “It does not mean the absence of... more/más/suite

Mennonite Brethren leaders meet following MWC Assembly

Delegates reappoint Wiebe, discuss “global elders” Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, USA — Representatives from 21 national Mennonite Brethren conferences from around the globe met for the International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) annual... more/más/suite

A space to meet and exchange

Global Anabaptist Health Network envisioned by summit participants Harrisburg Pennsylvania, USA – More than 90 health care leaders from 18 countries met 19–20 July 2015, preceding PA 2015. They gathered to worship, learn from each other and think... more/más/suite

Numbers convey unity despite diversity

Global Anabaptist Profile surveys and maps Mennonite World Conference GOSHEN, Indiana, USA — Sociological surveys may be uncommon evangelistic tools, but at a consultation celebrating the conclusion of the Global Anabaptist Project (GAP), Damien... more/más/suite

Like a tree planted

Anabaptist Educators from around the world gather for the Global Education Conference Lansdale, Pennsylvania, USA — Like a Tree Planted: Anabaptist Spirituality in Education , the Global Education Conference of Mennonite World Conference attracted... more/más/suite

First ever Anabaptist World Cup set for PA 2015

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania – The first ever Anabaptist World Cup will be played on the afternoons of July 22, 23, 24, and 25, as an optional recreational event during PA 2015, the Mennonite World Conference Assembly. The matches will take place at... more/más/suite

Registration to stay open until Assembly; several options change after July 1

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA – Organizers for the 21-26 July Mennonite World Conference Assembly announced recently that registration will remain open until Assembly, but only the following options are available online beyond 1 July: full time/... more/más/suite

Blessings and challenges for the PA 2015 Visa process

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania – The need for many to get visitor’s visas to the USA, to attend the Pennsylvania 2015 MWC Assembly in Harrisburg, has long been a concern for many planners and participants. For more than a year, the MWC Visa Task Force (... more/más/suite

PA 2015 will be green!

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania – “PA 2015 will be green,” says Howard Good, National Coordinator of the Mennonite World Conference Assembly, to be held July 21-26 at the massive Farm Show Complex (FSC) in Harrisburg. Good had just received word that... more/más/suite

Departing staff and volunteers recognized at dinner event

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA – At a dinner event immediately following the 21-26 July 2015 Assembly, Mennonite World Conference general secretary César García expressed appreciation to a number of staff members who are ending their work involvement... more/más/suite

PA 2015 goes on and on

Harrisburg, PA, USA - A dedicated team of staff and volunteers captured images , videos and stories during Mennonite World Conference’s 16th Assembly in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA, 21–25 July 2015. Visit to re-live your PA 2015... more/más/suite

Visa efforts continue for PA 2015 hopefuls

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA – Applying for a visa to enter the U.S. is serious business for many internationals hoping to attend PA 2015, the Mennonite World Conference (MWC) Assembly to be held here July 21-26. A Visa Task Force – with two... more/más/suite