
Mennonite Church West Africa celebrates credentialed pastors

During its 2018 annual conference, Mennonite Church West Africa (MCWA) celebrated its first-ever credentialed leaders: Adriano MBackeh, Sangpierre Mendy, Daniel Djin-ale, and Gibby Mane. More than 200 joyous attendees – the most ever for this type... more/más/suite

General secretary relocates

General secretary César García and executive assistant Sandra Báez Rojas of Mennonite World Conference (MWC) have relocated to Canada in February 2019 to work out of the Kitchener, Ontario, office. MWC is an international communion of Anabaptist... more/más/suite

MWC celebrates legacy of two leaders

Mennonite World Conference lost two leaders currently serving in official roles. Pascal Kulungu, member of the newly formed Global Anabaptist Peace Network steering committee, died 16 January 2019 after a short illness. Manjula Roul, member of the... more/más/suite

Peace by piece: a ministry of sewing

“The church must do its job, offering people charity and spiritual teaching, so that a person may be transformed,” says Safari Mutabesha Bahati. Mennonite Association for Peace and Development (MAPD) in Malawi, a member of the global Anabaptist... more/más/suite

Agents of hope: Andean Anabaptist solidarity

For the first time in more than a decade, Anabaptist church leaders from Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela gathered together, 9–12 November 2018, in La Cumbre, Valle, Colombia. They studied the Bible, sang in community, and listened to each... more/más/suite

Aid to displaced people makes a difference

Strengthened by emergency food, 700 families displaced by violence in the Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo) are preparing to plant crops and to raise pigs to support themselves. In partnership with Mennonite Central... more/más/suite

MWC’s Top 10

As we looked back at 2018, we gathered Mennonite World Conference's most popular news stories based on website views. In case you missed them the first time, here are the most visited stories from the global Anabaptist family in 2018. 1. Benni... more/más/suite

Migrant solidarity in the Honduran church

Migration is shifting populations around the globe. Motives are diverse, from meeting basic needs, to fleeing violence and seeking opportunities. People balance the hope of a better life for their children against the challenges of dangerous passage... more/más/suite

GMT responds to Kerala flooding

Mr Kannan kutty, 45, has terminal cancer. His wife is a labourer. She and one of his sons work any job they can find to earn money. Their other son is a student. Already struggling to have enough funds for cancer treatments and living costs, the... more/más/suite

Who’s new?

The people of Mennonite World Conference are always working to create space for relationship among the members around the world. Meet the newest faces on the team. National co-coordinators for Indonesia 2021 work with the MWC Chief International... more/más/suite

The Holy Spirit transforms women at MTAL retreat

“With the help of God’s Spirit, the retreat has been the means to open and free our hearts of knots and situations that prevent us from fully being women in every sense of the word,” says Gladis Velásqez Maldonado. Velásqez Maldonado is part of an... more/más/suite

Biennial Thai Anabaptist Gathering

Anabaptist groups and individuals gathered together 8–12 October 2018 at Sammuk Christian Academy, Chonburi, Thailand, for the fourth Thailand Anabaptist Gathering (TAG). The Thai Mennonite Brethren leaders and MB Mission missionaries planned and... more/más/suite

A growing church: a look at reported church members in 2018

“Uganda is ripe for evangelism and the church is growing,” says bishop Simon Okoth, national coordinator of Uganda Mennonite Church. The new Mennonite World Conference (MWC) member church (accepted by the Executive Committee in 2017) grew from 310... more/más/suite

Standing in solidarity with Indigenous people in Canada

“Our global value of peacemaking is expressed in the Declaration of Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples,” says Mennonite World Conference general secretary César García. “How a church in South Korea or Colombia lives that out is not something we can... more/más/suite

Peace, history, mission and care: new developments in MWC

Mennonite World Conference weaves a web of connections within the Anabaptist Mennonite family around the world through website, emails, social media, publishing and relations with other organizations. Here are some new connecting points. The Mission... more/más/suite

A people transformed by the Spirit in migration and service

A brand-new Courier brings Kenya to you while World Fellowship Sunday tells migration stories from Latin America and Indonesia comes to the Bogota office. New ways Mennonite World Conference is connecting churches worldwide: A hopeless church... more/más/suite

“I need to go to school”: Mennonite relief in DRC

Ten-yea-old Kanku Ngalamulume fled from his home in the village of Senge after armed groups beheaded his mother and father and his siblings too. He was among 1.4 million people in the Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo who have... more/más/suite

YAMEN ambassador of peace amid violence

Damaris Guaza Sandoval says her year of service in La Ceiba, Honduras, was about equipping young people to be God’s ambassadors of peace where violence is common. The 26-year-old from Cali, Colombia, worked as a social worker with Proyecto Paz y... more/más/suite

Learning global Anabaptist faith through MWC’s Shared Convictions

A quiz on global Christianity and Anabaptism (including MWC statistics) prepared participants from Nihon Menonaito Kirisuto Kyokai Kyogikai (Japan Mennonite Christian Church Conference) for a discussion of the Shared Convictions of Global... more/más/suite

GAPN creates space for relationship

Coffee breaks at the triennial Mennonite World Conference (MWC) General Council, Commissions and networks meetings in Kenya April 2018, allowed Colombia peacebuilder and human rights lawyer Ricardo Esquivia to share with an old friend his desire for... more/más/suite