
  • Scholars connect and grow

    “If there’s something scholarly happening, we want to know about it!” says Kyle Gingrich Hiebert, co-coordinator of the Anabaptist Mennonite Scholars Network (AMSN). The Anabaptist Mennonite Scholars Network connects students and professors within a network of networks. It fosters global connections in research and to provide a contact point for shared information and resources. “For…

    Scholars connect and grow

  • Strengthening the arms of response

    “In the midst of the pandemic, the sense of sharing and communion between faith communities, churches and Anabaptist institutions has grown,” says Willi Hugo Perez, Mennonite World Conference regional representative for Latin America – Central.   At the dawn of a third pandemic year, there is weariness from the ongoing griefs, but churches are continuing with…

    Strengthening the arms of response

  • To overcome obstacles in unanimity

    Austria Mennonitischen Freikirche Österreich (MFÖ) / Mennonite Free Church of Austria The Mennonite Free Church in Vienna is the community in which I had the privilege of growing up. We are a small but incredibly family-oriented church, centred around Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I can identify myself very well with the Mennonites because…

    To overcome obstacles in unanimity

  • In memoriam: Joren Basumata (1948 – 2021)

    Join us in prayer and gratitude for a national church leader who has also served the global family through MWC.  Joren Basumata of BJCPM India died 15 October 2021 at 73.   He served the local church as pastor of Emmanuel Chapel Bengali and Tollygunge Christian Fellowship; national church as chairperson; and the global Anabaptist-Mennonite church…

    In memoriam: Joren Basumata (1948 – 2021)

  • Ministry partner update: ICOMB – January 2022

    Introducing the Global Family:   Maschayaktyn Jamatty (Disciples of Christ) – Kyrgyzstan  ICOMB emerging conference  Our Mennonite history in this country goes back to the 19th Century. After World War II, Kyrgyzstan became a place of refuge for many of the forcibly displaced German Mennonites as well as other Germans. However, missionary outreach among the…

    Ministry partner update: ICOMB – January 2022

  • How do churches practice creation care?

    Our previous stories from the global survey shows that 1) Mennonite-Anabaptist congregations around the world are being impacted by environmental issues such as climate change in diverse ways, 2) are feeling anxious and sad due to those impacts, and 3) are talking some about creation care in their churches.   But how exactly are churches feeling…

    How do churches practice creation care?

  • With Jesus through the storm

    It has been two years that we, wherever we are in the world, have faced this pandemic season. These times have been difficult with lockdowns and much loss – from jobs to even people who we dearly love. This is a chaotic time that no one in 2019 could have imagined to hit the world…

    With Jesus through the storm

  • How Mennonites came to be

    Anabaptist historical context for Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday Anabaptism is a Christian movement that traces its origins to the Radical Reformation. The most widely accepted date for the establishment of Anabaptism is 21 January 1525, when Conrad Grebel baptized George Blaurock in Felix Manz’s house in Zurich, Switzerland. George Blaurock immediately baptized several others on…

    How Mennonites came to be

  • Dialogue: “Through the Word”

    “For those who do not want to believe, no argument is valid, and for those who want to believe, arguments are not necessary.” I shared that phrase (from an unknown author) with a friend in Ontario a few days ago. We talked about how difficult it is to see someone change their position on any…

    Dialogue: “Through the Word”

  • MWC update – December 2021

    The relationships in Mennonite World Conference are always growing. From the member churches that make up MWC to the emerging networks linking church-supported agencies, MWC facilitates connections between Anabaptist organizations.  Stephanie Setiawan joins MWC’s team as web communications assistant. A member of GKMI Sidoarjo, Indonesia, where she teaches Sunday school, she has experience in  social media management…

    MWC update – December 2021

  • Peace amid the storms of life

    “As followers of Jesus, we follow his example and work to bring peace in the midst of chaos.” Member churches around the world celebrated Peace Sunday 2021 using Mennonite World Conference’s Peace Sunday worship resource: “Finding hope and healing in crisis.”   Amos Ganjboir and Rajendra Masih at Bethel Mennonite Church, Balodgahan, India, worked for three days to paint a backdrop and…

    Peace amid the storms of life

  • Assembly tours in Indonesia 2022

    How lifelong relationships become real  Assembly tours have something for everyone! an adventurous bicycle ride across a rural rice field a deep dive into Indonesia’s Mennonite church history as told in John D. Roth’s new book A Cloud of Witnesses immersion into batik-making or local village life a visit to historical and religious landmarks to hear…

    Assembly tours in Indonesia 2022