
  • God’s mission in Anabaptist communities

    “The relationship of Anabaptism and mission is a hot topic, and the field continues to expand to include a number of disciplines and sub-disciplines emerging which attempt to integrate a vision that is both missional and faithful to the Anabaptist message – and to wrestling with what precisely that means!” 

    God’s mission in Anabaptist communities

  • A school of love and service

    “MWC was a school for me. It really helped me to know Anabaptist doctrine and understand how the church operates,” says Francisca Ibanda.  Known around the world as “Maman Cisca”, Francisa Ibanda, along with Barbara Nkala, recently completed her service as regional representative for MWC. Prior to serving as regional representative for Central and Western…

    A school of love and service

  • Mesach Krisetya

    Mesach Krisetya, Mennonite World Conference (MWC) president 1997-2003, died 30 September 2022. He was born in Jepara, Indonesia, 9 September 1939. A theologian, professor and academic administrator, author and counsellor, Mesach Krisetya was beloved as a mentor and teacher.  

    Mesach Krisetya

  • Ministry partner update: ICOMB – October 2022

    We ask for your prayers dear brothers, that God may allow us to continue growing in the ministry in which we are currently working, that God may always provide what is necessary in terms of economic needs and also that in this month of October 2022, the Lord may give us strength for the evangelism…

    Ministry partner update: ICOMB – October 2022

  • My true hope

    Testimonies from Africa Working as a nurse is a challenging job. It needs a heart with passion, patience and love. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I saw the hand of God in my life as he protected me. There were times when I despaired with anxiety, but when I remembered how King David in the Bible…

    My true hope

  • God fights for his children

    Testimonies from Africa Psalm 62 expresses the cry of Christians in the West African Sahel. Several Sahelian countries have been experiencing terrorist attacks for more than 10 years. Like David, we feel hungry and harassed by the enemy. David was abandoned by his faith collaborators, betrayed. In these difficult times, David did not use violence,…

    God fights for his children

  • A journey of understanding

    It was with great anticipation that I went to attend a Brethren In Christ Church (BICC) conference in Mozambique, in July 2016. This was my first trip as a regional representative for Mennonite World Conference. It was held in a small town called Milange, in the northern part of Mozambique bordering Malawi.  Unfortunately, I did…

    A journey of understanding

  • Hope is a position of optimism

    Testimonies from Africa I was in a dark space June to July 2021 when my husband and my mom fell ill at the same time. My mother later passed on in August. Then in February to March 2022, my husband fell ill again. It took more than two weeks for the doctors to come up with…

  • “We felt the connection”

    “I think this type of ‘hybrid’ connectedness has great potential for strengthening the communion of Mennonite-related churches around the world,” says Ray Brubacher. 

    “We felt the connection”

  • Believers bring water for drought baptism

    In the drought-prone Borena region of Ethiopia, believers saved water to hold a baptism for 120 new believers. The area in Southern Ethiopia currently has a severe water shortage.   Believers excavated land and lined it with plastic to preserve rainwater. They used traditional methods to prevent evaporation. Finally, in yellow 20L containers, they brought water…

    Believers bring water for drought baptism

  • Watch for it!

    “It was nice to hear something from Indonesia and take part a little bit,” says Erwin Röthlisberger of Evangelische Mennoniten-Gemeinde Bern, Switzerland. He attended Assembly from his home in Europe.   Videos from MWC’s Assembly Indonesia 2022 will begin to be posted on MWC’s website and YouTube channel starting in October.   Until now, the plenaries and…

    Watch for it!

  • Ministry partner update: ICOMB – September 2022

    IEU has 16 local churches. Serving the churches, due to the distance between them, is a bit difficult for the conference. For this reason, the conference in Panama works by region. They have five regions and each region has one or two coordinators. Their purpose is to monitor the work assigned by the Assembly. The…

    Ministry partner update: ICOMB – September 2022