
  • The rule of ayni: reciprocal relationship

    In Kichwa, there is a word, ayni, that describes the rule and practice of interdependence.  “One does not exist unless the community exists,” says Julian Guamán. In the Kichwa worldview, that community includes all of creation, not just humans. Ayni dictates that as members of the community, humans have a responsibility to be in reciprocal…

    The rule of ayni: reciprocal relationship

  • Uniting people through technology

    Witnessing in Hong Kong and beyond  Church members gather in a school auditorium, singing worship songs in both Cantonese (the mother tongue for most people in Hong Kong) and Mandarin. The Chinese languages share a script that contains thousands of characters. Through the internet and the globalization of church music, people who can’t read the…

    Uniting people through technology

  • We are peace-loving Mennonites

    Dear MWC and Mennonite Church Canada, you are the angels sent by God to Myanmar. You fed us when we were hungry. When we are down, you comfort us. You help us when we are refugees. You bring us a ray of hope when we are hopeless.  

    We are peace-loving Mennonites

  • Hope was never lost

    From the smallest to the biggest, they all wanted to help in different ways. All the conferences had a role to help what is going on in Ukraine. Some send funds, all pray, of course, and some even take initiative to bring relief supplies directly to Ukraine. 

    Hope was never lost

  • Ministry partner update: ICOMB – July 2023

    Mennonite Brethren Church of Malawi, invites everyone to celebrate progress and join in prayers for a bright future. At the core of their mission lies a deep commitment to establishing holistic churches throughout Malawi. With great humility, they strive to plant churches that diligently attend to the spiritual needs of their communities while also embracing…

    Ministry partner update: ICOMB – July 2023

  • Hope takes action in despair

    Yes, it’s been 77 years since Korea was divided into North and South Korea. The deep-rooted fear that comes from a history of war and the insecurity that comes from that fear have created a lot of different forms of despair

    Hope takes action in despair

  • Third peace conference brings faith and peace together

    “There’s something in the water among Mennonite theologians and peace building scholars and practitioners…around the decolonial project that people are drinking from now that is interesting and quite good,” says Andrew Suderman. The Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) professor and secretary of Mennonite World Conference’s Peace Commission organized the third Global Mennonite Peacebuilding Conference and Festival…

    Third peace conference brings faith and peace together

  • Universally appealing core values

    Meet Hiro Katano of Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan Member of the Faith & Life Commission. How do you serve MWC?   I have been a General Council member, representing Nihon Menonaito Kirisuto Kyokai Kyogikai (Japan Mennonite Christian Church Conference), since 2016. I serve MWC by connecting it with my church conference through correspondence, information, translation and…

    Universally appealing core values

  • Sweet fellowship on Discord

    Young AnaBaptists build global connection during YABs Fellowship Week Between 18-25 June 2023, young adult groups around the world celebrated the Young AnaBaptist (YABs) Fellowship Week. Themed The family I found in my salvation, young people shared stories, worshipped together, prayed as one, learned from each other’s testimonies, and discussed Luke 15:4-7. A new way…

    Sweet fellowship on Discord

  • Each in their own accent

    “I learned that each participant has their own accent; it comforted me to know that having an accent is normal,” says Hens Sita, a member of GITJ Kelet, Indonesia.   In advance of the Mennonite World Conference Assembly in Indonesia, IndoMenno (a collaborative of the three Indonesian synods*) facilitated language classes in both English and Indonesian.  …

    Each in their own accent

  • Renewal: the core of the gospel

    Over the past 100 years, the world has changed immensely and at the same time, not so very much, says Henk Stenvers; both then and now, there is nationalism and polarization in church and society, and even war in Ukraine. As we prepare to mark 100 years of MWC and 500 years of Anabaptism in…

  • Renewal

    In 2017, Mennonite World Conference began a series of events called Renewal.   The original vision was organized with a view toward the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Anabaptist movement in Zurich, Switzerland, in 2025.  It included several key components:   The event should honour the past but focus primarily on the present and the…
