AWFS 2024 Children’s story and activity
Mosaics are beautiful pictures made from colorful tiles of different shapes and sizes. Help children make an inspiring piece of art that they can share with family and friends with this mosaic activity. Explain the meaning of this mosaic to the children at the start of the activity, and again at the end of the…
AWFS 2024 Tithes and offering ideas
MWC invites a special offering to be taken for the global Anabaptist church community on Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday. One way to think about this offering is to invite every member to contribute the value of one lunch in their own community to support the networks and resources of our global Anabaptist church family. Sacrificing…
AWFS 2024 Cultural suggestions from Latin America
Latin American Anabaptist churches worship in multiple languages: Spanish, German, Portuguese and several Indigenous languages. Each language group has their own worship style. Many Latin American congregations have an informal and flexible worship style, with lots of singing, time for testimonies and prayers, and time to chat after worship. Spanish-speaking churches often sing with…
A Christian nation?
The search for political power and privileges is increasing among evangelicals in Latin America. The close connection between some pastors and partisan politics concerns some of us as Mennonites, especially when religious Christian leaders try to impose their values on others. How the Mennonite tradition emerged may help us understand our concerns.
A pastoral letter for peace in the Holy Land
Beloved sisters and brothers: Over the weekend the world was shaken by Hamas’ unprecedented attack on Israeli lives. This crisis quickly escalated with air raids, land battles, random killings, kidnappings and war propaganda. No one is more disadvantaged by this escalating situation than the civilians who just wish to live a normal life without fearing…
The big picture of God at work in the world
The Bible includes lots of books that were written before, during and after the coming of Jesus, but his story does not end there; God is still working and continues to impact people’s lives.
One of the tiny squares
Creation is immense, an extremely large painting. A quick glance from a distance shows us a single painting; however, when one approaches and observes very closely, we discover that this apparently single painting is made up of millions of tiny squares, and I am one of those tiny squares.
Growing in faith and discipleship in joyful communion
The possibility of mutual exchange and opportunities to share with the mosaic of brothers and sisters from the big picture of various Anabaptist churches contributes to affirming and cementing my faith, spirituality and personal identity as an Anabaptist Christian. Through these interactions, I have the opportunity to enrich my understanding of faith and to experience…
Building resilience in church members
Like many in Zimbabwe, Sukoluhle Ncube splits her time between the city where her family lives and works, and the rural community where they farm, 40 minutes away. “Most of the people have two homes,” Sukoluhle Ncube says. “In the town, you come and work and all that, but in the village that’s where we…
In Memoriam: Charles Christano (1939-2023)
He gave himself as our mentor Rev. Charles Christano, Mennonite World Conference (MWC) president from 1978 to 1984, and one of the cornerstone pastors of GKMI (Gereja Kristen Muria Indonesia church) in Indonesia, died Friday, 22 September 2023, at age 84. He was born Tan Ing Tjioe in Indonesia in 1939. He wanted a to be…
Anabaptists on the streets of Zurich
On 29 May 2025, Mennonite World Conference invites guests from around the world to gather in Zurich to commemorate this beginning. “Courage to love,” the theme for the event, will mark this history and celebrate what the movement has become today. Local government officials and church leaders of related traditions will also be invited.
What can I do to address world hunger?
Mennonite World Conference is one of 14 Christian organizations joining hands with World Vision International in prayer and action against world hunger. The third annual Weekend of Prayer and Action Against Hunger (#WoPA2023) is observed 14-16 October 2023, coinciding with World Food Day which falls on Monday, 16 October 2023. “We believe famine has no…