A brand-new Courier brings Kenya to you while World Fellowship Sunday tells migration stories from Latin America and Indonesia comes to the Bogota office.
New ways Mennonite World Conference is connecting churches worldwide:
A hopeless church planter, powerful women on mission and a conscientious objector in Colombia: Courier October 2018 has stories of the Holy Spirit Transforming Us today and in the past. Courier includes testimonies and reports from the Renewal 2027 event and General Council meetings in Kenya
“José, a refugee, a poet and politician, arrived at our door from Puerto Tejada with his entire family… His joy has become a blessing that spreads and that gladdens our meetings.” —Iglesia Cristiana Menonita de Quito, Ecuador.
?Anabaptist Christians today are called to follow Jesus in his ministry of justice making. In Latin America, Anabaptist churches are composed of both those who have been migrants, and those who welcome migrants. God is faithful in the midst of these stories of uprootedness and change.
For 2019, Justice on the Journey: Migration and the Anabaptist- Mennonite Story is the theme of the World Fellowship Sunday worship resources, prepared by the regional representatives of Latin America.
Find sermon resources and more testimonies like José’s in the WFS worship resources.
Click here for more information.
The face behind Facebook: Alexandro Daniel Marthin is the web communications worker for 2018/2019. YAMEN is the joint MWC-MCC exchange program for young adults. Alex is a member of JKI (Jemaat Kristen Indonesia). At home in Indonesia, Alex studies communication, specializing in public relations. He enjoys movies and country music.
The organizing team of the second Global Mennonite Peacebuilding Conference and Festival in Elspeet, the Netherlands, 27-30 June 2019, released a Call for Proposals. This event is the result of a close dialogue with the emerging Global Anabaptist Peace Network (GAPN), in connection with the Peace Commission of Mennonite World Conference (MWC). Exploring how Mennonites around the globe walk in the ways of peace and peacebuilding, proposals may be individual contributions, workshop pitches and artistic expressions. Click here for more information.
—Mennonite World Conference release