Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • Indonesia 2022: workshop

    This workshop will explore the way MWC gets involved in political advocacy and how MWC member churches can request such help. It will also explore how MWC can further support its member churches and some of their ongoing struggles.

    Presenters: Andrew Suderman is MWC Peace Commission secretary and a member of St. Jacob’s Mennonite Church (Mennonite Church Canada) and of Shalom Mennonite Congregation (Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA). Joji Pantoja is MWC Peace Commission chair (2015-2022), a Mennonite Church Canada Witness worker in the Philippines and founding member of Peacebuilders Community Inc.

    MWC and Political Advocacy
  • These are the people planning  the MWC Assembly 17 in Indonesia.

    Chief International Event Coordinator

    Liesa Unger / Germany


    English Assistant (Part-Time)

    Rianna Isaak-Krau§/

    Indonesian Assistant (Full-Time)

    Lydia Suyanti / Indonesia

    Logistics Team

    National Co-Coordinator

    Sarah Yetty / Indonesia

    National Co-Coordinator

    headshot of Agus Setianto

    Agus Setianto / Indonesia

    Logistics Assistant

    Simon Setiawan / Indonesia

    Program Team

    Workshops (Volunteer)

    Estafanos Gedlu / Ethiopia

    Plenary Session (Volunteer)

    headshot of Frieder Boller

    Frieder Boller / Germany

    Youth Program (Volunteer)

    Jardely Martinez / Colombia

    Global Church Village (Volunteer)

    Jessica Mondal / India

    Children’s Program (Volunteer)

    Jennifer McWilliams / Canada

    Music (Volunteer)

    Benjamin Bergey / USA


    Ananda Mohan Murnu / India


    Sunil Kadmaset / India

    Registration Team

    Registration Coordinator

    Nelson Miguel Martinez Castillo / Colombia

    Registration Assistant

    Rut Arsari / Indonesia

    Registration Assistant (Finances)

    Lorenzo Fellycyano / Indonesia

    Registration Assistant (Communication/Materials)

    Ebenezer Mondez / Philippines

    Registration Assistant (Information Technology)

    Preshit Rao / India


    Natacha Wendyam Kendrebeogo / Burkina Faso

    Communication and Fundraising Team

    Communication & Marketing Coordinator

    Jardely Martinez / Colombia

    Communication & Marketing Coordinator

    Michael Darby / Colombia

    Church Relations & Fundraising Coordinator

    Daniel K Trihandoyo / Indonesia


    Loyce Twongirwe / Uganda


    Jennifer Olivia / Indonesia

    Volunteer Coordination

    Volunteer Coordinator

    Tigist Tesfaye / Ethiopia

    Translation and Interpretation Team

    Translation and Interpretation Coordinator

    headshot of Karina Derksen Schrock

    Karina Derksen-Schrock / USA

    Indonesian Language Coordinator

    Ary Rusdianto / Indonesia

    Read about the Assembly Staff News here

  • Assembly 17 Indonesia 2022 highlight video
    Highlight reel 6 July 2022
    Highlight reel 7 July 2022
    Highlight reel 8 July 2022
  • PA 2015 highlight video
  • Assembly 17 – Indonesia 2022 – Songs

    Kwake Yesu Nasimama/Here on Christ the Rock I will stand,
    adapted from Edward Mote/Kenyan traditional
    © PD
    Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570

  • Indonesia 2022: workshop

    Across many continents, Community Peacemaker Teams has supported accompaniment work in communities that suffer from environmentally and socially disruptive extractive industries. This workshop explores stories of individuals who have worked with CPT to oppose logging, extraction, fossil fuels, and land theft. We will draw lessons for Anabaptist peace and environmental work.

    Presenter: David Lapp-Jost from the Mennonite Church of Heidelberg-Bammental will introduce CPT presenters from multiple continents.

    Creation Care Task Force

    Land and water protection: peace work and the environment
  • Assembly 17, Indonesia 2022 Video Workshops

    Mennonite World Conference Assembly
    Asamblea del Congreso Mundial Menonita
    Rassemblement de la Conference Mondiale Mennonite

    Learning Indonesian with MWC – Describing my family
    Learning Indonesian with MWC – Describing where you’re from
    Learning Indonesian with MWC – Greetings
    Indonesia Episode 1: Greetings
  • Indonesia 2022: Workshop

    The workshop aims- a) To create an interest in seeing the potential within an individual Mennonite youth. b) To acknowledge the significance and the impact their gift can bring to the community. c) Encourage the youth to use their skills to enhance the church.

    Presenter: Pratik Bagh from India: I am an ordained Pastor under Bhartiya General Conference Mennonite Church India (BGCMC). Currently I am in the United States doing Master of Divinity at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. I am also a volunteer pastor at the Asian Indian church in Pittsburgh, where I live with my wife Shabnam and daughter Shanice. 

  • Mennonite & Islam dari Pedesaan Lereng Muria

    This workshop was delivered in Indonesian.

    Assembly 17 – Indonesia 2022 – workshops

  • Indonesia 2022: Workshop

    Mary, the mother of Jesus is deeply honored by Christians and Muslims. This workshop explores the Qur’anic and Biblical narratives about Mary and her depiction in both traditions. The workshop also investigates what a focus on her prophethood can add to inter-religious dialogue between Muslims and Christians, especially for women.

    Presenter: Jacqueline Hoover is a free-lance instructor is Islamic Studies and Muslim-Christian relations based in the UK. She is a member of the sessional faculty at AMBS and an ordained minister in the Mennonite Church USA. She has taught recently in Malaysia, Egypt, Kenya and the UK.

    The interpretation does not constitute a definitive record of proceedings.  

    The simultaneous interpretation of Mennonite World Conference meetings and events facilitates communication among the participants in the meeting. It does not constitute an official record of proceedings. Where there is any difference between the simultaneous interpretation and the original speech (or the written translation of the speech), the original speech (or the written translation) takes precedence.


  • Indonesia 2022: workshop

    MEDA (Mennonite Econommic Development Association) works to create business solutions to poverty.  MEDA’s vision is that all people may unleash their God-given potential to earn a livelihood, provide for families and enrich communities. This session focuses on how MEDA SME partners in the agribusiness sector view the post-COVID world. 

    Presenters: Dr. Dorothy Nyambi is president & CEO of MEDA. Veronica Herrera is CEO of MiCrŽdito, Nicaragua. Hadija Jabri is managing director of GBRI, Tanzania. Sunoko Lin is a businessperson and treasurer of Mennonite World Conference. 

    MEDA panel business and faith in a post COVID world
  • Scripture offers three models for relating faithfully to Muslim neighbors as a reflection of the Trinitarian God. Participants will consider their own relationships to Muslims as we reflect on examples of hosts (Kenya and North America), guests (Somalia), and mutual partners (Tanzania and the Allies for Peace project).

    Presenter: Peter Sensenig serves with MMN and EMM in France and francophone Africa; member of EMM’s Christian-Muslim Relations Team; EMM East Africa regional interfaith consultant from 2015-2020; ordained MCUSA 2008; PhD Theology/Christian ethics Fuller Theological Seminary; taught courses in two Somaliland universities; author Peace Clan: Mennonite Peacemaking in Somalia (Pickwick, 2016).

    Indonesia 2022: Workshop