
Executive Committee approves new Commission members

“We trust it is a joy to serve the global Anabaptist family, but recognize it takes effort. We are grateful for the officers, Executive Committee and Commission members who dedicate volunteer time and care to this work,” says César García, MWC... more/más/suite

Atualização do sócio do Ministério: ICOMB – Janeiro 2022

Em todas essas instâncias, procuramos promover a unidade entre os membros e apoiar os líderes. Encerramos o ano com gratidão a Deus preparando as atividades do acampamento infantil, juvenil e feminino que será realizado de janeiro a fevereiro de... more/más/suite

How can I celebrate?

I am tired of war, conflict, hunger, poverty, division, hatred, gun violence, black and white class difference, the oppression of women, slaughter of children and women, fake news, liars and unjust authorities and leaders and so many, many issues... more/más/suite

A gospel light in the USA

Christmas around the world Every year on 24 December, my family goes to the Christmas Eve service at Park View Mennonite Church (Harrisonburg, Virginia). It’s a traditional ‘lessons and carols’ service, where we read the Christmas Story from Luke... more/más/suite

Jesus brings us together in our differences

How to represent Jesus in a live painting? White with a beard as he is often represented in churches? Not really! We had it in our hearts to paint a colorful Jesus, a Jesus in green, yellow, blue, white, red and orange. We are the camp “ Juntos in... more/más/suite

Atualização do sócio do Ministério: ICOMB – decembro 2022

Siriwan Trakunhan é um dos principais parceiros nacionais da Multiply na Tailândia. Ao longo dos anos, ela serviu em muitas funções: trabalhando no escritório de Chiang Mai, ensinando a Bíblia em um centro de detenção juvenil com Carmen Owen e... more/más/suite

Assembly financial update

As the year draws to a close, MWC is finalizing the numbers on the Assembly in Indonesia. “We are very pleased to report that, as of publication time, we met the financial goal of breaking even,” says Chief Operating Officer Jeanette Bissoon. This... more/más/suite

All voices praising Jesus together in Uruguay

I really love the simplicity of our Christmas parties where we meet to enjoy each other’s company and remember the one that keeps us united. more/más/suite

A family that prays for each other

“You have been with us even though you were far from us. You helped us with your messages and calls,” says Kyendrébéogo Wendyam Natacha. The young woman who recently completed a YAMEN assignment with MWC presented an update in the November online... more/más/suite

A month of celebrating Charni Daan

In India, Christmas is celebrated with great enthusiasm from mid November to New Year. Christmas is more special because we get a chance to meet our family and friends. more/más/suite

Sharing love – with sprinkles – in Germany

This tradition reminds me of the message of hope, peace, joy and love at Christmas because you can enjoy a peaceful time together with your loved ones and you can even share this love by giving Christmas cookies to others. more/más/suite

Joy and love: night vigil in Kenya

This tradition always reminds me of the joy and the love we have for each other as a community. Getting together to share meals and storytelling is usually the best part, but the most amazing and wonderful time is during the night vigil when one... more/más/suite

A new move of God

In remote corners of Tamil Nadu, India, gospel workers trained by Gilgal Mission Trust (GMT) are shining the light of the gospel hand-in-hand with education and vocational training. Along the Amravati River in Coimbatore District, many people in the... more/más/suite

The face of the global church

“ MWC [Assembly] was a really wonderful experience. It showed me the face of the global Mennonite church,” says Peter Buller, a student at Bethel College and a member of Buhler Mennonite Church, Kansas, USA. “Thanks to the great International... more/más/suite

Call to prayer: DR Congo

“But you, O Lord, do not be far away!     O my help, come quickly to my aid!” Psalm 22:19 “We raise a cry of alarm to the different faithful members of the Mennonite church around the world,” writes Reverend Alphonse Kisubi Kassa, a leader of... more/más/suite

A good kind of infidel

“We were far away from peace, but now we are friends with Christians. We are working for peace and humility.” Through an interpreter, Commander Yanni Rusmanto from Solo, Indonesia, spoke at the “Mennonites in Indonesia and Radical Muslims making... more/más/suite

Atualização do sócio do Ministério: ICOMB – Novembro 2022

Queremos agradecer por todos que vieram participar do Summit da ICOMB e do Despertar no Brasil em maio deste ano. Deus está gerando um novo despertar no Brasil e com certeza a sua contribuição ou com a sua presença ou com as suas orações está... more/más/suite

Unexpected placement equips for future service

Stephanie Setiawan from Sidoarjo, Indonesia, had no plan to go to Latin America. She applied for Mennonite Central Committee’s International Volunteer Exchange Program in 2013/2014, but the slot for her synod was already taken. The coordinators... more/más/suite

Young people lead barrier crossing

GKMI Petra-Depok, Indonesia, celebrated being a new creation on Peace Sunday , 18 September 2022, with a special guest. Sadanand Hembrom joined the service from India by video. For the last few years, GKMI Petra-Depok in greater Jakarta has been... more/más/suite

Raúl O. García

Raúl O. García, Mennonite World Conference president 1990-1997 died 30 October 2022. A long-term pastor, teacher and professor, he was born in Argentina 26 August 1930. more/más/suite