Prayers of Gratitude and Intercession

MWC Prayer Network: Click here for more information about what the Prayer Network is and how to sign up. If you would like to share a prayer with us, please write to

We call upon the Lord for India and for all nations in pandemic distress:

Living God, how long can this tsunami of suffering and death prevail? Reach down from on high to draw your children out of mighty waters.

Bring healing and salvation.

Sustain exhausted pastors, medical staff and other caregivers.

Comfort those who mourn, and supply what each nation needs to come through this torment.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer!

Click here to read a pastoral letter from the MWC president to Anabaptist-Mennonites of India


29 Abril 2021

“Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice!” (Psalm 130). 

We hear accounts of military forces torturing and killing peaceful protesters, raiding houses and destroying property in Myanmar. A democratically elected government has been displaced. COVID-19 has caused suffering and death, and the people of Myanmar now face increased food and fuel costs at a time of high unemployment. 

God grant our sisters and brothers strength to follow the way of Jesus, “wise as serpents and gentle as doves” (Matthew 10:16). 

Kyrie eleison, Lord have mercy!  


Click here to read the president’s pastoral letter to the church in Myanmar 

15 Abril 2021

Since the military seized power in Myanmar in February, waves of protest have been violently suppressed, with reports of more than 400 citizens killed. Even before the pandemic, poverty affected many households. The political situation has led to even greater economic turmoil, and many households have no financial income. Most church members are in a food crisis.

“Greetings from the crying land of Myanmar,” writes an Anabaptist church leader in Myanmar to the global family. “This is a special request for you to pray for our country, particularly for the vulnerable 400 families of our church people in Yangon and delta region. We believe that prayer can make a difference. God bless you all.”

As a world-wide community of faith and life we transcend boundaries of nationality, race, class, gender and language. We seek to live in the world without conforming to the powers of evil, witnessing to God's grace by serving others, caring for creation, and inviting all people to know Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. (Shared Conviction #7)

30 Março 2021

May God give us wisdom to move forward in the midst of this health emergency and economic and psychological crisis. Peru will hold elections on 11 April 2021. Pray that the process would be transparent and there would be no election fraud. Pray that the new president of our nation and the new congressional leaders would govern with the fear of the Lord.  

--submitted by Antonio Garcia, Conferencia Peruana Hermanos Menonitas

25 Março 2021

Blessed are the meek, Jesus said, for they will inherit the earth.
Lord, may we live out your kingdom in humility and patience.

Blessed are the merciful, Jesus said, for they will receive mercy.
Lord, may we have compassion on each other, especially on those with whom we don’t agree.

Blessed are the peacemakers, Jesus said, for they will be called children of God.
Lord, we desire to be known as your people by our love for all and our ability to walk calmly into conflict seeking to understand and transform.

Lord, teach us to be your salt amid divisions, especially those within churches and families, and to be your illuminating justice, especially where there is systemic discrimination against those who are poor or people of colour.

19 Março 2021

The Mennonite churches in Indonesia are looking forward to hosting Anabaptist brothers and sisters from around the world. Pray for the fundraising team to find solutions to close the budget gap in the fundraising efforts for Global Youth Summit (GYS) and Assembly 17.

Pray also for acceleration of the COVID-19 vaccination process to help the country be free of the virus before the end of 2021. Pray for the Indonesian government to make wise choices about prioritization and procurement.

18 Março 2021

Lord, your have formed your people with diversity within the body of Christ. Yet this gift sometimes seems unwelcome. Our brothers and sisters hold different opinions and practices that make us feel uncomfortable. Continue to teach us through your Spirit to learn unity without uniformity.

Lord, you call us to speak to each other honestly and directly when there is offense. Give us courage to do so with grace and compassion. Guide us also to search our own hearts for ways we have failed and lead us in repentance.

Lord, you have placed us as your caretakers upon the earth. Show us your glory in the world around us, in its abundance and its fragility. Forgive us for our selfish consumption. Teach us humility in our dominion and remind us how our actions affect those around us.

17 Março 2021


when we pray for climate justice, we pray to strengthen our long-standing commitment to justice, peace and the integrity of your creation.

Climate change threatens human rights as universal and indivisible rights for all people: rights to food, water; health and adequate housing; political and civil rights.

We need to listen to the voices of victims. Please help us understand the problems of climate change as social problems so that we respect human dignity and the common good.

We pray for justice - between the global North and South - beyond generations – beyond genders – with marginalized groups – with the non-human parts of your creation.

God, make us an instrument of your justice so that we are no longer part of the problem, but of the solution.


—Submitted by Creation Care Task Force member Rebecca Froese, a member of Mennonite Church Hamburg-Altona, Germany.

16 Março 2021

Thank you, Father God, for always being attentive to us, your sons and daughters, and for listening to all those who call out to you with a humble and contrite heart.

Thank you for having redeemed us from judgement and death through the precious blood of Christ, our Saviour.

Loving Father, we ask you to protect us from all illness and every evil, in the name of your beloved son, Jesus Christ. 


—submitted by Elvia Sanchez Torres, Iglesia Berna Menonita, Bogota, Colombia 

15 Março 2021

The national health system in Portugal has been very brave, but in January, Portugal’s case numbers rose to the highest per capita in Europe. Hospitals are overwhelmed and protective equipment is in short supply. Pray for intervention.—José Arrais

11 Fevereiro 2021

“And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, just as we abound in love for you. And may he so strengthen your hearts in holiness that you may be blameless before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints” (1 Thessalonians 3:12-13).

Bishop Safari Mutabesha, president of Mennonite Brethren Church Malawi, calls for prayer. Coronavirus cases increased drastically in December with many deaths resulting. Most of his church members are day labourers who live far from medical facilities. “Some of our members are infected (tested positive) and are staying in isolation but have no food,” he writes. Food is scarce in January and February and harvests are far off.

11 Fevereiro 2021

Pray for Gilgal Mission Trust. President Paul Phinehas writes: “Our pastors in our conference are undergoing a lot of financial crises due to lockdown and COVID-19 restrictions. From March 2020 to December 2020 all our churches were closed. All our congregation livelihood opportunities are completely shattered. Many of our congregation are daily labourers and many are working in textiles companies [where demand has dried]. Prices have gone up, but unemployment is more now. Mostly youths lose their studies and youngsters become jobless. Everyone is in a difficult situation both financially and mentally. We kindly request you to pray for us to overcome this situation.” 

11 Fevereiro 2021

Pray that our local congregations find ways to model the love of Christ in their communities which struggle with illness and death due to the pandemic, while at the same time learning how to bridge the political and racial divisions which also exist. Pray that the spirit of unity would bring healing and resilience.

07 Janeiro 2021

Praise God for the technologies that keep us connected while restrictions keep us apart. May the Spirit give us wisdom to follow Jesus faithfully wherever we are.

07 Janeiro 2021

Praise God for young people with their energy and desire to learn. May they seek out wise mentors who encourage them to adapt to new ways. May they find opportunities to use their skills in service of the world. May the church welcome young people to grow in leadership and explore new ways of being faithful.

07 Janeiro 2021

Meserete Kristos Church (MKC) is in the process of discerning God's directions for the coming five years: please pray for us to complete our five-year strategic plan preparation. The situation in the northern region of Ethiopia is in a better condition than one month ago. The MKC members and the community in those areas need trauma healing. There is also a request for peacebuilding training. Pray for us to get resources to do so. Humanitarian organizations are helping the people with basic needs. MKC Relief and Development Association is looking for resources to assist people in communities where MKC churches serve.

—submitted by Desalegn Abebe Ejo  

07 Janeiro 2021

“What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but do not have works? Can faith save you?” (James 2:14). With these words, Iglesia Cristiana Menonita De Colombia speaks out against the killing of hundreds of farmers, social leaders, indigenous people, demobilized paramilitaries, and their families. They call the church to practice nonviolence as a way of life; incorporate themes of justice, reconciliation and peace in our teaching, preaching and singing; accompany those who are victims of violence; invite those who commit violence to accept the gospel’s call to repentance and a transformed life; practice solidarity. May we hear their call; may God strengthen us for the long work of seeking justice and building peace.

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07 Janeiro 2021

“The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some think of slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9) Lord, thank you for your patience with us. May we live out our repentence. As we receive your grace, may our lives may call others to come to you.

07 Janeiro 2021

Thank you, God, for MWC’s regional representatives who labour to represent the situation of churches in their region to MWC and represent MWC’s resources and opportunities to the churches. This work is more difficult now without large conference gatherings and opportunities to visit with church leaders. Give resources to meet the challenges when internet access is poor or relationships with leaders had not been previously established.

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07 Janeiro 2021

Thank you, Lord, for the unprecedented scientific collaboration and focussed development and testing that allowed a vaccine for COVID-19 to be developed so quickly. We pray for justice in vaccine distribution. May world leaders prioritize not only their own citizens but an equitable distribution of vaccines around the world as a public health good.


Praise God for the sacrificial work of health care workers who have given themselves in acts of solidarity, generosity and kindness for those who are most vulnerable, afflicted and in need.  Through their practical help and pastoral and psychosocial accompaniment, they show God’s love in the midst of crisis. Thank you for these lights of hope that bring comfort and peace. Renew their faith, trust and hope.

07 Janeiro 2021
