Publications & Resources

Peace Sunday 2024 – worship resource

Vredeszondag 2023 – Lied suggesties

Peace Sunday 2023 – Letter

Vredeszondag 2023 –Leermiddelen

Vredeszondag 2023 – Liturgie

Vredeszondag 2023 – Activiteiten

Vredeszondag 2023 – Gebedsintenties

Vredeszondag 2023 – Bronnen voor diensten

Declaration on Conscientious Objection

Peace Sunday 2022 - Liturgies

Peace Sunday 2022 - Activities page

Peace Sunday 2022 - Letter

Peace Sunday 2022 – worship resource

A weekend of prayer and action against hunger 2021

Peace Sunday 2021 - Letter

Peace Sunday 2021 - Liturgies for gathering and benediction

Peace Sunday 2021 - Prayers

Peace Sunday 2021 - Teaching resource

Peace Sunday 2021 - Testimony

Peace Sunday 2021 - Activities