
Mennonite community at centre of COVID-19 response in Kudus

As the world deals with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mennonite community in Kudus, Central Java, Indonesia, joins hands and works with the local government to mitigate the risk and manage the spread of COVID-19 cases in Kudus, a city of more than 800,... 더 보기

MWC Global Church Sharing Fund responds to pandemic needs

Instead of being a great leveler, the COVID-19 pandemic is exposing pre-existing systemic inequalities that benefit some and disadvantage others. How can the Anabaptist family respond? Mennonite World Conference has invited Anabaptist mission and... 더 보기

New MWC website is mobile friendly and multilingual

A fresh look will greet web visitors to after 14 May 2020. The website has been redesigned with greater functionality. Mobile viewers will find responsive design that displays well on a smaller screen. MWC teaching documents, worship... 더 보기

Jesus Christ: Our Only Hope

Like the chambers of a heart, the four MWC commissions serve the global community of Anabaptist-related churches, in the areas of deacons, faith and life, peace, mission. Commissions prepare materials for consideration by the General Council, give... 더 보기

Year-old West African church plants three others

“Yahweh, Yahweh!” Jubilant singing ricocheted off the stucco walls of the Bissau-Guinean Mennonite meetinghouse. Participants at the annual conference of Mennonite Church West Africa (MCWA) celebrated the growing interest of Christocentric theology... 더 보기

Creation care and baptism report approved at Executive Committee meetings

Mennonite World Conference will appoint a creation care task force to raise awareness and propose actions for our global church family. The task force will work in closely with the four MWC commissions. “This [discussion] comes at the right time,”... 더 보기

Spaghetti and chopsticks: Mutual transformation in YAMEN

This story was written in February 2020, before the COVID-19 pandemic became a worldwide threat. As of April 2020, Minear Mak is still serving in her YAMEN assignment, remaining in close contact with MCC and MWC administrators as health and... 더 보기

Check your inbox: MWC publishes Courier by email only

“These is an extraordinary time we are living in, but we remain confident that Jesus Christ is our hope, no matter what life brings,” says MWC general secretary César García. Due to the global economic slowdown and the challenges of moving mail... 더 보기

Church in times of Coronavirus

An Easter Letter Dear sisters and brothers in the Global Anabaptist family of the MWC, We greet you in the name of our Risen Lord! Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! We are an Easter people Easter has come, but not gone! Our celebrations may have... 더 보기

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – April 2020

The International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) is made up of 21 national churches in 19 countries with approximately 450,000 members. ICOMB exists to facilitate relationships and ministries to enhance the witness and discipleship of its... 더 보기

We are all created wonderful

Renewal 2027 testimony: Anabaptists today Renewal 2027 is a 10-year series of events organized by Mennonite World Conference’s Faith and Life Commission to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the beginnings of the Anabaptist movement. This series... 더 보기

Passion for service: meet Shirley Redekop

“Even with all our diversity of culture, language and practice, our Anabaptist theology draws us together as a family of faith through Christ’s love and sacrifice for us,” says Shirley Redekop. She begins a half-time role as MWC chief development... 더 보기

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – March 2020

The International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) is made up of 21 national churches in 19 countries with approximately 450,000 members. ICOMB exists to facilitate relationships and ministries to enhance the witness and discipleship of its... 더 보기

Do not fear: prayers for COVID-19

With Coronavirus (COVID-19) unsettling the global human family, Mennonite World Conference leaders put confidence in the living God who says, “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you... 더 보기

Call to prayer for the human family

During the plague that ravaged third-century Alexandria, Bishop Cyprian tirelessly served the suffering with calm assurance that Christians find hope in Jesus Christ whether they live or die. Today, in a time of pandemic, Christian communions around... 더 보기

God’s call for our church and mission

“The church will slow down the work of Mennonite Central Committee,” someone told me at the 2008 MCC New Wine, New Wineskins consultative meeting in Winnipeg. “If we want to be a more effective NGO, we need to act independently from the church,” he... 더 보기

Renewal 2027 and Executive Committee meetings in B.C. cancelled

With the World Health Organization using the word “pandemic” to describe global infection from the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), Mennonite World Conference leadership decided to cancel the March Renewal 2027 public event and April Executive... 더 보기

People of Burkina Faso call for prayer

Terrorist attacks have displaced 700,000 in the West African nation of Burkina Faso. Many in the country say what they most need is prayer. “Only God can help us find a solution; it will not come by military force,” a provincial governor at the city... 더 보기

상민이를 위한 사면

상민이가 자신의 사면에 대해 흥분된 목소리로 전화 한 것은 2019년의 마지막 날인 12월 31일 목요일이었다.   2014년 상반기에 상민은 그의 믿음에 기반 한 병역 거부로 인해서 18개월의 실형을 선고받았었다. 2015년 7월 30일, 15개월의 복역을 마치고 자유의 몸이 되었지만, 병역 거부로 인한 전과 기록으로 취업의 기회는 제한되었고 공무원이 되는 것은 불가능했다.  지난 연말 5,174명에 대한 특별 사면이 이루어졌다는 뉴스를... 더 보기

Immigrants revitalize the church

Joji Pantoja reminds me of how immigrants spread the gospel in the early church. Like Lydia of Acts 16, Joji Pantoja is an international businesswoman and chair of the MWC Peace Commission. Born in the Philippines, she moved to Canada in 1986, then... 더 보기