
Peserta onsite Temu Raya ditambah menjadi dua kali lipat

Peserta Temu Raya di Indonesia disetujui untuk ditambah menjadi sedikit lebih banyak. Komite Penasihat Nasional untuk Temu Raya ke-17 dan Komite Eksekutif MWC telah memutuskan untuk meningkatkan jumlah peserta yang diperbolehkan hadir dalam Temu... Selengkapnya

Support for maternal health leads to vaccination openness

Millicent conceived in March 2020, just when Kenya reported the first case of COVID-19. The resident of Mathare, a poor district, was very fearful. Her neighbour Sophie, a care group volunteer with Centre for Peace and Nationhood (CPN), reached out... Selengkapnya

Berbagi sebuah bahasa yang baru dan menyatukan

“Kami berkumpul dari seluruh dunia untuk bernyanyi dan bermain musik bersama,” kata Benjamin Bergey, koordinator musik Temu Raya ke-17. Dengan kehadiran peserta dari Amerika, Eropa, Afrika, dan Asia, “Apa yang kami miliki [di Temu Raya] adalah... Selengkapnya

Belajar bersama dan terpisah

Tidak ada yang dapat mengantisipasi bahwa pandemi merupakan penghalang yang akan memberi tantangan tersendiri dalam perencanaan Temu Raya ketika panitia memilih tema “Bersama-sama mengikuti Yesus melintas batas”. Setelah mundur setahun dari tanggal... Selengkapnya

Kopi pagi – atau teh sore

Pleno Temu Raya memberi kesempatan kepada YAB dan Komisi-komisi untuk berbicara “Sungguh luar biasa kalau saya diberi kesempatan untuk berbagi,” kata Ebenezer Mondez, perwakilan komite YABs (Young AnaBaptis) untuk Asia. “Saya berasal dari gereja... Selengkapnya

Terhubung dengan jemaat lokal selama Temu Raya online

Bagaimana Injil dibagikan di Indonesia, sebuah negara dengan populasi Muslim terbesar di dunia? Anda akan tahu saat Anda beribadah bersama dengan empat jemaat lokal yang akan menjadi tuan rumah sesi kebaktian petang selama Temu Raya MWC ke-17,... Selengkapnya

Join the MWC Assembly – together – online!

“The Mennonite World Conference Assembly is a space to learn more about our brothers and sisters from different parts of the world. Everyone, regardless of budget or vacation time, will have the opportunity to gather online to worship, fellowship... Selengkapnya

Why have an Assembly?

Former MWC president Danisa Ndlovu (2003-2015) spoke with MWC about hosting the 2003 Assembly in Zimbabwe, his home country. This interview has been edited. “Circumstances tend not to favour expectations. You don’t choose what is happening at any... Selengkapnya

Memuji Tuhan bersama melintas batas

“Saya bisa melihat saat satu keluarga dengan banyak anggota, menyembah Bapa yang sama,” kata Natacha Kiendrebeogo dari Burkina Faso. Dia adalah salah satu dari empat pemuda peserta program YAMEN yang ditempatkan di Indonesia untuk membantu Panitia... Selengkapnya

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – April 2022

Transformed by the Spirit The filling of God’s Spirit in our lives is reflected through both the continual maturing process by the Spirit to reflect God’s character and by the Spirit’s filling that results in boldness to proclaim Christ and... Selengkapnya

“They didn’t want to leave”

Virtual education series explores peace theology At the end of the first evening of the virtual educational series, “From Chaos to Shalom: Exploring Peace Theology Together,” Andios Santoso and Joe Sawatzky struggled to wrap up the Zoom session. The... Selengkapnya

How should Mennonite World Conference engage the church with creation care?

This series of stories on the creation care survey has illuminated the importance of issues like climate change in the lives of Anabaptists around the world. We now come to the last question: what should Mennonite World Conference do in response?... Selengkapnya

After Zoom, prayers carry on

Online Prayer Hour doesn’t end when the hour does. Not only do participants in Mennonite World Conference’s bimonthly prayer meeting continue for another 15 minutes – greeting each in other in a pandemonium of languages – they also carry prayers... Selengkapnya

How Assembly food waste will end up as fertilizer

In Indonesia, a country where sorting and proper treatment of trash is rare, how do we run the Assembly sustainably? In 2019, Bangun P. Nugroho, a member of Jemaat Kristen Indonesia (JKI church) Holy Stadium in Semarang, Central Java, realized that... Selengkapnya

A golden opportunity to strengthen health systems

“Not on my watch!” The math wasn’t good enough for Sara Hildebrand. The COVAX plan to bring 1 billion doses of vaccine to people in the developing world would reach less than 20 percent of world’s poorest people in 2021. “The world needs people of... Selengkapnya

An occasion for confession and transformation

A focus on history can easily shade into hero worship – a focus on earthly figures rather than on Jesus, “the founder and perfector of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2). Preserving historical memories can become a form of nostalgia, or a defense of the dead... Selengkapnya

Anabaptists around the world care for creation

Stories from around the world teach how we respond as faith communities to the challenges of climate change. The 353 responses to the Creation Care Task Force survey contained many stories of churches caring for creation. This month, we highlight... Selengkapnya

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – March 2022

God’s Spirit gives us hope (Romans 15:13)! The presence of God’s Spirit in our hearts bears witness that we are adopted as children of God and heirs to his promises (Ephesians 1:5-6; Romans 8:14-17; Galatians 4:4-7). The Spirit is described as a... Selengkapnya

Prayers beat swords into plowshares

"Hope that results from faith in Jesus may be defined as ability to see a new reality. To long for a different world and behave as if we were already in it. Waiting on Christ is never passive, never simply a feeling." Mennonite World Conference... Selengkapnya

Indonesia 2022: less on-site, more creative options

How will we gather for Assembly 17? The Executive Committee has opted for limited on-site attendees and many options for online attendees at the hybrid Assembly 17. MWC Assembly is hosted by the three Indonesian Anabaptist-Mennonite synods in... Selengkapnya