The leaders of the Evangelical churches have experimented with and penetrated into politics, and have formed alliances with right-wing political parties characterized by militarist, neoliberal, and homophobic policies as well as human rights violations. Faced with this situation, what is the role we should play as Anabaptists?
Presenters: Peter Stucky, MDiv. Member of the Latin American Network of Anabaptist Studies ÐRELEA. Pastor of the Mennonite Church of Teusaquillo in Bogot, Colombia. He is also a member of the partnership in mission for Ecuador, Venezuela and Iquitos, Per, with Mennonite Mission Network and Central Plains Conference. Csar Moya, PhD. Coordinates the Latin American network for Anabaptist Studies Ð RELEA, is author of several books and articles. He is a member of the Mennonite Church of Colombia, and former missionary in Ecuador with the Mennonite Mission Network. At present he teaches at the Reformed University of Colombia in Barranquilla.