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Urgent call for workshop proposals issued by MWC

Bogota, Colombia – Mennonite World Conference is urgently seeking submissions for workshops and seminars at Assembly Gathered, by the deadline of 1 November.

We are seeking workshops and seminars that challenge, inspire and unite the church as a global peace church for mission and faithful witness. There is space for up to 200 individual workshops and seminars over four days, so if you want to share your ideas, experiences or stories with the global Anabaptist family – let us know now!

What are we looking for? Almost everything – from theology to crafts, from heated discussions to inspirational readings, from historical studies to juggling, poetry and theater. We are looking for topics and workshop leaders that reflect the cultural and linguistic diversity of our global communion and are interactive, dynamic, and interesting to a broader audience. In addition to theological and historical workshops, we are particularly interested in including cultural or creative workshops and stories of lived experience.

Do you have an idea that you want to discuss before submitting it? Just send an email to workshops2015@mwc-cmm.org

Workshops are held in the afternoons of the four full days of the 21-26 July 2015 Assembly – Wednesday through Saturday, parallel with children’s programs and excursions. There are two time slots: 13:30-15:00 and 15:30-17:00. Available spaces host up to 200 participants, but smaller, more intimate workshops can be accommodated as well. It is also possible to request a space for the whole afternoon block (13:30-17:00) for a seminar or multiple time slots for a series.

Completed application forms (see below) must be received by the MWC Program Oversight Committee by 1 November 2014. Completed forms should be sent to workshops2015@mwc-cmm.org or by mail to:

Marius van Hoogstraten,
Berlin Mennonite Peace Center,
Promenadenstraße 15b, 12207
Berlin, Germany

You can find the application form on page 3 of the Call for Workshops, on the Workshops’ webpage

Here you can also read more about interpretation options and the “fine print”.

Have a question? Not sure if what you would like to offer is “right” for MWC? Don’t hesitate to email us at workshops2015@mwc-cmm.org.

MWC News Release