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  1. An Open Hand, Not a Handout

    ... see the reverse of the development coin. Year after year the Portuguese government overspent its budget. Its debt grew so big that the EU, ... and we see God teaching and impacting the lives of the Portuguese people. José Arrais is president of the Associação ...

    pwadmin - 01/28/2020 - 12:25

  2. Newcomers to natives: Diversity and challenges for Mennonites in Brazil

    ... in Low German, sometimes in Russian and even began to use Portuguese. Outreach The first outreach project began in 1948 ... for abandoned children and with it the first exclusively Portuguese-speaking congregation, in the outskirts of Curitiba. It had the ...

    pwadmin - 01/27/2020 - 17:32

  3. Walking together while speaking different languages

    ... available for all worship services in Spanish, French, and Portuguese.  And yet the Assembly planners are also aware of a ...

    pwadmin - 01/28/2020 - 14:00

  4. Brief historic journey, profile, tendencies and challenges of Mennonites in Latin America

    ... to God can be heard in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Creole-English, Creole-French, but also in Qom, Guaraní, Bribri, ...

    pwadmin - 01/27/2020 - 17:51
