Mission Commission


The Mission Commission provides MWC member churches with resources and a forum for dialogue on global witness and service. The commission brings together the Global Anabaptist Service Network (GASN) and the Global Mission Fellowship (GMF) and enables dialogue and direction around pressing issues and opportunities in global witness and service. For mission agencies and churches, the commission hopes to stimulate global, continental, regional, and local partnerships in outreach, focusing on places where people have not yet had the opportunity to know Jesus Christ. For service agencies, the commission seeks to enable both dialogue and inter-agency collaboration in response to the pressing needs of God’s people and our communities everywhere.

Key Documents

Commission Members

James R Krabill


James R Krabill


Rafael Zaracho


Rafael Zaracho


Rafael Zaracho

GMF steering committee chair

Nelson Okanya


Eladio Mondez

Eladio Mondez


Barbara Hege-Galle

GASN steering committee chair

Barbara Hege-Galle


Hyacinth Stevens

Hyacinth Stevens


Simon Okoth

Simon Okoth


Felo Gracia

Felo Gracia

DR Congo

Stories by or about the Mission Commission

  • A spirit of teamwork

    James Krabill with students at STAKWW (Sekolah Tinggi Agama Kristen Wiyata) in Pati, Indonesia. About the Mission Commission The Mission Commission provides MWC member churches with resources and a forum for dialogue on global witness and service. The commission brings together the Global Anabaptist Service Network (GASN) and the Global Mission Fellowship (GMF) and enables…

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    A spirit of teamwork
  • God’s mission in Anabaptist communities

    “The relationship of Anabaptism and mission is a hot topic, and the field continues to expand to include a number of disciplines and sub-disciplines emerging which attempt to integrate a vision that is both missional and faithful to the Anabaptist message – and to wrestling with what precisely that means!” 

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    God’s mission in Anabaptist communities
  • A sacrificial call to mission

    “Transforming our thoughts from entitlement to sacrifice is a timeless challenge we face in Christian maturity,” says D Berg, a long-term worker with Multiply, the Mennonite Brethren mission agency. “Each church should consider the sacrifice they must make to include evangelism as a key (if not central) aspect of their congregation’s commitment to mission both…

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    A sacrificial call to mission
  • Jesus Christ: Our Only Hope

    Right now, the planet is in a panic about a strange disease: COVID-19. The World Health Organization (WHO) has concluded from its evaluation of COVID-19 that it should be classified as a pandemic. This illness is infecting and killing people regardless of ethnic, linguistic or socio-economic background Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO director-general, has stated that…

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