Interchurch dialogue

As a global communion of Anabaptist-related churches, Mennonite World Conference engages in interchurch dialogue with other Christian world communions and organizations. Most recently, MWC has been involved in dialogue with:

On-going interchurch dialogue

After a one-year hiatus for logistical reasons, plans for dialogue between Mennonite World Conference (MWC) and World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) have resumed. The dialogue is envisioned to have three components: praxeological, theological, and historical.

Together, this group of theologians from WRCR and MWC prepared a shared statement for public delivery on 29 May 2025 in Zurich, Switzerland. 

The title of the statement is “Restoring Our Family to Wholeness: Seeking a Common Witness.” The statement includes sections on giving thanks and celebrating our common confession of Jesus as Lord; confession and lament; and ends with God’s call to unity and peace. The statement will be posted on the MWC website.

Trilateral dialogue between Mennonites, Catholics and Lutherans


See Baptists and Mennonites in Dialogue, the report on conversations between the Baptist World Alliance and the Mennonite World Conference: 1989-1992.

Believers’ Baptism Churches



See Healing Memories: Reconciling in Christ, the final report of the Lutheran-Mennonite International Study Commission, 2010. The report laid the foundation for the July 2010 Lutheran World Federation reconciliation action dealing with the legacy of Lutheran persecution of Anabaptists.

See January 2014 letter from MWC to Mennonite colleges, universities, seminaries, information centers, and local/regional historical societies.

See also trilateral dialogues below

Seventh-day Adventists

Representatives of Mennonite World Conference and the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists met in dialogue May 28-31 at the Bienenberg Study and Conference Center in Liestal, Switzerland. The four days of conversation were characterized by both Christian warmth and frank exchange of perspectives.

This was the second round of dialogue based on the theme, “Living the Christian Life in Today’s World.” The first series of conversation took place June 28-July 1, 2011 at the Adventist church world headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland.

English: Living the Christian Life in Today’s World: Adventists and Mennonites in Conversation, 2011-2012

German: Als Christ in der heutigen Welt leben: Adventisten und Mennoniten im Gespräch, 2011-2012

See book which includes all papers presented in the two rounds of dialogue, the summary and recommendations, and responses to questions that Mennonites and Seventh-day Adventists frequently ask of each other.