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  1. Transformed by the Holy Spirit to be witnesses of Jesus Christ

    ... and facilitate MWC-related networks or fellowships working together on matters of common interest and focus. In the following, one of the ... Scripture, started witnessing in schools, offices and on the road. The major prayer request was the thirst for the filling by the Holy ...

    pwadmin - 09/20/2021 - 12:48

  2. Walking with God

    ... 24, where a story is told of two disciples who are on the road to Emmaus after the death and resurrection of Christ. “Walking” in the ... Walking despite disagreement Is walking together possible if we are in disagreement? Is it possible to live in a ...

    pwadmin - 05/21/2020 - 15:52

  3. Europeans plan to hire coordinator; seek to be ‘a place of blessing’

    ... and a challenge: "Like Jacob’s life, our life together preparing the church as a place of blessing for one another and for the world is a long and winding road.  But we are walking it together, hopefully in the way of Jesus Christ ...

    pwadmin - 11/18/2019 - 14:38

  4. Children dream in peace

    ... Peacemaking youth from many countries play football (soccer) together in the Anabaptist World Cup at Assembly 16 in Pennsylvania, USA. ... 2:13–18). The public life of Jesus evolved along the road as he traveled to cities and towns while preaching the kingdom Gospel and ...

    pwadmin - 05/05/2020 - 18:40

  5. GAPN Terms of Reference

    ... we need companions, fellow sojourners, to support us on the road, and we them. In doing so we can walk and journey together in witnessing to God’s Just-Peace. Mennonite World Conference ...

    Andres Pacheco ... - 09/24/2020 - 14:01

  6. Healthcare leaders plan international summit July 2015

    ... World Conference, said, “Come join us. Let’s walk together on the road of healthcare. Let’s stand in an interdependent and cross-cultural way ...

    pwadmin - 09/02/2020 - 16:15

  7. Church in times of Coronavirus

    ... times of such adversity we wish so much to gather, to pray together, to plead with one voice for healing and hope. And we want to reach ... love for each other. The Christ who met the disciples on the road to Emmaus will walk alongside us even as we try to do our best to keep our ...

    pwadmin - 09/30/2020 - 12:41

  8. Kick-off celebrations held a year before 2015 MWC Assembly

    ... with God.” He pointed out that the theme is drawn from the road to Emmaus story, in which the disciples seem to be in a contentious ... side. “Only when they were seated at the table, communing together, did they discover who Jesus was. When we are together in communion, ...

    pwadmin - 01/28/2020 - 14:05

  9. A little more light

    ... and facilitate MWC-related networks or fellowships working together on matters of common interest and focus. In the following, one of the ... It was already dark when we turned off the main road onto a bumpy track through the forest. A delegation of the MWC Deacons ...

    pwadmin - 11/18/2019 - 14:38

  10. Why do we need a global communion?

    ... Assembly, to be held 21-26 July 2015. But how can we walk together if we do not believe exactly the same? That was the question that a ... those that think differently? Third, vision. On the road to Emmaus, the disciples found out the truth about Jesus’ resurrection ...

    pwadmin - 01/28/2020 - 13:06
