Mennonite & Islam dari Pedesaan Lereng Muria
This workshop was delivered in Indonesian.
This workshop was delivered in Indonesian.
Mary, the mother of Jesus is deeply honored by Christians and Muslims. This workshop explores the Qur’anic and Biblical narratives about Mary and her depiction in both traditions. The workshop also investigates what a focus on her prophethood can add to inter-religious dialogue between Muslims and Christians, especially for women.
Presenter: Jacqueline Hoover is a free-lance instructor is Islamic Studies and Muslim-Christian relations based in the UK. She is a member of the sessional faculty at AMBS and an ordained minister in the Mennonite Church USA. She has taught recently in Malaysia, Egypt, Kenya and the UK.
The interpretation does not constitute a definitive record of proceedings.
The simultaneous interpretation of Mennonite World Conference meetings and events facilitates communication among the participants in the meeting. It does not constitute an official record of proceedings. Where there is any difference between the simultaneous interpretation and the original speech (or the written translation of the speech), the original speech (or the written translation) takes precedence.
MEDA (Mennonite Econommic Development Association) works to create business solutions to poverty. MEDA’s vision is that all people may unleash their God-given potential to earn a livelihood, provide for families and enrich communities. This session focuses on how MEDA SME partners in the agribusiness sector view the post-COVID world.
Presenters: Dr. Dorothy Nyambi is president & CEO of MEDA. Veronica Herrera is CEO of MiCrdito, Nicaragua. Hadija Jabri is managing director of GBRI, Tanzania. Sunoko Lin is a businessperson and treasurer of Mennonite World Conference.
Scripture offers three models for relating faithfully to Muslim neighbors as a reflection of the Trinitarian God. Participants will consider their own relationships to Muslims as we reflect on examples of hosts (Kenya and North America), guests (Somalia), and mutual partners (Tanzania and the Allies for Peace project).
Presenter: Peter Sensenig serves with MMN and EMM in France and francophone Africa; member of EMM’s Christian-Muslim Relations Team; EMM East Africa regional interfaith consultant from 2015-2020; ordained MCUSA 2008; PhD Theology/Christian ethics Fuller Theological Seminary; taught courses in two Somaliland universities; author Peace Clan: Mennonite Peacemaking in Somalia (Pickwick, 2016).
Violence in the name of religion often occurs in Indonesia. Mennonite Church started to build peace with radical group to overcome violence in the name of religion in Indonesia.
Presenter: Paulus Hartono is one of the Mennonite church pastor who has been actively serving on the congregation for 14 years and has been special duty pastor in MDS (Mennonite Diakonia Service) GKMI Synod for 15 years for peace service in location of natural disaster and inter-religious conflicts and building peace with a radical Muslim group.
Practical tools for promoting appropriate behavior in power and sexual relationships in leadership and pastoral work based on Healthy Boundaries material developed by Faith Trust Institute, with adaptations for Latin America, sections of the Colombian Mennonite Church’s ethics manual, and training experiences.
Presenters: Alix Lozano served as president of the Mennonite Church of Colombia (IMCOL) and director of the Mennonite seminary. She is an advisor to the MTAL Ð Movement of Anabaptist Women Doing Theology from Latin America (Movimiento de Mujeres Anabautistas Haciendo Teologa desde Amrica Latina). Pablo Stucky has worked with Anabaptist programs in conflict transformation, peace and trauma transformation. They facilitate trainings on healthy boundaries.
Here I am to worship / Ich will dich anbeten / Lumiere du monde / Ku Mau MemujiMu
Tim Hughes, German Andreas Wldman, Indonesian Deasy Sucipto
© 2000 Thankyou Music (admin. Capitol CMG Publishing)
Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570
The Anabaptist movement dates its formal beginnings to 21 January 1525, when a group of young people gathered in a home close to the Grossmnster cathedral in Zurich, Switzerland, to commit adult baptism, a subversive act at the time.
Holy God, we praise thy name / Grosser Gott / Grand Dieu, nou te benisson / Te alabamos Oh Gran Dios
Te Deum laudamus” (present-day Italy), late 4th c.; trans. Clarence A. Walworth, 1853; German trans. Ignace Franz (present-day Poland), ca. 1774, alt; French trans. Henri-Louis Empaytaz; Spanish trans. anon.
Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570
Tapaiko Cheuma / I am your child,
Adrian Dewan
© 2018 Adrian Dewan
Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570
Tapa’iko che’uma, tapa’iko che’uma, tapa’iko najik angalobhitra rakhnos mala’i buvale ja stai, mitrale jastai tapa’iko najik, angalobhitra rakhnos mala’i.
Aru katai pani mildaina viśeram yo atmale tapa’ima nai viśram paucha aru katai pani metdaina trisena yo meropran tapa’ima nai tripta huncha.
I am your child, I am your child; keep me close by you, held in your presence, held in your arms.
You are my parent and my companion. Keep me close by you, held in your presence, held in your arms.
Without your love, I’m lost. My soul finds rest in you. Nowhere else, just by your side, Jesus my God. Without your water of life, my thirst can never be quenched. Nowhere else just by your side, Jesus my God.
El Senyor es la meva forca / In the Lord I’ll be ever thankful / El Senor es mi fortaleza / O ma joie et mon esperance / Meine Hoffnung und meine Freude,
Catalan; Taizé Community (France); English, Spanish, French, and German trans. Taizé Community/Jacques Berthier (France)
©1986, 1991, 2011 Les Presses de Taizé (admin. GIA Publications, Inc.) © One License
Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570