Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • Haga clic en la foto para ver el álbum en Flickr

    Haga clic en la foto para ver el ‡lbum en Flickr

  • Renewal 2027, April 2019 in San Heredia, Costa Rica

     Heredia, Costa Rica 2019


  • IMG_0552

  • Lent/Cuaresma/Carme 2022


  • These Peace Sunday photos are provided by the Peace Commission of Mennonite World Conference. We encourage their use by all MWC-related congregations on the designated Peace Sunday (20 September 2020), or another Sunday that fits the schedule of the congregation. We trust that we can all be nurtured by the faithfulness of these brothers and sisters.

  • Purpose: God’s and ours

  • Each year, Anabaptist-related churches around the world celebrate Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday. This provides an opportunity to remember our common roots, celebrate our worldwide Anabaptist movement of faith, and to pray for each other. Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday is usually held on a Sunday close to January 21.Each year, Anabaptist-related churches around the world are encouraged to worship around a common theme on a Sunday close to 21 January, usually the fourth Sunday in January. 

    Find all materials from previous years’ celebrations here: Publications & Resources Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday