Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • A word from the editor

    Who is with us

    “They showed us unusual kindness” (Acts 28:2).

    That was the theme of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity this ear in the northern hemisphere. The churches represented at the gathering were not the ones I, as a Mennonite Brethren, normally have a close affiliation with: United, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Catholic, Orthodox.

    The formality of the service with its liturgy written word-for-word in the handout may have been unfamiliar, but the Spirit of God among the worshippers as we sang, read Scripture, prayed and listened to the sermon together was very familiar.

    It got me thinking about Jesus’ words in Mark 9:40: “Whoever is not against us is for us.”

    It seems to me that we often flip this statement – “whoever is not for us is against us” – and we use it to build walls between us and others, even others of the same faith. However, this seems to be the opposite of what Jesus was telling the disciples. To the disciples who are eager to point out how other people are doing things wrong, it seems that Jesus is saying anyone who claims the name of Jesus is an ally – even if they talk about the gospel a little bit differently.

    And that makes me think of hope. The theme of Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday in 2020 is “Jesus Christ, our hope.” This is a message that never gets old.

    It is easy to find bad news: within our global Anabaptist family, Colombia is steeped in violence after years of civil war; Venezuela and Zimbabwe are in economic crisis; Burkina Faso and India experience flashes of religious violence; DR Congo is both cause of and shelter from displacement; in the Philippines and Indonesia, seismic and weather disasters threaten the most vulnerable citizens; and many people are suffering from general anxiety or outright trauma. In addition, the whole world is in a state of uncertainty about COVID-19.

    What a breath of freedom in this statement that we find hope in Jesus.

    Additionally, there can be hope in getting to know his other followers too. Even the ones we have disagreed with.

    This issue of Courier presents the Faith and Life Commission’s statement on ecumenicity, passed by the General Council in Kenya in 2018. It provides a framework for how we as Anabaptist Mennonites can approach others within the Christian tradition with whom we have differences in theological perspective. How to get along with those who are also for Jesus Christ, our hope.

    In the Perspectives section, we read stories from church leaders around the world who share experiences of collaborating interdenominationally, sharing the message of Jesus Christ, our hope.

    May this issue encourage you to consider how to show unusual kindness to the theological strangers close to you – crossing barriers of church tradition – for the sake of the good news.

    Karla Braun is editor of Courier and writer for Mennonite World Conference. She lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

    Click the image below to view this issue of Courier as a PDF

    In this issue

  • In Indonesia, the congregation that worships in the Holy Stadium in Semarang (Jemaat Kristen Indonesia — JKI) includes dancers during the worship through music. This introduces creative, expressive art and provides another ‘language’ to worship the Lord. An expression of the heart, movements symbolize honour, adoration, joy and thanksgiving. Dance can include tambourine, ribbons, banners and other objects. Movements are usually structured with specific meanings; the patterns are familiar across churches. The dance team follows the lead of the worship leader and music director, united in one heart to glorify God and to usher the congregants into God’s presence.

    Holy Stadium, Semarang, 28 June 2020 (Minute 11:14) The first service since the pandemic.
    JKI Kingdom Gospel (Minute 9:31, 33:39)
    JKI Kingdom Gospel (Minute 5:12)
    JKI Maranatha Praise and Worship
  • Each year, Anabaptist-related churches around the world celebrate Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday. This provides an opportunity to remember our common roots, celebrate our worldwide Anabaptist movement of faith, and to pray for each other. Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday is usually held on a Sunday close to January 21.Each year, Anabaptist-related churches around the world are encouraged to worship around a common theme on a Sunday close to 21 January, usually the fourth Sunday in January. 

    Find all materials from previous years’ celebrations here: Publications & Resources Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday
  • Second Edition

    Exploring the “Shared Convictions” of Anabaptist-related churches

    by Alfred Neufeld

    Photography by Merle Good

    Introduction by César García

    Published in cooperation with Mennonite World Conference

  • A Conversation between Mennonite World Conference and the Seventh-day Adventist Church
