If you plan to participate in Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday (AWFS) in 2023, send us a message (info@mwc-cmm.org) so we can put a locator pin for your congregation as we celebrate and pray along with you:
Jesus Christ: Our Hope
Why this theme was chosen
Even in the midst of deep troubles, we come together from around the world to follow Jesus, who gives us hope. This is also the theme for Renewal 2023 in Mennonite World Conference.
Biblical texts:
- Old Testament: Isaiah 40: 28-31
- Psalm: Psalm 62:1-6
- Gospel: Luke 18:35-43
- New Testament: 1 Peter 1:3-6
In this package
- Suggested liturgies for gathering and benediction
- Biblical background for sermon content
- Stories and testimonies from Africa for sermon content
- Anabaptist historical context
- Children’s story and activity
- Tithes and offering ideas from Africa
- Cultural suggestions from Africa
- Posters
Additional resources
Multimedia resources online
Song suggestions
Indonesian Songs
- #15 MWC 1978 Songbook, Dhuh pangeran, by Saptojoadi, a Mennonite songwriter
- #17 MWC 2015 Songbook, Nyanyikanlah Nyanyian Baru (Sing to God a new song)
- 2022 MWC Songbook, S’gala puji syukur (All our praise and glory)
Other Asian songs from MWC 2015 Songbook
- #20 Sari srishti ke malik tumhi ho (All praise to the God of creation)
- #22 Ki Ri Su To No (May the peace of Christ be with you)
Other songs from MWC 2015 Songbook
- #7 Som’landela (We will follow)
Following Jesus together
Biblical texts
- Old Testament: Genesis 12:1-5
- Psalm 104:1-4, 24, 31-33
- Gospel: John 20:19-23
- New Testament: 1 Corinthians 12:3-13
One Lunch offering
In this package
- Prayers
- Biblical texts for sermon content
- Testimonies from Asia
- Cultural contributions from Asia
Additional resources
Multimedia resources
Following Jesus together across barriers
Why this theme was chosen:
This is the theme chosen for the Indonesia 2021 Assembly. As a global Anabaptist faith community our priorities are summarized in these words.
Biblical texts:
Old Testament: Isaiah 55:1-6
Psalm: 27
Gospel: John 4:1-42
New Testament: Philippians 2:1-11Relationship between the theme and the biblical texts:
We read about people crossing barriers to follow God’s commands.
- The prophet Isaiah writes that we are a witness to all nations when we reflect the glory of God.
- The Psalmist writes our courage comes from God even when we are afraid.
- In the Gospel of John, Jesus reaches across religious, racial/ethnic, and gender boundaries to connect with the Samaritan woman, who then witnesses to her community that Jesus is the Messiah.
- In Philippians, Paul tells us how to follow Jesus in obedience, with concern for other people’s needs and interests more than our own.
We too are all called to follow Jesus together by crossing barriers.
In this package
Suggested liturgies for gathering and for benediction
- Prayers
- Biblical texts for sermon content
- Testimonies from Asia
- Cultural contributions from Asia
- Worship dance in JKI churches
- Holy Stadium, Semarang, 28 June 2020 (the first service since the pandemic) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWvxjoywWbE (Minute: 11:14)
- JKI Kingdom Gospel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKYk9eG-O_8&t=267s (Minute: 9:31, 33:39)
- JKI Kingdom Gospel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_zZ5TRvfSA (Minute: 5:12)
- Worship dance in JKI churches
- Pictures (click or see below)
- Song videos
- Additional videos
- Poster A & Poster B
- Sample bulletin covers
- 2020 Year in Review video (to come)
- Celebration map (add your pin)
- Online prayer hour
Where are Mennonites in the world?
- See our global membership here
Download introduction (2 pages)
Download entire worship package (20 pages)
In Indonesia, the congregation that worships in the Holy Stadium in Semarang (Jemaat Kristen Indonesia — JKI) includes dancers during the worship through music. This introduces creative, expressive art and provides another ‘language’ to worship the Lord. An expression of the heart, movements symbolize honour, adoration, joy and thanksgiving. Dance can include tambourine, ribbons, banners and other objects. Movements are usually structured with specific meanings; the patterns are familiar across churches. The dance team follows the lead of the worship leader and music director, united in one heart to glorify God and to usher the congregants into God’s presence.
Holy Stadium, Semarang, 28 June 2020 (Minute 11:14) The first service since the pandemic. JKI Kingdom Gospel (Minute 9:31, 33:39) JKI Kingdom Gospel (Minute 5:12) JKI Maranatha Praise and Worship -
Each year, Anabaptist-related churches around the world celebrate Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday. This provides an opportunity to remember our common roots, celebrate our worldwide Anabaptist movement of faith, and to pray for each other. Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday is usually held on a Sunday close to January 21.Each year, Anabaptist-related churches around the world are encouraged to worship around a common theme on a Sunday close to 21 January, usually the fourth Sunday in January.
Find all materials from previous years’ celebrations here: Publications & Resources Anabaptist World Fellowship SundayHoi Thanh Mennonite Church, Vietnam. Photo: courtesy Hoi Thanh Mennonite Church Regensburg Mennonite Church combined Sunday brunch with a family church service. Photo: Liesa Unger Baptism, Dominican Republic, 2020 Photo: Mariano Ram√≠rez “When we are one in our diversity we show who God is,” said César García. The churches of Iglesia del Dios Viviente de la Convención Menonita de Nicaragua gave thanks to God for the first Anabaptists who gave their lives and passed on a radical identity as messengers of peace. Photo: Abel Mendoza On 2 February 2020, Communauté Evangelique Mennonite celebrated Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday with joy. Photo: Jean Félix Cimbalanga Children at First Mennonite Church, Kitchener, Ont., Canada, created this cardboard poster, about 30 cm x 45 cm (12 inches x 18 inches), as part of their Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday service. Photo: Arli Klassen