Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • Stewardship for All?,  by Bedru Hussein and Lynn Miller

  • Table of contents:

    1. In The Beginning
    2. Many Gifts, But the Same Spirit
    3. A Sharing God
    4. Sharing Gifts in the Global Family
    5. Obstacles to Sharing Gifts
    6. A Gift Sharing Church
    7. Being Rich Toward God
  • God’s People in Mission: An Anabaptist Perspective, 2018.

    Based on the 10 missional statements that resulted from the work of the Mission Commission.

  • A Statement of the MWC Mission Commission

    God is a missionary God. Jesus is a missionary Lord. The Holy Spirit is a missionary empowerer. The entire Bible is a missional book. The whole church is a missional people.

    Therefore, by the grace of God, as an Anabaptist faith community

    1. ORIGINS

    We lead people to know God as Father, the Creator who initiated in Christ a loving, comprehensive plan to restore peace to the universe.

    2. MEANS and MODEL

    We announce Jesus, the Son of God, as both the means and the incarnate model by which God restores peace. It is through Jesus’ life, teachings, death, and resurrection that the door opens to reconciliation, redemption, new creation, and eternal life. Incarnational witness and service is our model for mission.

    3. POWER

    We walk in the power of the Holy Spirit in word, deed, and being. We live and proclaim the kingdom of God, forgiving, teaching, healing, casting out evil spirits, and embodying suffering love.

    4. MESSAGE

    We invite all people to acknowledge Jesus as Lord, turn from sin, receive baptism upon confession of faith, and follow him in life as part of the worshiping, serving community of faith. This community is itself a sign to the world. We announce God’s kingdom by serving others with humility and gratitude, caring for creation, and seeking to live in the world without conforming to the powers of evil.

    5. SCOPE and TASK

    We go beyond our communities as witnesses, following Jesus’ instructions to make disciples of all peoples. We form new communities of believers, transcending boundaries of nationality, culture, class, gender, and language. Because we believe that God has created and blessed cultural variety, we expect new forms of the church to emerge as we go.


    We trust God in all areas of life, living as peacemakers who renounce violence, love our enemies, seek justice, and focus especially on serving and reaching out to the weak, poor, vulnerable, voiceless, and oppressed. Because Jesus Christ suffered for us, we also accept risk and suffering for his sake.

    7. TEXT

    We hold and share the Bible as our authority for faith, life, and mission. The Holy Spirit within and among us is the primary interpreter of the Word.

    8. WORSHIP

    We gather regularly to worship, celebrate the Lord’s Supper, and hear and respond to the Word of God in mutual accountability. Our worship is an integral part of equipping us to participate in God’s mission.

    9. UNITY and RESPECT

    We promote the unity of all Christians as part of our witness, and we respect the people of other faith traditions as we share the hope that is within us.


    We eagerly await Christ’s return and anticipate the final fulfillment of God’s kingdom when people of every tribe, tongue, and nation gather in worship around the throne of God and of the Lamb.

    21 March 2014, in session at Dopersduin, Schoorl, Holland

    Book: God’s People in Mission: An Anabaptist Perspective

  • God’s Shalom Project, by Bernhard Ott

  • MWC selects books that help member churches nurture a common Christian faith. See French or Spanish version of this page for books in those languages.


    God’s People in Mission: An Anabaptist Perspective, edited by Stanley W. Green & Rafael Zaracho, MWC Mission Commission.

    PDF here. Also available on Amazon/Kindle.


    Life Together in the Spirit: A Radical Spirituality for the Twenty-First Century, by John Driver; Plough Publishing House, Walden, NY, USA, Available for download or online reading:

    Indonesian: Hidup Bersama dalam Roh: Spiritualitas Radikal untuk Abad Kedua Puluh Satu; by John Driver;

    Institute for the Study of Global Anabaptism/MWC, Goshen, Indiana, USA,

    Portuguese: Vida No Espírito Em Comunidade: Uma Espiritualidade Radical para o Século XXI; by John Driver;

    Institute for the Study of Global Anabaptism/MWC, Goshen, Indiana, USA,

    Korean: 성령과 함께 하는 삶: 21세기의 급진적 영성


    What We Believe Together, by Alfred Neufeld Friesen,

    Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society, Lancaster, PA, USA,
    PDF here

    Now available in 7 languages:  English, Spanish, German, Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese and Indonesian. 

    German: Was wir gemeinsam glauben 

    Neufeld Verlag:

    Korean: 우리가 함께 믿는 것

    Korea Anabaptist Press:



    Indonesian: Keyakinan kita bersama : mengungkap butir-butir keyakinan bersama gereja-gereja Anabaptis

    Semarang: Penerbit Pustaka Muria


    Stewardship for All?,  by Bedru Hussein and Lynn Miller;

    Good Books, Intercourse, and Pandora Press, Kitchener, ON,

    PDF here


    A Culture of Peace, by Alan Krieder, Eleanor Krieder, Paulus Widjaja; Good Books, Intercourse, and Pandora Press, Kitchener, ON,

    PDF here

    Now available in 2 languages:  English and German.

    German: Ein Kultur des Friedens Neufeld Verlag :


    God’s Shalom Project, by Bernhard Ott;

    Good Books, Intercourse, and Pandora Press, Kitchener, ON,

    PDF here

    Now available in 5 languages:  English, French, German, Japanese and Spanish.

    German: Schalom – das Projekt Gottes

    Neufeld Verlag : and Agape Verlag Auslieferung, c/o Atempause, Borken, Germany E-mail:

    Japanese: シャーローム 神のプロジェクト ; Word of Life Press Ministries, Japan. The Japanese book can be purchased on Word of Life’s website and through Amazon.


    Sharing Gifts in the Global Family of Faith, by Pakisa Tshimika and Tim Lind;

    Good Books, Intercourse, and Pandora Press, Kitchener, ON,

    PDF here

    Now available in 4 languages:  English, French, Spanish and German.

    German : Teilen, was wir sind und haben; Neufeld Verlag/, VdK-Str. 21, D-92521 Schwarzenfeld, phone ++49/94 35/50 24 49, E-Mail


    Anabaptist Seed, by C. Arnold Snyder,

    Good Books, Intercourse, and Pandora Press, Kitchener, ON,
    PDF here

    Now available in 16 languages:  English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Hindi, Italian, Telugu, Amharic, Vietnamese and Swedish.

    German: Täuferische Saat – Weltweites Wachstum,

    Neufeld Verlag : and Agape Verlag Auslieferung, c/o Atempause, Borken, Germany E-mail:

    Korean: 재세례신앙의 씨앗으로 부터

    Korea Anabaptist Press:

    Vietnamese: Từ hạt giống Anabaptist

    Mennonite Church Canada:

    Simplified Chinese: 重洗派的根源

    Conference of Mennonite Churches in Taiwan:

    Traditional Chinese

    Conference of Mennonite Churches in Taiwan:

  • A Culture of Peace, by Alan Krieder, Eleanor Krieder, Paulus Widjaja

  • What We Believe Together, by Alfred Neufeld Friesen