Find the resources you need to promote MWC Assembly here!
- 2022-06: bulletin announcements (text and images)
- 2022-06: Speaker handout: all speakers, morning, evening
- 2022-06: daily program schedule in Indonesia
- 2022-06: daily themes (JPG)
- 2022-06: Offering handout
- 2022-05: local time charts for Assembly livestreaming around the world
- 2022-03: Powerpoint announcement: Assembly 17 is welcoming 700 on-site participants
- 2022-03: Bulletin insert (PDF): Welcoming the Anabaptist family online and on-site for Assembly 17
- 2022-03: Postcard (PDF)
- 2022-03: Poster (JPG)

Assembly News: A two-sided bulletin with stories and information about Assembly programming and registration
- 2021-08: PowerPoint announcement for in-person or online worship
- 2021-08: Assembly postcard (jpg and PDF)
- 2021-08: Bulletin insert (PDF)
- 2021-08: Poster (JPG)
- 2021-08: Video announcements (below)
- To download all files, go here