Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • Guide for study and reflection on

    Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church: The Report of the Trilateral Conversations between Lutherans, Mennonites and Catholics 2012-2017

    by Thomas R Yoder Neufeld, on behalf of the Faith and Life Commission

    This study guide is an aid for member churches of the Mennonite World Conference to receive and process the “Report” (The Report of the Trilateral Conversations between Lutherans, Mennonites, and Catholics, 2012-2017) on the trilateral conversations on baptism. It has been prepared on behalf of the Mennonite World Conference (MWC) Faith and Life Commission (FLC) by Thomas Yoder Neufeld, Chair of the FLC, with the benefit of consultation with numerous persons in MWC, the FLC and participants in the Trilateral Conversations.

    This guide is not a replacement for the rich and carefully worded Report. By distilling the content and adhering to the structure of the Report the guide provides an outline or road map. Readers of the guide are thus directed to the numbered paragraphs in the Report itself (e.g. [§ 120]). Quotation marks identify when specific words or phrases are taken from the Report.

    The guide adheres to the structure of the Report:

    • Chapter One focuses on the relationship of baptism to sin and grace [§§ 7-54]
    • Chapter Two on communicating grace and faith in relation to baptism [§§ 55-83]
    • Chapter Three on baptism and discipleship [§§ 84-112].
    • The Conclusion identifies the convictions, gifts,challenges and considerations [§§ 113-164].

    Throughout the guide readers will find questions for reflection on and testing of the Report. In keeping with the intentions of the participants in the Trilateral Conversations, the questions are intended to lead to a deepening of commitment to baptism and discipleship. Readers are, of course, not limited to these questions.

    We give thanks to and for the MWC delegates to the Trilateral Conversations:

    • †Alfred Neufeld Friesen (Paraguay),
    • co-chair; Larry Miller (France/USA),
    • co-secretary; Fernando Enns (Germany);
    • Rebecca Osiro (Kenya); and
    • John D. Rempel (Canada).

    We give thanks also for the Catholic and Lutheran conversation partners who journeyed the path of unity in Christ together with them.

  • Global Mission Fellowship of Anabaptist-related churches vision statement.

  • Criteria:

    • An MWC member/associate member or an organization associated with member churches is eligible for Jubilee funds if the request is related to and enhances the four pillars of church life: fellowship, worship, service and witness.
    • The Jubilee fund can support member churches in case of need after natural or human-made disasters.
    • The member church submitting the request must contribute at least 30% toward the endeavour. This requirement does not apply in cases of disasters.
    • The amount requested should not exceed US $10 000. In some cases (e.g., disasters), the maximum amount of US $10 000 can be exceeded at the discretion of the committee that decides on the applications.
    • An MWC member church will be eligible for only one grant in a three-year period.


    • An application package is available on the MWC website or upon request from any MWC office.
    • Requests must be officially approved by the national church officers and should include what the applicant church will contribute towards the project.
    • Forms A, B and C must be submitted.
    • Form D is for submission of the final narrative and financial report.
    • The MWC general secretary, and chair and secretary of the Deacons Commission form the committee that decides on the applications.
    • Following our MOU with Mennonite Central Committee, MWC will include an MCC advisor in the committee decisions about allocations from the Global Church Sharing Fund.
    • This committee may ask advice from MWC Regional Representatives and other organizations involved in the area.


    • The member church receiving the gift is required to keep a record of all disbursements.
    • A mid-term project update is required within one year of receiving the grant. The update should include a report on how the money has been spent to date and an updated budget for the completion of the project. A timeline of the project work should also be included.
    • The final financial and narrative reports are required within six months of the project completion. This report should include detail of project spending and explanations of any significant changes from the original proposal.

    Download PDF below:


  • Global Anabaptist Health Network (GAHN) Virtual Health Summit: 12 March 2022
    “Can Faith, Health and Miracles Exist Together?
    The example of leprosy and the compassionate touch of Jesus”

  • Indonesia 2022: workshop

    This three-part series explores the document that the Mennonite World Conference General Council approved in Kenya 2018.


    Andrew Suderman is MWC Peace Commission secretary and a member of St. Jacob’s Mennonite Church (Mennonite Church Canada) and of Shalom Mennonite Congregation (Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA).

    Joji Pantoja is MWC Peace Commission chair, a Mennonite Church Canada Witness worker in the Philippines and founding member of Peacebuilders Community Inc.

    Tala Bautista is a member of Peacebuilders Community Inc. in the Philippines.

    Wendy Kroeker is a member of Fort Garry Mennonite Fellowship, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and chair of GAPN.

    Katerina Friesen is a staff person at Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery (USA), a member of a Mennonite Church USA congregation, and pastor of a Wild Church. (hybrid)

    The first workshop explores the MWC Declaration of Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples document. It offers a glimpse into the background of this document, including the struggle of the Wounaan People and the way in which they, through their request, served as impetus for the crafting of this document. It also highlights the development of the document and the way it has been used thus far. 

    Indonesia 2022: workshop

    The second workshop of this three-part series looks at current struggles of Indigenous Peoples and how MWC member churches and/or related organizations are walking with and standing in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples and their ongoing struggles. 

  • Report on the Consultation on Believers’ Baptism

    Participants in the Consultation on Baptism in Kingston, Jamaica 08-10 January 2015

  • Mennonite Christian Church of Colombia


    In favour of the right to peace and life with dignity

    Inspired by our faith in Jesus and His Gospel of Peace with Justice, the Mennonite Christian Church of Colombia categorically repudiates the acts of violence that were unleashed this week in our country. In one sense they are a response to an attempt by the government to pass a regressive tax reform that prejudices the lives of Colombians, and for which they did not seek the necessary consensus among civil society groups and labor organizations, or amongst politicians. This reform failed.  They are also a reaction to new proposals for reforms to healthcare and labor rights, as well as a rise in the poverty index.

    Over the past days there have been many acts of vandalism that prejudice the citizenry, the police force, infrastructure and public assets. Even so, the violence perpetrated by the State Forces has cost the lives of scores of people, most of whom are youth that took to the streets in different cities to march peacefully as proof of their commitment to a vision that promotes life with dignity for the citizens of this country.  As has been reported by the press, the violence committed by infiltrators and the police has left hundreds of people wounded, arbitrarily arrested, and victims of sexual abuse.

    As the Mennonite Christian Church of Colombia, we affirm the constitutional rights established in Article 22 of the constitution that states “peace is a compulsory right and duty”, and in Article 37 that states “it is a right to require that all other rights are fulfilled”. We believe that the State should guarantee that this right is fulfilled and the lives of those who decide to march are protected. For this reason, we stand against the militarization of our cities in order to repress the protests that make plain the citizens’ discontent with how the government and public entities have handled the pandemic. We utterly denounce and condemn the excessive force used by the police, as well as by those who have infiltrated the protests. In the same way, we express our deep concern for the violation of human rights by the State.  Due to the above, we urge the national government to desist from repressive actions and to create fora for dialogues that can lead to constructive consensus among different social and political movements with a view to finding just and adequate solutions to the issues afflicting the country, and in a way that meets the needs of the populace. As a church we are committed to supporting any efforts that move in this direction, and we offer our gifts and skills that are rooted in our pacifist legacy going back more than 500 years.

    We are grateful to the international community for their expressions of solidarity at this time, and we urge you to remain vigilant and keep watch over how this turbulent situation evolves.  We also denounce any human rights violations that occur.

    Bogota, Colombia, 5 May 2021.

    For the National Committee – IMCOL


    President/Legal Representative

    Iglesia Cristiana Menonita de Colombia

    Official Press Release

    Mennonite Brethren Christian Churches of Colombia

    “The effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever.” (Isaiah 32:17)

    The Mennonite Brethren Christian Churches in Colombia repudiate all forms of violence and social injustice. We stand against all barbaric acts committed against the state, and against private and public property.  We also refuse to legitimize violence perpetrated by the police against citizens who protest. The use of violence should never be a valid form of pressure, no matter who uses it. We recognise that peaceful protest is a necessary and healthy part of any democracy, and as such, we urge and recommend our governors and related entities to come to a consensus through the use of dialogue.  In this way, needed corrective action can be taken as  follow-up to the issues that the protestors denounce. Our hearts are troubled and hurt by the tragic events and suffering that we have been witnessing unfold.

    We unite in prayer for:

    ❖ the rebuilding of dialogue, peace and reconciliation.

    ❖ the restoration of trust in the authorities.

    ❖ the families who have lost loved ones.

    ❖ the youth, that they may have hope.

    ❖ respect for the lives of others.

    ❖ justice, truth and reparation.

    ❖ those involved, that they might return to their homes and their daily activities.

    ❖ the violent acts to cease, and that we may live in harmonious and just conditions.

    From our congregations, we encourage more and more institutions, organizations and the population in general to respectfully come together and show solidarity.

    We long for days of hope to return to Colombia in which social transformation, rooted in dialogue that favours peace can take place.

    “Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will kiss each other.” (Psalm 85:10)

  • Lutheran-Mennonite-Roman Catholic Trilateral Conversations 2012–2017

    It was with the twin goals of increasing mutual understanding and helping one another grow in faithfulness to Jesus Christ that a trilateral dialogue took place between Lutherans, Mennonites and Roman Catholics, from 2012 to 2017. Over the course of the five year period, the dialogue followed the well-established interchurch conversation method of annual one week meetings hosted successively by the communions. At each meeting papers were presented by delegation members as the trilateral commission explored the respective understandings of key theological and pastoral themes related to baptism and incorporation into the body of Christ.