Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • Upcoming Webinars

    History of Conscientious objection in Colombia 

    Global Anabaptist Peace Network webinar

    Speaker: Andrés Aponte López, Justapaz 

    30 January 2025

    14:00-15:30 UTC

    Languages: English, Español 

    Serving with the love of Christ 

    Global Anabaptist Service Network webinar

    Featured presenter: AMAS (Associaçãno Menonita de Assisténcia Social) 

    21 February 2025 

    13:00-15:00 UTC

    Languages: English, Español, Français 

    Global Anabaptist Primary and Secondary Education Network member meeting 

    Meeting chair: Elaine Moyer 

    28 February 2025 

    Languages: English, Español, Français 

    Previous Webinars

    2024 Webinars

    Towards an Asian Decolonization of the Biblical Hermeneutics on Peace

    Global Anabaptist Peace Network webinar

    Speaker: Daniel K. Listijabudi, PhD

    24 October 2024

    Languages: English, Español 

    Succession in Service: Preparing the Next Wave of Mission Leaders

    Global Mission Fellowship webinar

    Speaker: Ebenezer M, Tigist G, C. Daniel S, Galen B.

    23 October 2024

    Languages: English, Español, Français 

    The Hope of Christian Witness/Mission in a Polarized World

    Global Mission Fellowship webinar

    Speaker: Nelson Kraybill, Sibonokuhle Ncube, Eladio Mondez

    27 June 2024

    Languages: English, Español, Français 

    Decolonizing Peacebuilding in Palestine and Israel: A Palestinian Christian Perspective

    Global Anabaptist Peace Network webinar

    Speaker: Anthony Khair

    13 March 2024

    Languages: English, Español

    The values of God’s Kingdom are communicated and applied to the socio-political and cultural realities of the Palestinian people

    Global Anabaptist Educators Network webinar

    Speaker: Rev Dr Jack Sara

    11 March 2024

    Languages: English, Español

    Sharing best practices of self-help groups in the Child and Youth Development Project

    Global Anabaptist Service Network webinar

    Speakers: Mr Abdi Dubale, Mr Dejene Gurmessa

    27 February 2024

    Languages: English, Español, Français 

    Climate Pollinators webinar series – North America focus

    Creation Care Task Force webinar

    Moderator: Anna Vogt, Jennifer Halteman Schrock

    13 February 2024

    Languages: English, Español

    Climate Pollinators webinar series – Latin America focus

    Creation Care Task Force webinar

    Moderator: Juliana Morillo

    16 January 2024

    Languages: English, Español

    Overcoming Racism in the Church: Reflections on Theology and Practice in Europe

    Global Anabaptist Peace Network webinar

    Speaker: Lydia Funck

    11 January 2024

    Languages: English, Español, Français 

  • Transmission is the title given to a series of 5 films of 10 minutes which present Anabaptist thought to people around the world to encourage a life of faith created by Affox AG, a multimedia production company. We would like to do this by providing a glimpse at the journeys we experience as disciples of Jesus in different parts of the world. It is our hope however, to strengthen our sense of shared identity and community in the midst of all the diversity present throughout the Anabaptist body. Young people represent one of the important target audiences.

    Find also a study guide for sharing questions about the film in small group or youth groups.

    Transmission 2023 Migration

    Transmission 2023 – English

    “How worldwide migration an displaced persons are being supported by loving and caring people.” This global phenomenon is the subject of 2023’s Transmission video.

    In this video, young Mennonites in Greece, Lebanon, Colombia, USA and DR Congo share about their work of welcoming displaced persons.

    Transmission 2022 Latin America

    Transmission 2022 – English

    The third production in the Transmission series focusing on creation care is ready for viewing. Ophelia, a Swiss woman, after living and working in Costa Rica, wondered what she could learn from her contemporaries in Latin America on the subject. The production includes stories from Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador and Honduras. This production ends with challenge triggered by an enterprise in the Netherlands as a way of inspiring all viewers, young and old to think and act boldly and with vision when it comes to creation care. 

    Transmission 2021 Indonesia

    Transmission 2021 – English

    In Transmission, Hani and Adi share amazing faith journeys while they relate as Mennonites (a small minority) and Muslims (a large majority) in Indonesia. Hani reflects on how she sees the face of God in the people (both Muslim and Christian) she encounters in the remote village of Tempur, high in the mountains of Jepara. Adi introduces us to the power of interfaith dialogue and the resulting transformation of Solo from a city of violence to a city of peace. 

    From Indonesia we jump to the Netherlands where the relationship between Anabaptists and Muslims is impacted by a Muslim minority.  

    Canadians, Europeans, and Indonesians worked together to bring this unique production to life. 

    Transmission Ethiopia 2020

    Transmission 2020 – English

    Transmission Ethiopia 2020 introduces its audiences to the Meserete Kristos Church through their experience with persecution (and freedom of religion), spiritual maturity, the place of youth in the church, the importance of music and prayer life. In this case, SalomŽ, a French young adult reflects (after her return to France from her visit to Ethiopia), on what she learned from her peers and elders in the church. 

    We hope to gain a young generation of people who will be involved in making the next in the series and the final 90-minute documentary which we hope to expand to a secular audience in 2025. For the moment, we are targeting the Christian world.

    Video in English, Spanish, French, German, Amharic subtitles

    –release by Affox AG

    Transmission 2020 – Amharic
  • Invite the global church into your congregation!

    MWC member congregations are welcome to invite one MWC speaker per year to bring a message from the global Anabaptist-Mennonite family. This may be for Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday, Peace Sunday or any day you wish to give special attention to the global family.

    Please consider giving an honorarium appropriate for your region. Contact for assistance with money transfer if needed.

    Any MWC speaker may be asked to present via live video link (subject to internet connectivity) or a pre-recorded video. If travel is required from outside the region, the host congregation should cover travel costs.

    NameTopics, specific expertiseLocationLanguages


    César García
    Unity in the church, restorative justice, church and state, Anabaptism; biblical textsCanada (Eastern Time UTC -4)English, Spanish
    Henk Stenvers
    Global faith community, Body of Christ, Sermon on the MountNetherlands (Central European Time UTC +2)English, (Spanish or French if pre-recorded)
    Lisa Carr-Pries
    Global faith communityCanada (Eastern Time UTC -4)English
    Sunoko Lin
    7 churches in Revelation; biblical textsCalifornia (Pacific Time UTC -7)English, Indonesian

    Regional representatives

    Agus Mayanto
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsIndonesia (Western Indonesian Time UTC +7)English, Indonesian
    Janet Plenert
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsCanada (Eastern Time UTC -5)English

    Cynthia DüŸck

    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical texts, Integration of faith and healthcare through education, advocacy, and service, Aging in the community of faith.Paraguay (Paraguay Time UTC/GMT -4)English, Spanish, German
    Cynthia Peacock
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories) Preaching on biblical textsIndia (Indian Standard Time UTC +5:30)English, Bengali
    Danisa Ndlovu
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsZimbabwe (Central Africa Time UTC +2)English, Ndebele

    Freddy Barró—n

    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsBolivia (Bolivia Time UTC -4)Spanish
    Gerald Hildebrand
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsCanada (Central Time UTC -6)English
    Jeremiah Choi
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsHong Kong (Hong Kong Time UTC +8)English, Cantonese
    JosŽ Arrais
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsPortugal (Western Europe Time UTC +1)English, Portuguese, can deliver greetings in Spanish and French
    Jumanne Magiri Mafwiri
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsTanzania (East Africa Time UTC +3)English, Swahili
    Paul Stucky
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsColombia (Colombia Standard Time UTC -5)English, Spanish

    Siaka TraorŽ

    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsBurkina Faso (Burkina Faso Time UTC)French
    Willi Hugo Perez
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsGuatemala (Central Standard Time UTC -6)English, Spanish


    Andi Santoso
    discipleship, family, the Gospel of Peace, Holistic Mission, LeadershipUSA (Eastern Time UTC -4)English, Indonesian
    Vikal Rao
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsIndia (Indian Standard Time UTC +5:30)English, Hindi
    Neal Blough
    Anabaptist history and theology, church unity and ecumenical dialogue, the Francophone network, and multicultural congregations.France (Central European Summer Time UTC +2)English, French

    *pre-recorded; please give one-two months for preparation

    Consult the staff page to book a speaker directly or contact MWC.

    Learn more

    speaker list

  • A Common Statement of Confession, Gratitude and Commitment

    Mennonite World Conference appointed several people to participate in an ongoing ecumenical dialogue with the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC). This is one of the state churches who in the 1500s persecuted the early Anabaptists in Europe.

    Together, this group of theologians from WRCR and MWC prepared a shared statement for public delivery on 29 May 2025 in Zurich, Switzerland.

    The title of the statement is ÒRestoring Our Family to Wholeness: Seeking a Common Witness.Ó The statement includes sections on giving thanks and celebrating our common confession of Jesus as Lord; confession and lament; and ends with God’s call to unity and peace.

    The statement will be found here once it is released.

  • Il existe de nombreuses ressources en langue française sur l’histoire et la théologie anabaptistes.

    Cliquez ici pour une bibliographie mise à jour par Claude Baecher

    Cliquez ici pour la Bibliothèque numérique anabaptiste

  • Study guide

    Growing in Faithfulness: Living out our baptism

    Guide for study and reflection on Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church: The Report of the Trilateral Conversations between Lutherans, Mennonites and Catholics (2012-2017)


    Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church

    It was with the twin goals of increasing mutual understanding and helping one another grow in faithfulness to Jesus Christ that a trilateral dialogue took place between Lutherans, Mennonites and Roman Catholics, from 2012 to 2017.

    Courier / Correo / Courrier

    Believe and Be Baptized: A Global Conversation on Baptism

    The roots of Christian baptism draw deeply on the biblical images of water – an enduring symbol of cleansing, refreshment, and life itself. In the Old Testament, water is often associated with God’s healing presence – a spring in the desert; a life-giving well; or justice that flows “like a mighty river.”

    Renewal 2021: webinars

    The Anabaptist-Mennonite Tradition

    History, theology and pastoral challenges

    Giving and Receiving within the Body of Christ

    Learning from the Mennonite-Catholic-Lutheran Conversations on Baptism

    Mennonite Quarterly Review

    Issue 95

    Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church

    Lutheran-Mennonite-Roman Catholic Trilateral Conversations 2012–2017

    Report of the Lutheran-Mennonite-Roman Catholic Trilateral Dialogue Commission

    The trilateral conversations

    Dialogues on baptism close with learning and prayer

    The commission discussed and developed its final report, entitled “Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church,” drafted by professors Theo Dieter (Lutheran, France), William Henn (Catholic, US/Vatican) and John Rempel (Mennonite, Canada). The trilateral commission agreed on a further process to finalize the report, which summarizes the rich discussions that have taken place over the last five years on three fundamental themes.

    Incorporation into the body of Christ

    The Commission developed the general topic of the dialogue “Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church” through papers on “Living out our Baptism,” the theme of the fourth meeting.

    Catholic, Lutheran, Mennonite, Trilateral Dialogue Commission on Baptism

    The Commission developed the general topic of the dialogue “Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church” through papers on “Baptism: Communicating Grace and Faith.” Professors John Rempel and Fernando Enns (Mennonite), Rev Prof. William Henn (Catholic), and Bishop Emeritus Dr Musawenkosi Biyela (Lutheran) made major presentations.

    Mennonites, Catholics and Lutherans hold second round of dialogue on baptism

    “I continue to be inspired by the mutuality of our work,” commented John Rempel of Toronto, Ontario, one of the Mennonite participants in the 26-31 January 2014 second meeting of the Trilateral (Catholic, Lutheran, Mennonite) Dialogue Commission on Baptism.

    Baptism the focus of trilateral dialogue by Mennonites, Catholics and Lutherans

    An international trilateral dialogue between Mennonites, Catholics and Lutherans began in Rome, 9-13 December 2012.

  • We worship together while apart

    In Christ, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, the cultural adn national boundaries that separate us have been overcome by the cross.

    We celebrate

    • our Anabaptist identity around the world
    • our peace convictions lived out daily, and
    • young people’s contribution to shaping the church of today and the future.

    Each year, MWC publishes worship resources with Scripture focus, sermon notes, testimonies, prayers and liturgies and activities that can be used in your congregation.