A publication of Mennonite World Conference in English, Spanish, and French • Volume 19, No. 4
- A tale of two cities
- Toward the healing of memories
- Introducing the new Executive Committee
- MWC Executive Committee plants another tree
- Paraguay will be site of next Assembly
- Why did my father have to die?
First Quarter • Volume 17, Number 1 • A Quarterly Publication of Mennonite World Conference
What should the church do about HIV/AIDS?
- What Should the Church Do About HIV/AIDS? The Brethren in Christ of Zimbabwe Face the Problem
Doris Dube - This Is My Story
Gracious Linda with Doris Dube - Benson the Soul Winner; A Zimbabwean Leader
Doris Dube - Global Shelf of Literature Launched
- 2002 Selection Named
- Who is Arnold Snyder?
Phyllis Pellman Good - The Aussiedler; A Growing Church
Merle Good
- Africa 2003 Theme: “Sharing Gifts in Suffering and in Joy”
Ferne Burkhardt - Evangelism and Peace Witness?
Merle Good - Swiss and German Mennonites Collaborating on New Hymnal
Ed van Straten - Mennonites Assist World Council of Churches in “Decade to Overcome Violence”
Ed van Straten - Mennonite and Catholics Find Common Ground on Adult Baptism
Ferne Burkhardt - Lutherans in Ethiopia Put Their Necks on the Line for MKC Members
Alemu Checole and Ferne Burkhardt - A Call to Prayer
Milka Rindzinski - The Fight Against HIV/AIDS: A Part of the Church’s Mandate
Pakisa Tshimika
- What Should the Church Do About HIV/AIDS? The Brethren in Christ of Zimbabwe Face the Problem
- The global church unites
- Assembly 15 opening ceremony
- Worship services and Bible studies
- Interpretation a “high calling”
- Singing each other’s songs
- Global Church Village
- Workshops draw large crowds
- Assembly children’s programs
- Global Youth Fellowship (GYS)
- Feeding the 6 204
- General council approves new initiatives
- From mountain top to the valley