Around the world, Anabaptists are marking 500 years of our Jesus-following movement with worship services, historical lectures and regional gatherings.
For Mennonite World Conference (MWC), the anniversary year coincides with the triennial meeting of the General Council. Additionally, 2025 is a double anniversary: it also marks 100 years of MWC drawing together Anabaptists into one communion.
Some 200 Anabaptist church leaders from around the world will be present as delegates for the General Council. The fellowship time begins with a 100th anniversary celebration and culminates with a one-day, registration-free, open-to-all event in Zurich, Switzerland.
Triennial meetings
The General Council meets 26-28 May 2025 in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany. These delegates appointed by national MWC member and associate member churches form the body that governs the life, work and organization of MWC. General Council delegates serve a six-year term that spans two meetings: one alongside the global Assembly and one in the interval halfway between.
“These meetings form an important piece of our life as churches following together in the Anabaptist tradition,” says César García, MWC general secretary.
This year’s General Council resolutions include a significant proposal regarding official inclusion of YABs (Young AnaBaptist) delegates which requires constitutional changes. The proposal for a name change, considered by the General Council in 2018, continues to be discerned by the Executive Committee and will not come before the General Council at this time.
A lot of information goes into the triennial meetings: sharing recommendations for the General Council, updates from Commissions and Networks to collecting statistical information from all the churches. Data processing assistant Ana María Morales Villarreal, a member of Iglesias Hermanos Menonitas de Colombia, has temporarily joined the MWC administration team until after the event.
MWC’s four Commissions, the Creation Care Task Force, and the Global Anabaptist Networks will also gather, including the emerging education and peace Networks (GAHEN, GAPSEN, GAPN).

Support leaders from around the world. Each voice is important as the General Council discerns together, using the consensus model. Your gift helps a leader take part in fellowship, worship, witness and living out unity through Mennonite World Conference.
Livestreamed anniversary
The Courage to Love 500th anniversary service on 29 May 2025 will showcase music of Anabaptists from around the world and will include a joint statement of reconciliation between MWC and the World Communion of Reformed Churches.
“Our worship service will offer a taste of Assembly. We invite congregations and individuals to plan a watch party for this special event,” says Liesa Unger, Chief International Events Officer. “Starting at 17:00 local time (CEST), the worship service will take place in the morning for the Americas, early evening in Africa, and later in the evening and into the night as you head east into Asia.”