Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • Assembly Gathered Indonesia 2022

    Opening Ceremony & Worship: 5 July 2022

    Assembly Gathered: opening
    Following Jesus together across barriers
    5 July 2022
    North America focus

    • Master of ceremonies: Lisa Carr-Pries, Canada
    • Scripture (Mark 7:24-30): Elvin Floyd Sieber, Argentina
    • Music: Affettuoso Mennonite Ethnic Ensemble (Indonesian music and dance), Jakarta Praise Community Church (JKI worship band)
    • Special focus: Banner procession
    • Plenary speaker: Tim Geddert, USA 

    Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Sangkakala (STT) is a Bible college run by JKI. This open-air venue hosted morning and evening sessions for on-site Assembly attendees.


    • Dhuh pangeran / O Prince of Peace
    • Cantai ao Senhor / Oh Sing to the Lord / Cantad al Senor / Pujilah Tuhan
    • How great thou art / Betapa MuliaMu / Senor mi Dios / Wie Gross bist Du / Dieu Tout-puissant
    • Ehane he’ama / Father God, you are holy
    • True Evangelical Faith
    • You’re not alone
    • Praise God from whom all blessings flow

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    Learning Together – Morning Plenary: 6 July 2022

    Assembly Gathered: Wednesday morning
    Following Jesus Ð learning together 
    6 July 2022 

    Master of ceremonies: Daniel Talenta Tobing, Indonesia
    Prayer & reflection: Sophia Mons, Netherlands
    Testimony: Faith Abe Tanaya, JKI, Indonesia
    Music: GKMI Salatiga, ÒStomp des ŽcoliersÓ by LightClubberZ, France
    Plenary speakers: Larissa Swartz (YABs Committee Ð North America), USA Anne-Cathy Graber (Faith & Life Commission), France

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    Learning Together – Evening Plenary: 6 July 2022

    Assembly Gathered: Following Jesus Ð learning together
    6 July 2022

    Master of ceremonies: Danang Kristiawan, Indonesia
    Prayers: Indah Seftyaningrum, Indonesia; H. N. Widi Susabda, Indonesia
    Reflection: Hani Yopita Setiawan
    Testimony & prayer: JosŽ Arrais, Portugal (Video from Ukraine)
    Scripture (Matthew 7:24-27): Malin Voth, USA
    Music: Congdut GITJ Jepara feat Islamic Sufi’s Community
    Special focus: Global Youth Summit, Ga‘lle Oesch, France
    Speaker: SalomŽ Haldemann, France (presented by Anne Hansen, Germany)

    GITJ Jepara is located in a regional city known for woodcarving and proximity to beaches. The congregation is active in preservation of Javanese language and culture and in interfaith relations with a nearby Sufi school.

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    Living Together – Morning Plenary: 7 July 2022

    Assembly Gathered: Following Jesus − living together
    7 July 2022

    Master of ceremonies: Daniel Talenta Tobing, Indonesia
    Prayer and reflection: Kkotip Bae, South Korea
    Testimony: Didik Hartono, GKMI Winong Pati, GKMI Interfaith Peacebuilding, Indonesia
    Music: ÒWhere is the loveÓ by LightClubberZ
    Speakers: Ebenezer Mondez, Philippines, YABs, Adriana Belinda Rodr’guez Vel‡squez, Honduras, Peace Commission

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    Living Together – Evening Plenary: 7 July 2022

    Assembly Gathered: Following Jesus Ð learning together
    6 July 2022

    Prayers: Esterningsih Djiartono, Indonesia
    Reflection: Esterningsih Djiartono, Indonesia; Sadanand Hembrom, Nepal
    Testimony: Vikal P. Rao, India
    Scripture (2 Corinthians 4:1-17): Sadanand Hembrom
    Music: Mennonite Keroncong Solo
    Special focus: Lord’s Supper
    Speaker: Jeremiah Choi (representing Peace Commission), Hong Kong

    As the only Mennonite church in the city, GKMI Solo plays an important role as a peacebuilder, especially fostering good relationships between Muslim leaders and Christians.

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    Caring Together – Morning Plenary: 8 July 2022

    Assembly Gathered: Friday morning 
    Following Jesus Ð caring together 
    8 July 2022 
    Latin America focus 

    Master of ceremonies: Daniel Talenta Tobing, Indonesia 
    Prayers: Valentina Kunze, Uruguay 
    Reflection: Juan Manuel Guevara, Colombia 
    Testimony: Stefani Dimu, Love Sumba, Indonesia 
    Music: JC Band; ÒDanse de la creationÓ by LightClubberZ, France 
    Plenary speakers:  Oscar Su‡rez (YABs Committee Ð Latin America), Colombia, JosŽ Rutilio Rivas Dominguez (Mission Commission), Colombia 

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    Caring Together – Evening Plenary: 8 July 2022

    Assembly Gathered: Friday evening 
    Following Jesus Ð caring together 
    8 July 2022 
    Latin America focus 

    Master of ceremonies: Penta Kostafani 
    Prayers: Jeanette Bissoon 
    Reflection: Tri Atmono, IndonesiaTestimony: Willi Hugo Perez, Guatemala 
    (presented by Bruce Campbell-Janz, USA)  
    Scripture: Angie Tatiana Morales Florido, Colombia 
    Music: Edy Kristanto and children on angklung and gamelan 
    Special focus: Introducing the new president 
    Plenary speaker: Cindy Alp’zar Alp’zar (representing the Mission Commission), Costa Rica 

    GITJ Margokerto is one of the first Mennonite churches in the Muria area. It has a strong standing in the community. 

    Voiceover in French: 
    “The dance of creationÓ 
    Among all the planets of the universe, only one is capable of supporting life. Some call it the miracle planet. 
    And almost 5 billion years ago, a gigantic asteroid crashed into the Earth, tilting it at an exact angle of 23° and a half to the sun. Accident or miracle? 
    It was this providential tilt, this little helping hand from the universe that changed everything and created the seasons, climatic extremes, heat, cold and these magnificent landscapes. 
    Ideal conditions for life on earth. 
    And God saw that it was good.

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    Celebrating Together – Morning Plenary: 9 July 2022

    Assembly Gathered: Saturday morning
    Following Jesus Ð celebrating together 
    9 July 2022 
    Africa focus 

    Master of ceremonies: Daniel Talenta Tobing, Indonesia 
    Prayer & reflection: Isaac Gborbitey, Ghana 
    Music: JKI Ayem Tentrem, JKI Ungaran; ÒConvergeÓ by LightClubberZ, France; Indonesian women’s choir 
    Plenary speakers:  
    Makadunyiswe Doublejoy Ngulube (YABs Committee Ð Africa), Zimbabwe 
    Jürg Bräker (Deacons Commission), Switzerland 
    Tigist Tesfaye (Deacons Commission), Ethiopia 

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    Celebrating Together – Evening Plenary 9 July 2022

    Assembly Gathered: Saturday evening 
    Following Jesus Ð celebrating together 
    9 July 2022 
    Africa focus 

    Master of ceremonies: David Meijanto, Indonesia 
    Reflection: Ngire Jonah, Uganda 
    Testimony: Desalegn Abebe, Ethiopia 
    Scripture (2 Corinthians 5:17-21): Nontokozo Moyo, Zimbabwe 
    Special focus: Introducing the next Assembly host: Ethiopia; Desalegn Abebe, Meserete Kristos Church 
    Speaker: Barbara Nkala (representing the Deacons Commission), Zimbabwe 

    JKI Ungaran initiated a youth conference called Unlimited Fire which draws thousands of young people from many denominations in Indonesian.  

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    Following Together – Closing Service 10 July 2022

    Assembly Gathered: closing 
    Following Jesus together
    10 July 2022 

    Master of ceremonies: Lydia Adi & Anton Sidharta, Indonesia 
    Renewal 2023: John Roth, USA; Christen Kong, Canada 
    Testimony: Rebeca Gonz‡lez Torres, Mexico 
    Scripture (Ruth 1:15-22): Felix Perez Diener, USA 
    Music: Gamelan Ansambel, GKMI Lamper Mijen 
    Special focus: Presentation from children’s and youth programs: Jennifer McWilliams, Canada, and Jardely Mart’nez, Colombia 
    Speaker: Nindyo Sasangko, Indonesia 

    JKI Holy Stadium can seat 12 000 people. This JKI congregation has social ministries serving their neighbouring community. During the pandemic, they worked with local government to host a vaccine clinic for thousands.  

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    The interpretation does not constitute a definitive record of proceedings. The simultaneous interpretation of Mennonite World Conference meetings and events facilitates communication among the participants in the meeting. It does not constitute an official record of proceedings. Where there is any difference between the simultaneous interpretation and the original speech (or the written translation of the speech), the original speech (or the written translation) takes precedence

  • Find the resources you need to promote MWC Assembly here!

    Assembly News: A two-sided bulletin with stories and information about Assembly programming and registration


    Video - Indonesia 2022 Assembly 17 program


    Video - Indonesia 2022 theme


    Video - Why Come to Indonesia 2022 MWC Assembly 17

    How can I find the time for Assembly sessions?


  • If you plan to participate in Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday (AWFS) in 2023, send us a message ( so we can put a locator pin for your congregation as we celebrate and pray along with you:



    Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday 2023
  • Theme

    Jesus Christ: Our Hope

    Why this theme was chosen

    Even in the midst of deep troubles, we come together from around the world to follow Jesus, who gives us hope. This is also the theme for Renewal 2023 in Mennonite World Conference.

    Biblical texts:

    • Old Testament: Isaiah 40: 28-31
    • Psalm: Psalm 62:1-6
    • Gospel: Luke 18:35-43
    • New Testament: 1 Peter 1:3-6

    In this package

    Additional resources

    Multimedia resources online

  • Assembly 17 – Indonesia 2022 – Songs

    You’re not alone
    Bryan Moyer Suderman, Bryan Moyer Suderman
    © 2005 Bryan Moyer Suderman/SmallTallMusic /
    Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570

    Included here

    • lyric sheet (includes additional verse and final refrain)
    • lyrics, melody notation and chords*
    • lyrics, melody notation and piano accompaniment*

    *Page with music notation are taken from the forthcoming Voices Together worship and song collection, published by MennoMedia. Used with permission.

    Permission granted to MWC member churches for congregational use for Peace Sunday and Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday. For permissions for ongoing use or in larger group gatherings, please contact

    You’re Not Alone

    words and music by Bryan Moyer Suderman.
    Copyright © 2005 Bryan Moyer Suderman/SmallTall Music


    You’re not alone, we are one body
    You’re not alone, we stand with you
    You’re not alone, your time of suffering is our suffering too
    And I know the day is coming when we will be rejoicing anew

    1. Many members in this body that we know
      Some are great and some are small
      Eyes and ears and hands and just a little toe
      One God who activates them all… (refrain)
    2. One body, Spirit-formed and Spirit-fed
      Different genders, rich and poor
      A banquet where the least sit at the head
      One body broken for the world… (refrain)
    3. Look close, you’ll see this body’s not a pretty sight
      Wounds and blemishes and sores
      But with the saints of every place and point in time
      We are the body of our Lord… oh Lord… (final refrain)

    Final Refrain:

    We’re not alone, we are one body
    We’re not alone, we wait for You
    We’re not alone, our time of suffering is Your suffering too
    And I know the day is coming, I know the day is coming,
    Yes I know the day is coming when we will be rejoicing anew.

  • Download and print the page to cut out fruits and vegetables for the Peace Sunday activity.

  • Prepared by the YABs Committee for 1-4 July 2022

    *This year’s Fellowship Week activities will take place during the Global Youth Summit and Assembly 17 in Indonesia


    “Sealed in the Spirit”

    Why this theme was chosen

    This theme ties in with the 2022 Global Youth Summit (GYS) theme: “Life in the Spirit.” This topic represents a diversity of experiences within the global body. It gives us the opportunity to learn from each other and to seek the unity of the Spirit together through the bond of peace.

    Biblical text

    Ephesians 1:13-14

    And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession – to the praise of his glory. (NRSV)

  • Theme and texts


    Being a new creation in the midst of external turmoil

    Why this theme was chosen

    How do we maintain resilience in hardship, turmoil and conflict? How do we maintain our hope for something better when times are tough?

    This year’s Peace Sunday resources will explore the ways in which people throughout our communion give expression to God’s new creation during difficult circumstances.

    Biblical texts

    • Matthew 5
    • Mark 7:24-30

    Additional resources in this package

    Additional resources available online

  •  Theme

    Following Jesus together

    Biblical texts

    • Old Testament: Genesis 12:1-5
    • Psalm 104:1-4, 24, 31-33
    • Gospel: John 20:19-23
    • New Testament: 1 Corinthians 12:3-13

    One Lunch offering

    In this package

    • Prayers
    • Biblical texts for sermon content
    • Testimonies from Asia
    • Cultural contributions from Asia

    Additional resources

    Multimedia resources


    AWFS2022-GITJ-Outdoor Fellowship at GITJ
  • Theme:

    Following Jesus together across barriers

    Why this theme was chosen:

    This is the theme chosen for the Indonesia 2021 Assembly. As a global Anabaptist faith community our priorities are summarized in these words.

    Biblical texts:

    Old Testament: Isaiah 55:1-6
    Psalm: 27
    Gospel: John 4:1-42
    New Testament: Philippians 2:1-11

    Relationship between the theme and the biblical texts:

    We read about people crossing barriers to follow God’s commands.

    • The prophet Isaiah writes that we are a witness to all nations when we reflect the glory of God.
    • The Psalmist writes our courage comes from God even when we are afraid.
    • In the Gospel of John, Jesus reaches across religious, racial/ethnic, and gender boundaries to connect with the Samaritan woman, who then witnesses to her community that Jesus is the Messiah.
    • In Philippians, Paul tells us how to follow Jesus in obedience, with concern for other people’s needs and interests more than our own.

    We too are all called to follow Jesus together by crossing barriers.

    In this package

    Suggested liturgies for gathering and for benediction


    Where are Mennonites in the world?

    • See our global membership here


    Download introduction (2 pages)

    Download entire worship package (20 pages)

  • 19 June 2020

    Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

    Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Prince of Peace!

    We write to invite you and your congregation to observe Peace Sunday together with brothers and sisters in the global Anabaptist church family on 20 September 2020. Accompanying this letter, we send worship and resource material that your churches may use in celebrating Peace Sunday this year.

    The theme for this year’s Peace Sunday is: “When one member suffers, all members suffer: peace as accompaniment and solidarity.

    The biblical narrative tells us the story of a God who accompanies and walks with those who are disheartened, disenfranchised and those who suffer. It is also an invitation for those who believe in this God and who follow his Son Jesus Christ to see the interconnectedness of humanity and to recognize that when one is not well or is suffering, creation is not how it ought to be. If we are interested in embodying God’s peace and justice in this world, what happens to one affects and should also matter to others.

    If we seek to be a Peace Church, we must, therefore, recognize our interconnectedness; we must accompany – be in solidarity with – those who suffer.

    May these resources help us in this pursuit.

    Rationale for Peace Sunday

    Following the recommendation of the 2003 Peace Council in Bulawayo regarding the establishment of Peace Sunday, the 2006 Peace Commission in Pasadena chose the Sunday nearest to 21 September (International Day of Peace) as a Peace Sunday to be observed by Mennonite World Conference member churches.

    The International Day of Peace was established by the United Nations Resolution on 30 November 1981 to be observed for the first time on the third Tuesday of September 1982 to coincide with the opening of the General Assembly. Later, the UN General Assembly set 21 September as the permanent date for the International Day of Peace.

    The resolution states that observing and celebrating the International Day of Peace “strengthen[s] the ideals of peace and alleviat[es] tensions and causes of conflict.” It declares “…the International Day of Peace shall henceforth be observed as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence, an invitation to all nations and people to honour a cessation of hostilities for the duration of the Day.” It invites non-governmental organizations and individuals “to commemorate, in an appropriate manner, the International Day of Peace, including through education and public awareness, and to cooperate with the United Nations in the establishment of the global ceasefire.”

    In light of this, the Mennonite World Conference Peace Commission, beginning on 11 March 2006, decided that

    1. The Sunday nearest to 21 September (the International Day of Peace) would be designated as a Peace Sunday to be observed in our churches around the world. For 2020, this will be 20 September.
    2. The MWC Peace Commission staff would prepare suggestions for Scripture readings, prayer concerns, reflections from our global communion and ideas of activities to help churches observe this day.
    3. Churches are invited to report back to the Peace Commission about their activities for this day. Please send stories and pictures to
    4. Churches who already observe a different Sunday as Peace Sunday are encouraged to continue with their practice, and are invited to include the global church concerns in their prayers on the global Peace Sunday.

    MWC would like to hear how you observed Peace Sunday. If you have stories or reports of activities and worship events in your congregations, please send them to so that we can share them with our global church community.

    God’s blessings to you as you continue your work towards Christ’s peace!

    Yours in Christ’s peace,

    Andrew G. Suderman,

    SecrŽtaire de la Commission Paix


  • In Indonesia, the congregation that worships in the Holy Stadium in Semarang (Jemaat Kristen Indonesia — JKI) includes dancers during the worship through music. This introduces creative, expressive art and provides another ‘language’ to worship the Lord. An expression of the heart, movements symbolize honour, adoration, joy and thanksgiving. Dance can include tambourine, ribbons, banners and other objects. Movements are usually structured with specific meanings; the patterns are familiar across churches. The dance team follows the lead of the worship leader and music director, united in one heart to glorify God and to usher the congregants into God’s presence.

    Holy Stadium, Semarang, 28 June 2020 (Minute 11:14) The first service since the pandemic.
    JKI Kingdom Gospel (Minute 9:31, 33:39)
    JKI Kingdom Gospel (Minute 5:12)
    JKI Maranatha Praise and Worship