Inspiration and Reflection:
- Global Anabaptist Project: A unique opportunity for greater unity
Our member churches express the MWC Shared Convictions in beautiful, local variety through our global body
- Mexico: Our mission and Shared Convictions (#7)
- Switzerland: How can we get answers from the Bible on 21st century questions? (#4)
- Indonesia: Holistic care in Semarang (#7)
- Zimbabwe: Songs of the Trinity and shalom (#5)
- Canada: Centring Jesus amid changing times (#2)
Regional profile:
- Eastern Africa
Author advisory
PA 2015 plenary speaker Bruxy Cavey resigned 3 March 2022 from The Meeting House, Oakville, Ontario, Canada, a member of Be In Christ Church of Canada, MWC member church. The congregation’s Board of Overseers requested his resignation after a third-party investigation determined he had a sexual relationship that “constituted an abuse of Bruxy’s power and authority.” Cavey’s ministerial credentials have been removed by the Be In Christ denomination.
Learn more:
Assembly PA 2015: A time to celebrate together
MWC Assembly 2015 has begun. Reunions, hugs, and joy on our faces as we began our time of celebration together in our global family. Our worship time began with an invitation to join our Native American brothers and sisters in reconciliation and to move forward together in peace. Danisa Ndlovu and César García encouraged us to peace, to walk with God together.