“Called to be free”
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Stories include:
Inspiration and Reflection
- How should the church think about mental health?
- Churches and psychiatry: Òit’s complicatedÓ
- Churches as healing communities
- Health of a whole person
Country Profile
- Thailand
Inspiration and Reflection:
- Global Anabaptist Project: A unique opportunity for greater unity
Our member churches express the MWC Shared Convictions in beautiful, local variety through our global body
- Mexico: Our mission and Shared Convictions (#7)
- Switzerland: How can we get answers from the Bible on 21st century questions? (#4)
- Indonesia: Holistic care in Semarang (#7)
- Zimbabwe: Songs of the Trinity and shalom (#5)
- Canada: Centring Jesus amid changing times (#2)
Regional profile:
- Eastern Africa
Author advisory
PA 2015 plenary speaker Bruxy Cavey resigned 3 March 2022 from The Meeting House, Oakville, Ontario, Canada, a member of Be In Christ Church of Canada, MWC member church. The congregation’s Board of Overseers requested his resignation after a third-party investigation determined he had a sexual relationship that “constituted an abuse of Bruxy’s power and authority.” Cavey’s ministerial credentials have been removed by the Be In Christ denomination.
Learn more: