On this page you will find additional resources that might also help your pastors and lay leaders grow in their understanding of Christian faith and practice, a list of gifted Anabaptist teachers who are open to visiting and teaching your congregations.
We are confident that each of the people listed below is a faithful interpreter of Scripture; and each has a deep understanding of the distinctive insights of the Anabaptist-Mennonite theological tradition.
If you find yourself yearning for resources that could strengthen the Anabaptist identity of your church – or if you have heard pastors say “I know that we have some connection to the Mennonite church … but I don’t really know what that means” – then please consider extending an invitation to one of these people for a time of visiting and teaching in your setting.
In the list below we offer a very brief summary regarding the expertise, language ability, and circumstances of each teacher. Please note that the details of each teacher’s availability and the potential cost will vary from person to person.
If you would like to invite one of these teachers to your setting, you may contact them directly (email addresses in the PDF below). Or, if you prefer, send an e-mail to Anicka Fast (secretary, MWC Faith and Life Commission) and she can help to facilitate the contact.
In your e-mail please describe:
- your general interests regarding topic;
- preference for scheduling and the type of teaching (e.g., weekend seminar; week-long class; sermon, etc.);
- whether or not you would be able to cover travel expenses.
We hope that the teaching resources we describe here could help your church become even more biblically literate, firmer in its theological understandings, and stronger in its identity as part of the Anabaptist-Mennonite family of faith.
*If you have additional names to suggest for this list of teachers – perhaps from your conference – please let us know. We want this list of resources to grow in the coming years!
Mennonite World Conference Faith and Life Commission Short-Term Teachers:
Mark Baker: professor of mission and theology at Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary, Fresno, California, USA. English and Spanish as teaching languages. Available to speak on topics related to Galatians, Christology, contextualizing meaning of the cross and resurrection,atonement theology, ethics of Jesus and daily life (technology, Mammon, consumerism, social media). One trip of 7–10 days per year. Can cover some, though maybe not all, travel expenses.
Neal Blough: long-time Mennonite Mission Network pastor, teacher, author, and theologian in France; Anabaptist Francophone network. Available to speak on topics related Anabaptist-Mennonite history and theology, esp. Christology. English and French as teaching languages. Available for a week a year. Travel expenses should be covered (possible that a portion of this could be covered).
Tim Geddert: professor of New Testament at Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary, Fresno, California, USA. English and German as teaching languages. Available to speak on topics related to Biblical studies, especially New Testament, especially Gospels (especially Mark and Luke), ecclesiology and the mission of God’s people in the world. Travel expenses should be covered.
Jon Isaak: Director, Centre for Mennonite Brethren Studies, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (ret). English as teaching language. Available to speak on topics related to New Testament texts/theology; 1–3 weeks.
Nelson Kraybill: former seminary president and missionary; pastor of Mennonite church in Goshen, Indiana, USA. English and Spanish as teaching languages. Available to speak on biblical topics – almost anything related to the New Testament (esp. the book of Revelation), with emphasis on ethics/peacemaking/mission. Travel expenses should be covered.
Wendy Kroeker: Instructor in Peace and Conflict Transformation Studies, Canadian Mennonite University, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. English as primary teaching language; but can use Spanish in workshop settings. Available to speak on theological themes related to peace, conflict, and reconciliation. Has extensive experience as a mediator/conflict transformation trainer; both community training and academic teaching. Travel expenses should be covered.
John D. Roth: professor of history at Goshen College, Goshen, Indiana, USA. English as teaching language; conversant in German and Spanish. Available to speak on topics related to Anabaptist-Mennonite history and theology; global Christianity and MWC. Weekend/one week. Some contribution to travel expenses would be welcome.
Robert (Jack) Suderman: retired missionary, seminary professor, church administrator. Available to speak on topics related to reading, interpreting, and contextualizing the Bible, esp. the New Testament; church and society (peace, Anabaptism, leadership, contextualization, ethics, etc.). English and Spanish as teaching languages. Time is flexible (maximum 5–6 weeks); Travel expenses should be covered.
Pakisa Tshimika: former MWC secretary for networks and projects; co-author of Sharing Gifts in the Global Family of Faith; founder and executive director of Mama Makeka House of Hope. Available to speak on topics related to planning, monitoring, and evaluation of primary health care services; leadership development; management; conflict management; healing of memories and historical wounds; and strategic planning. English, French, and Kituba as teaching languages. Available 4–5 weeks a year. Travel expenses should be covered; per diem negotiable depending on availability of funding.
Tom Yoder Neufeld: retired professor of New Testament at Conrad Grebel College, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. English and German as teaching languages. Available to speak on wide range of topics related to biblical themes related to Jesus, kingdom of God, church, and peace (written books on Jesus, Ephesians, and violence and a study of koinonia). Weekend/1–4 weeks. Travel expenses should be covered.
Paulus Widjaja: professor of theology at Duta Wacana Christianity University in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Co-author of A Culture of Peace
Alfred Neufeld (23 July 1955–24 June 2020): late professor of theology, pastor, church leader from Asunción, Paraguay. Wrote on topics related to Anabaptist history and theology; ecclesiology; exegesis in Ephesians, Corinthians and Romans; confessions of faith/MWC Shared Convictions; and Anabaptist missiology.