Global Anabaptist Mennonite Shelf of Literature
MWC selects books that help member churches nurture a common Christian faith. See French or Spanish version of this page for books in those languages. 2018 God’s People in Mission: An Anabaptist Perspective, edited by Stanley W. Green & Rafael Zaracho, MWC Mission Commission. PDF here. Also available on Amazon/Kindle. 2015 Life Together in the Spirit: A Radical…
More united than ever before
Alfred Neufeld, chair of MWC’s Faith and Life Commission, reflects on the state of the global Mennonite faith community Alfred Neufeld, theologian, historian and generally insightful philosopher, reads on two tracks these days: “Proceedings” from past Mennonite World Conference Assemblies and social media. Neufeld, of Asuncion, Paraguay, is on a year’s sabbatical from his administrative…
Alfred Neufeld
Itinerant Anabaptist Teachers
On this page you will find additional resources that might also help your pastors and lay leaders grow in their understanding of Christian faith and practice, a list of gifted Anabaptist teachers who are open to visiting and teaching your congregations. We are confident that each of the people listed below is a faithful interpreter…
Teaching Resources
Mennonite World Conference produces three types of documents approved by the General Council: On this page you will find links to MWC teaching resources, produced by our commissions. Teaching Resources from the Commission: In addition to teaching resources and statements, the MWC Reference Notebook also contains Governance documents (guidelines, terms of reference, other documents defining relationships with other organizations) and other Reference…
Incorporation into the body of Christ
Fourth meeting of the Catholic, Lutheran and Mennonite Trilateral Dialogue Commission on baptism Bogotá, Colombia – Representatives of the Catholic Church (Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity), The Lutheran World Federation, and Mennonite World Conference met in Bogotá, Colombia, 29 February–4 March 2016, for the fourth meeting of the International Trilateral Dialogue Commission. The Commission…
Growing in faithfulness: Living out our baptism
Guide for study and reflection on Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church: The Report of the Trilateral Conversations between Lutherans, Mennonites and Catholics 2012-2017 by Thomas R Yoder Neufeld, on behalf of the Faith and Life Commission This study guide is an aid for member churches of the Mennonite World Conference to receive and process…
A heart with four chambers
A theological foundation for the work of MWC’s four commissions A teaching resource from the Faith and Life Commission The “Anabaptist tradition” is a historical movement, rooted in the sixteenth century Radical Reformation, of contextualizing the Bible’s apostolic and prophetic legacy as lived out by the early church. Tradition is a historic witness of moments…
Baptism the focus of trilateral dialogue by Mennonites, Catholics and Lutherans
An international trilateral dialogue between Mennonites, Catholics and Lutherans began in Rome, 9-13 December 2012.
The ‘Anabaptist Tradition’ – Reclaiming its gifts, heeding its weaknesses
A teaching resource from the Faith and Life Commission What does it mean for member churches of Mennonite World Conference to share anAnabaptist identity? What is the value of Anabaptist “tradition” – and what does that wordmean in a global context? What are our Anabaptist understandings of mission andfellowship? In 2009, the newly appointed Faith…
Koinonia – The Gift We Hold Together
A teaching resource from the Faith and Life Commission The word koinonia has rightly become a central term and concept for Mennonite World Conference. In addresses, publications and programmatic efforts, leaders have been nudging the global Anabaptist community to a deeper relationship with each other. Even when we don’t use the word koinonia itself, much…
An Anabaptist Theology of Service
A teaching resource from the Faith & Life commission Some weeks ago, I received a request from Bert Lobe to consider describing and reflecting on how the sixteenth century Anabaptists understood diaconal service, and how that understanding and practice developed historically. The idea was that this kind of study might provide a basis for discussion…