
Assembly tours and service projects

Assembly activities Connecting with people is at the heart of MWC Assemblies. Participating in local tourism and serving with local ministries provided another chance to connect. “I get a lot of value and joy out of helping people,” says Daniel... more/más/suite

We do not lose heart

Thursday night In April, I received an invitation of sharing on the topic “living together in the hostile environment.” The title really stirred my heart. And I think one of the reasons of my invitation is that they know we Hong Kong people were... more/más/suite

Living the good life is good and even necessary

Thursday morning "How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity.” Psalm 133:1 is an affirmation of how the biblical David delighted in the company of his brothers. As a social species, humans need the fellowship of others... more/más/suite

A good kind of infidel

“We were far away from peace, but now we are friends with Christians. We are working for peace and humility.” Through an interpreter, Commander Yanni Rusmanto from Solo, Indonesia, spoke at the “Mennonites in Indonesia and Radical Muslims making... more/más/suite

We are the hands of God in times of crisis

Trust in the power of the Holy Spirit that there is hope in this difficult time. We, as a communion of churches, will be each other’s help in times of need. When the power of the Holy Spirit flows through us you cannot help but take action. The Holy... more/más/suite

Global Youth Summit (GYS)

Life in the Spirit: Learn, Serve, Worship 34 delegates: 4 from North America, 4 from Europe, 11 from Asia, 6 from Africa, and 9 from Latin America. In delegate sessions, some common challenges for young people that surfaced were loneliness and the... more/más/suite

We speak the same language

“I cannot be grateful enough that even though we are a large and diverse group, we speak the same language: the language of love for Christ and his people,” says Daniel Nugroho. He was part of the team that made it possible for all to understand. Up... more/más/suite

Practice before the storm

Wednesday night When he was 17, my grandfather was forced to fight in World War II (WWII). When I started talking about my plans to study peace and peace theology, he got a little upset. He said: “You talk about peace and war, but you don’t know... more/más/suite

Learning together to discern the will of God

Wednesday morning Learning together to discern the will of God”: the first Christians were confronted with this challenge from the beginning. Indeed, “learning together to discern the will of God” is not mere wishful thinking! It is not a... more/más/suite

Learning together to handle diversity

Wednesday morning There have always been two main kinds of learning: academic and experiential. Most of us have an inclination toward one or the other, but the reality is that both are necessary for learning. Knowledge doesn’t do anyone much good if... more/más/suite

Puppies and goats are welcome at the table

May we learn from Jesus what God is truly like, crafting a plan to save the world, working in time and space to bring that plan to its glorious fulfillment and pouring out grace on individuals all along the way. May we learn from Jesus what we are... more/más/suite

A fruitful event

Following Jesus together across barriers Mennonite World Conference (MWC) global Assemblies are the equivalent of a Sunday meeting at a local congregation. Through the liturgy, we declare the sovereignty of Christ in our global church, challenging... more/más/suite

Together proclaim the “manifold wisdom of God”

India The missionaries from USA started Mennonite mission work in central India, presently Chhattisgarh state in November 1899. They began with philanthropic works, providing relief to the drought-stricken people. The first baptism of 43 new... more/más/suite

The brightest and best

Canada It was 20 years ago when my husband and I were mourning the messy demise of our church, which had destabilized during the renewalism of the 1990s. I felt both cynical and yet wistful, regarding the charismatic. In search of sanity, stability... more/más/suite

Pentecostalism, Anabaptism and the Africa Christian climate

Zimbabwe Pentecostalism has become the most rapidly growing expression of Christianity in the world today. Anabaptists in the African context are not foreigners to this reality. The desire to break free from missionary control, or better put ‘a... more/más/suite

Exuberance for the Spirit

Brazil For many Brazilian evangelicals, Pentecost is not a one-time event of the past. There is a clear awareness of the Spirit in daily life. About 70 percent of evangelical churches in Brazil are Pentecostal and the others are influenced by the... more/más/suite

Worshipping a living and active Spirit

Germany My church journey in and out of Mennonite and Pentecostal traditions begins before I was born. Because of a thoughtless and frankly embarrassing comment from the pulpit toward her at age 15, my mother left the Mennonite church at the age of... more/más/suite

Meet your Executive Committee

An Executive Committee is elected from the General Council and meets annually. Two members from each continental region are elected from the General Council; a president and vice-president are also elected by the General Council. A president-elect... more/más/suite

Living out the gospel as received

Vietnam History There are two expressions of Anabaptism in Vietnam: Hội Thánh Mennonite Việt Nam (Vietnam Mennonite Church - VMC) was founded in 1964 by the Vietnam Mennonite Mission, a ministry of Eastern Mennonite Missions begun in 1957. After a... more/más/suite

Connected by the Spirit

Assembly is a life changing experience. This event every six years was the “conference” in Mennonite World Conference for several decades. It remains a highlight for members around the world – both those who are working daily to foster connections... more/más/suite